New City Grower 2.0

Wow, those must have been there good while! I'd say at least three weeks to a month of growth on there.

I'm completely thrilled for you my friend!

No way...
This is crazy neighbor... Don't let me find ur block bro. I'll be out there daily. Like I'm panhandling for change... Lol
I can't believe more of those girls don't go into shock coming out of that filthy salty concrete hard soil into your loving hands.
On that note Jam, Hood Rat #2 is a wrap... :rip:



& I don't think the two new ones that were wilted are going to make it either.
Healthy looking #6 (bottom right) along with the not so healthy looking #7 and #8


QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand, Re-Veg) Day 46 / Day 14 under 12/12

I need as little assistance from a few of you defol experts. I know KJC says he does his first round of defoliage around flower day 20 something but being that she's a re-veg I'm assuming it would be earlier. Is she ready for it and how do I go about it? Do I completely strip her or what. I'd like for someone to give me a step by step walk through. This will be my first real scheduled defol.



How are you digging them up, Reg? Best practice would be to use a cheap garden trowel to extract as much of the dirt and rootball intact as you can. Then, transplant them into a good sized pot of better soil with the rootball and original soil in place. Water well, stand back, don't water too soon, and watch it rip.
I believe I'm getting the whole root ball PJ but I haven't been leaving any of the old soil intact. I shake it all off as it looks so "Dirtyish" if you know what I mean. Just some unhealthy looking dirt.
You figure with the way that dirt looks that less than 15% of the seeds those Juvenile delinquents are tossing under that tree are sprouting. I'm just glad they smoke weed that still has seeds. I'd be ready to get my money back if my guy sold me a bag full of seeds. Then again maybe not. I'm a grower now.
Any pointers on the defol of Queen Thai (Wild Thailand, Re-veg)?
Think about it his way, Reg. Those plants got going just fine in that dirt. If you shake it off you are going to bruise their egos. Leave the dirt around them intact. Offer them a garden of Eden as they expand. Don't SHAKE THE BABY! They never stop crying when you do.
Reg, next time just leave the dirt (which cannot be confused with soil) in place. The roots will grow past it into your nice soft mix. When you disturb the root ball the root hairs fall off or get damaged and those are the structures which function to uptake water, nutrients, air, etc. If those were my plants all wilted like that I would put a dome over it with moisture sprayed in there and kept moist (leaves, not soaking soil) and just give them time to develop some new root hairs.

Unless you don't want to bother. In that case, que sera sera!
Reg, next time just leave the dirt (which cannot be confused with soil) in place. The roots will grow past it into your nice soft mix. When you disturb the root ball the root hairs fall off or get damaged and those are the structures which function to uptake water, nutrients, air, etc. If those were my plants all wilted like that I would put a dome over it with moisture sprayed in there and kept moist (leaves, not soaking soil) and just give them time to develop some new root hairs.

Unless you don't want to bother. In that case, que sera sera!

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand, Re-Veg) Day 46 / Day 14 under 12/12

I need as little assistance from a few of you defol experts. I know KJC says he does his first round of defoliage around flower day 20 something but being that she's a re-veg I'm assuming it would be earlier. Is she ready for it and how do I go about it? Do I completely strip her or what. I'd like for someone to give me a step by step walk through. This will be my first real scheduled defol.




First off that looks incredible for a reveg. Looks like a completely different/new plant. Nice.

About the defol. You just pluck a bit of fan leaves off, start with the bottom most leaves to try to introduce some more upward airflow through that little "canopy". It will also expose more of the lower-bud sites to the light. You don't have to go crazy and strip her to the bone, in fact, I wouldn't strip her to the bone. Just open her up a tad bit by plucking some of the really large fan leaves that are covering some lower sites, aim for those.

Hope this helps :Namaste:
Speaking of defol, does anyone think I should take some off the outdoor plants to give some airflow in the center? Everything is so stiff and tight. Plants are very woody, but maybe they are supposed to be that way outside. Wind?

Your plant looks incredible. Are you using Growology on this one also?
Thanxx Lest. Tomorrow's my birthday so I'm taking the day off.. I'll be on it in the morning. I'll be in plant heaven during the early part of the day before everyone starts with all the Hoopla. I may even harvest NURSE BETTY (Royal Medic).
Can't think of a better way to spend the first half of my B/day than doing the hobby I love.

And yes Brooklyn. Everything I'm growing is now on a GROWOLOGY / SNS regiment.
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