New City Grower 2.0

Thanxx for your prompt feedback Mr. Relaxed. So I should be expecting to see something happening on those two fire escape girls any day now. I can't wait!

I would imagine there may be street lights that could prolong the sexual determination of your plant by some amount of time. Especially if they have not been exposed to them for their whole entire life up to this day.

In short, yeah, they should show sex very soon. But I don't know if they'll have time to completely ripen up out there being that you are in NY and the weather changes drastically after August and into late September.

Best of luck :)

Well, you figure since Sept 21 is equinox, which is 12/12 day, then wherever you are, that would trigger the onset of flowering; right?
Spimp was that a Notorious BIG ref there; there was a 50cent ref earlier; 2 in one journal.

They don't just wait for the ONE day where light is closest to 12/12 to flower. The plants are calculated, evolved, and intelligent organisms that have attuned their senses to the Sun completely. They notice small changes in light, not just the total amount. Remember that the term "12/12" outside is just flat out wrong since the Sun is constantly moving throughout the sky and the hours are not a constant value.

If all of our plants BEGUN flowering on the equinox than I can assure you that cannabis would not be the plant that it is today. It would be far less successful in terms of reproduction. The reason it doesn't wait until then is because it would be too late! The "early detection system" of cannabis is truly amazing. Their photo sensitivity goes hand in hand with being able to calculate what we call in math as the "first derivative of light", the rate of change. The ability to prepare for fall in advance is duly noted.

In other words, if BAR's plant started flowering on September 23. I can assure you there would be no successful harvest. Even for me down in SoCal, if my plants started flowering that late they would miss out on the great Sun to flower with in August.

So I stand with my original claim that these plants are very intelligent and calculated organisms! :)
High Reg PePe is looking sweet I think she really likes her dress:circle-of-love:
Pepé Le Pew (Skunk) is the little short broad out there Jaga. The one in the dress is the big girl, KERALA X SKUNK #1.

Everything you said makes perfect sense to me Lester. I remember back when I was still just thinking about doing a full grow out there I was paying close attention to a convo on someone's thread discussing how stray light isn't really a factor if the plant is getting it the same way approximately at the same time everyday. The floor I live on is above the street lights but you know it's never really dark in this city, not like when you go out-of-town.

They've both been out there since they were seedlings so I think it's safe to say they've adapted. Again, Thanxx a million for your input. I feel a much more confident about there status now.
just looking out the window at how close the next apartment is, made me paranoid.... I don't think I could grow on a balcony :bitingnails:
If you mean the apt. across the hall from me who shares the same fire escape, she smokes also and the plants are actually on my window ledge. So unless they come out on the fire escape to my side they don't see the plants and we're really too high to notice them from the street. The camouflage is more for the buildings across the street from me.

PS: A thread I think everyone should check is CO's Finest. It blew my mind...
Wow I get nervous about neighbors in a state where its legal! Can't imagine growing on a fire escape in NYC. I love the camo you're using :circle-of-love:
And yeah, my plants started flowering pretty early this year, even despite the fact that a stupid motion sensor light (now dealt with, no more light during night time!) would go on every night at random, and we were also supposedly getting 14 hrs daylight (I think skunny came by my thread and pointed that out there too) .. I'm sure your outdoor ladies will flower soon like our Relaxed friend says, I'm just hoping your weather stays warm enough to get you through harvest, I've been in NYC in late autumn before, it was brutally cold, felt colder to me than being 14k feet in the air at the top of Breckenridge ski resort in winter..
I really like CO Finest's thread too.
Good day Mr. Reg! :ciao::passitleft:
Shoot, Now you all are making me nervous!
I would have a little more bravery if I knew the person next door smoked too :goodjob:
Hiding in plain sight is pretty effective. Bar's plants are not very visible from the street. The neighbors tend to mind their own business. In city terms the police have better things to worry about than someone who has a couple of "what MIGHT be" pot plants on the fire escape. The operation has a slight edge to it, but is probably safe enough. He's probably way safer than most folks in middle America would be with a couple of plants in the back yard.
Hiding in plain sight is pretty effective. Bar's plants are not very visible from the street. The neighbors tend to mind their own business. In city terms the police have better things to worry about than someone who has a couple of "what MIGHT be" pot plants on the fire escape. The operation has a slight edge to it, but is probably safe enough. He's probably way safer than most folks in middle America would be with a couple of plants in the back yard.
middle america with a couple plants in the back yard..... yep thats me lol! funny story...or rather horrific, to me... just the other day, maybe a week ago, my neighbors who are moving out had a lawn/hedge service come and tidy up their front and back yards for the open house. Trimming bushes, cutting grass, etc. I put a table up to block my plants from view but the top of my biggest one was still over it if you stood in the right spot, I figured no worries they won't notice, after all the old lady and guy who lived there for so long were utterly and blissfully ignorant of my plants growing so close by. Well, WRONG. I go back out there to see how my plants are, and I see a guy with a weed whacker on his shoulder point over at me and my plants to a colleague, and 30 mins later when they were all finished and packing up, their manager (at least he seemed in charge) came over and asked me if I had a joint (well, if I had one rolled up) and said, "You've got some nice...gardens" :whoa: I just smiled and said nope, sorry.
Freaked me out a bit, maybe I'm a paranoia queen (ok definitely, but you think I'm bad, you should meet my Mom, she would bar every window in my house like a jail if she could just convince my Dad) but every morning since, I've woken up and rushed out to see my plants half expecting to find a couple missing, despite that they're only in early flowering.

