New City Grower 2.0

Thanxx to the whole gang for making this such a memorable 420 birthday. I had to log back in to ask if it's a good idea to use Bone meal as a feed supplement once during your grow instead of adding it to the soil mix.
Bone meal doesn't move that easily down into the soil if you add it on top. If there are not a lot of roots, you can top dress and gently scratch in about three inches or so. If you have a lot of roots, don't do it this way. Sometimes I have made holes in the soil using a chop stick and dropped bone meal in, but now I use soft rock phosphate. I get better results. Bone meal is perfectly fine for P.

It may not give you the result you need if you top dress with it.

I've used Gatorade in a pinch for potassium or K, but that is a different story.
Happy b-day BAR!!! :theband:
Happy Birthday Reg! last hour, I think...:circle-of-love:

Great looking harvest!

Nurse Betty looks like an instant quadraflux!
Betty has been put to bed and a shot at a new life. Looking good BAR. Nice harvest. :thumb:

Damn Bro!!! :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:


Wicked Good Job!
Bone meal doesn't move that easily down into the soil if you add it on top. If there are not a lot of roots, you can top dress and gently scratch in about three inches or so. If you have a lot of roots, don't do it this way. Sometimes I have made holes in the soil using a chop stick and dropped bone meal in, but now I use soft rock phosphate. I get better results. Bone meal is perfectly fine for P.

It may not give you the result you need if you top dress with it.

I've used Gatorade in a pinch for potassium or K, but that is a different story.
Maybe I didn't word it right. What I was trying to ask is can I add Bone meal to my liquid feed; The gallon of water that you add your nutes into to pour into the soil when you feed.
Maybe I didn't word it right. What I was trying to ask is can I add Bone meal to my liquid feed; The gallon of water that you add your nutes into to pour into the soil when you feed.

Okay, more specific then. Bone meal is really an additive and not something you would use to "fertilize" your plants or add P. It is not water soluble, first of all. It will not move, but worse is there is no way of knowing how much you are adding; in what percentage and that can be toxic. You can overdose P very easily.

The reason why it is generally used as an additive to potting mixes is not to get it mixed in as much as it is to have the ability to control dosage. It would be something like 5 gallons peat moss add 1 cup of bone meal. Like that. If you use it incorrectly it can hurt the plant.

I don't think you worded it incorrectly. My answer was not thorough enough. Does it make more sense now?
Happy Birthday BAR. Not to disagree with GF because she knows her stuff, but I top dress a little more bone meal and rock phosphate around transition time to re-up the supply I added to initial soil mix. I like the slower release of dry nutrients and like to think anyway that this mid grow top dress gives me a little P insurance through bloom.

Thanxx to the whole gang for making this such a memorable 420 birthday. I had to log back in to ask if it's a good idea to use Bone meal as a feed supplement once during your grow instead of adding it to the soil mix.
I gave reggie a way to top dress. I have no real problem with that outside of how much gets used. I also said I don't use bone meal any more and made the switch to soft rock P. It seems to be more available and gives a better result for most flowering plants. Cannabis may be different, but not likely.

I have a question. Since cannabis has slight variants in what their bracts look like, how do they keep the strains so clean? Like with a plant family such as...Composite or daisy family. All daisies are going to have daisy flower parts and each variety will have distinguished characteristics which don't change or diminish; they are stable, but it takes many years to develop and get seed.

That is how they identify plant species, varieties, strains, etc, by flower parts. That is why they class them into larger families, then break them down. Do they do this with cannabis also? I know there are species in the Kush, Haze, Skunk, etc. From these many hybrids are developed. I can't see how the industry keeps all of that clean, all the while having infighting among themselves and each other about who discovered what and whose strain is the real one, etc.
Thanxx you all. I pretty much have the top dressing method already figured out & have done it on one of my plants in Bloom. I was just wondering if I could add it directly to my water feed.



What I did was play it safe & sprinkle 1/2 tablespoon on the soil of
QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand, Re-veg) avoiding the trunk area as stated. Then gently rubbed it into the soil. After this I mixed 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salt to a gallon of tap & balanced it to 6.5 PH. I watered it generously. This was done 2 days ago & you've seen how healthy she looked earlier today.

This should add the benefits of the Bone Meal & also help with the Cal/Mag issues accompanied with growing under LEDs. As a lot of you subbed here know I had a major Phosphorous issue and a slight Cal/Mag issue with my last run.
BAR, another product I use is EB Stone Organics Ultra Bloom, 0-10-10. The P is from bone meal. It is granular and seems to dissolve better than plain bone meal. EBS is CA company so don't know if sold where you're at. I add a tbsp/plant in transition. I prefer Sul Po Mag (aka langbenite) over epsom. Gives some K along w/ the Mg & S at slow release rate. Also part of my transition top dress.

My liquid bloom feeds are teas with high P guano. I learned something new at Max Yield show last Sun. Vital Earth products are all organic and a line I've been using more and more. The owner explained that seabird P is best for flavors & bat P is best for density & structure. Hope I didn't get them reversed. Haha. I'm ok because I use their combined bat & seabird version.
BrightLight, It's a pleasure to have you aboard. When you say "transition top dress" do you mean when you switch to the flowering stage (12/12)? If so, your the first one I've noticed that does this as part of their growing ritual. This is part of the reason I need to get more involved with other threads but I'm subbed to so many I can barely keep up already even though I have plenty of online time to do with as I please at work. I look forward to picking your brain.
Yeah BAR, that's what I mean by "transition". Also a last opportunity for me to hit them with a good dose of N. Right now I just have outdoor garden, too hot to start new indoor run. Too damn hot even for the outdoor ladies. I have to guess on outdoor timetable. You're scaring me a bit by telling me I'm the only one doing something. LOL. But I see our gardening as a skill based Art Form. And add a dose of good luck.
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