New City Grower 2.0

But I curse like a sailor.
As do I when in the right company but over the years I've learned that I never disturb anyone by not cursing but there's always the chance of someone being offended when I do. I can turn it on & off almost like a light switch now.
You'd be surprised to see how many people visit our threads that don't or (non-members who can't) reply. 420 is one of the busiest Grow sites when it comes to Visitors & members alike.
I need as little assistance from a few of you defol experts. I know KJC says he does his first round of defoliage around flower day 20 something but being that she's a re-veg I'm assuming it would be earlier. Is she ready for it and how do I go about it? Do I completely strip her or what. I'd like for someone to give me a step by step walk through. This will be my first real scheduled defol.




I have a much different understanding of defoliation applied at the proper time line to enhance vegetative growth and flowering. You can see examples of how I defoliate and train my plants in my Grow Journals and Reviews. I would defoliate in vegetative growth 7-10 days before flowering to remove excess fan leaves and open more light to branches and nodes that become bud sites and colas. I defoliate in vegetative growth by removing any fan leaves that are excessively shading the branches and nodes to encourage the nodes to grow larger and produce more colas. I use Low Stress Training to tie the branches of my plants to the outer edge of the rim of the pots and each branch becomes its own bud site and cola. When I defoliate in preparation for flower I leave no more then 4 fan leaves at each growing top and remove the majority of the fan leaves, any fan leaf that shades a top and lower growth, this is a perfect time to select cuttings to root as clones from the plants you are about to place into flower. I defoliate in flower at days 21-25 of flower when the stretch phase has ended by removing lower growth that will not produce anything except for popcorn bud and any fan leaf that shades a bud site and again if required at day 45.

KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review
Close Eyes. Picture Tree.
Open Eyes. Make Tree.

You got this Reg.
Trust your self and your instincts and get to plucking.
Enjoy it, because it will be the last time you worry about it my man... After that it becomes a little too much fun. :)
It's my birthday,

It's my birthday,

We're going to party like it's my birthday,'

We're going to sip Bacardi like it's my birthday.

And you know we don't give a darn if it's not your BIRTHDAY...

:thanks: Everyone...

Let's get this party started!


And now some defol...

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand, Re-Veg) Day 47 / Day 15 under 12/12

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