Come to think of it I bet BAR's are actually safer as well... oh well. Beautiful plants Reg! :peacetwo::passitleft:
GOOD! Bring em in.

Oh Just RELAX :ganjamon:
Why is it that this was the exact response I was expecting from you Lester. PJ's pretty much on point with how I feel about the whole thing so stop all the madness before one of you jinx me.

You're going to enjoy that Wild Thailand Organics, remember I told you so...
:thanks: Guys & gals...
Here's a few things I found while trying to figure out when an outdoor plant in this city will start flowering.

Copy & Paste:

I almost find these 2 as a contradiction to each other. Doesn't the sunrise/sunset have to reach 12/12 before an outdoor photo plant can go into flower? I've done this research to figure out when to expect my Fire Escape Girls to start flowering.

Any feedback from you outdoor growers would be greatly appreciated.
What is the day length in your region when your photos start showing pre-flowers, What date do you usually see this, etc..., etc...

BAR, I'm at 37º North & have about the same start flower dates as R. Lester posted. Last year flowering seemed early. This yr. late. On this date 8 in full bloom last yr., only 2 this year. I've been wondering if the long heat wave here has put them so much in survival mode that they may not have extra energy to go into full bloom? IDK. If photosynthesis supposedly grinds to a halt after 90-92º, then there's no way these plants are going into bloom in this heat wave.
Makes sense. We just went through a long heatwave during the last half of July Brightlight.
It's been 98 degrees here since June. Mine are all flowering their heads off. I do believe plants will slow in heat and/or sometimes even go dormant, and that is a survival mechanism plants undergo, but not in 90 degrees. Not cannabis. It grows in Vietnam in heat and humidity you can swim in. Also grows in the tropics, and many places which get and stay much hotter than it does up in NYC.

And hey, I'm the one who gave the idea of camouflage, so I'm not trying to jinx you. Silly.
There are a bunch of factors that affect flowering dates for cannabis outside. The number of hours of daylight is the most influential. Remember that the farther North you are (in the Northern Hemisphere,) the longer the days get in the summer, and the shorter the days get in the winter. There is a bigger swing.

In NYC right now, there are 14 hours and 12 minutes between sunrise and sunset. Where I live farther South there are 13 hours and 38 minutes. My plants started flowering at about 14 hours and 8 minutes between sunrise and sunset ~ July 21st.

Because BAR is farther North, the length of the days will shorten much more quickly that they do here moving forward. By the end of the month his daylight time will be shorter than mine.

It is pretty easy to find a chart of sunrise and sunset times for a location online. A fun comparison to make is between Southern California and Northern California. It's a big state! Plants in So Cal typically start flowering about two weeks before plants in Nor Cal.
Thanxx Brooklyn and PJ. I hate to change the subject but someone swiped my container of lasangna from the fridge. There's going to be some furniture moving on this floor today...
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