New City Grower 2.0

Freaking awesome!
:thanks: Guys & gals...
Here's a few things I found while trying to figure out when an outdoor plant in this city will start flowering.

Copy & Paste:

August 2, 2014 NYC
Day length
14h 16m 35s
-2m 3s shorter

new york outdoors - Outdoor Medical ...
› Outdoor Medical Marijuana Growing

ive been doing alot of researching for an outdoor high altitude grow in the Ny metro ... It will begin flowering at the end of July,

I almost find these 2 as a contradiction to each other. Doesn't the sunrise/sunset have to reach 12/12 before an outdoor photo plant can go into flower? I've done this research to figure out when to expect my Fire Escape Girls to start flowering.

Any feedback from you outdoor growers would be greatly appreciated.
What is the day length in your region when your photos start showing pre-flowers, What date do you usually see this, etc..., etc...
My plants have just begun flowering which they normally do in the beginning of August/late July for me.

It does not have to be "12/12" for the plant to start flowering.

Since the plant can detect how fast the light is changing, day by day, it is signaled to it that the amount of light is steadily decreasing toward fall, that steady decrease in light is what sparks the surge of flowering hormones.
Awe, so many peeps loving on you!

I wish I was brave enough to defol my plants. I am torn between what I always thought I knew, which is the more foliage, the more the plant can photosynthesize, OR, removing foliage to allow light deeper into the buds. Hmm. I'm just going to keep watching this method.

It looks really good. As good as Fifi's defols for sure. Good going.

You should think of defoliating as culturing future flower sites.
My plants have just begun flowering which they normally do in the beginning of August/late July for me.

It does not have to be "12/12" for the plant to start flowering.

Since the plant can detect how fast the light is changing, day by day, it is signaled to it that the amount of light is steadily decreasing toward fall, that steady decrease in light is what sparks the surge of flowering hormone
Thanxx for your prompt feedback Mr. Relaxed. So I should be expecting to see something happening on those two fire escape girls any day now. I can't wait!

Brooklyn you should take KJC's advice. Even the emergency defoliating (along with rectifying their deficiencies) I've done previously on my issue plagued plants to remove dead leafs helped the growth of the inner bud sites.

One thing I did notice while doing that was on the nodes without any pre-flowers yet buds didn't form after removing the fan leaf. I was to the point where I said I'll never remove anymore dead leafs but instead would let them fall off on their own. Even a couple of days ago on my first scheduled defol I didn't remove any fan leafs from nodes that hadn't shown any pistils yet.

I must admit that after only the 2nd day I can see the difference in the pistils of the branches I opened up. LET THERE BE LIGHT...

Now I'm even thinking about defoliating my return edition to the Bloom Tent, STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy, Double re-veg) who's only on her 3rd day under 12/12. Who knows, I may even take a few cuttings and try my hand at that method I'm scared to mention. (It starts with a C) :slide:
Yeah Jaga, I'm pretty sure I remember that dude..
Ah, poor thing you...
At least I did a lot of gardening yesterday. That's what killed my back, but tomorrow I'm back in physical therapy. I wanna be a strong girl!

I'd love to be in NYC today, walking in the park.
Mark came home yesterday and actually said my RV idea is really looking better and better and that he may come home from work very soon and say, let's go! Oh how great would that be? Scary, but what an adventure.

First stop, Colorado!
It's raining here...
Best belated birthday wishes my friend! :) looking all kinds of nice in here as usual. Just keep on doin as your doin and that means fridays as well :) :)
Thanxx Professor Flux...

Aug 3, 2014​

(Regular) Day 86

I brought her inside off the fire escape to check for sex and re-arrange her camouflage. She also needs to be rotated so I put the camouflage on the opposite side that will face the street & sun and also raised it as you can see she had outgrown it. But it seems she's completed her stretch. :phew: I didn't see any signs of sex, male nor female.




I also inspected her roommate,
Pepé Le Pew (Skunk) who's on day 91 without bringing her inside. she's showing no signs of sex either.

Well I think you will look funny with long blonde hair and boobs.....:circle-of-love:
You just made my day with that one Fifi.

In other news, after 6 days the
Black to Black bean has started to tap-root... :cheer:

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