New City Grower 2.0

Yeah, I kinda knew that your doobies were different than European ones :rollit:
Happy birthday Reg!!!! Now I'm subbed :) Sorry it took so long, but I suppose today's as good a day as any!!
Sir Reg, Here is my gift to you on this special day---


Enjoy My Friend.
Sorry for the late response, PeeJay. The book I took that pH chart from more approaches the plant as a hemp crop, grown outside. It doesn't really cover any hydroponic information, so I don't have a separate pH chart for that.
The buzz chart is cool though; wish I could grow and smoke something past a 3 on it :straightface:
Happy birthday Reg!!!! Now I'm subbed :) Sorry it took so long, but I suppose today's as good a day as any!!
Couldn't of picked a better day SoulGirl. I can't even put into words the 420 circle of love I'm feeling here this morning. You guys and gals are the worlds greatest... :circle-of-love:

And now for a look at my first ever scheduled Defol. I also did some super-cropping to open her up.

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand, Re-Veg) Day 47 / Day 15 under 12/12






:happy-birthday::woohoo:....Happy Birthday B A R , hope it's a Buzzy one :peace:
P.S. that's great product placement I hope they are paying attention :morenutes:
:happy-birthday::woohoo:....Happy Birthday B A R , hope it's a Buzzy one :peace:
Without a doubt Chops! This is how I've started the day...





P.S. that's great product placement I hope they are paying attention :morenutes:
Are you saying I did a good job on her? I hope so. I took everyone's advice and added Cronic's twist of super-cropping to it. Now every bud site is open to light. Not bad for my first attempt.
Did you experience what I talked about? First few mins of this--- :lot-o-toke:

Then after you got in there it turns to this--- :riskybusiness:

p.s. it looks good! :thumb:
:smokin: Yes sir...
:happy-birthday: to you :happy-birthday: to you :happy-birthday: BAR :happy-birthday: to you!!!! It's party time :party::party::theband::tommy::party::party:
Awe, so many peeps loving on you!

I wish I was brave enough to defol my plants. I am torn between what I always thought I knew, which is the more foliage, the more the plant can photosynthesize, OR, removing foliage to allow light deeper into the buds. Hmm. I'm just going to keep watching this method.

It looks really good. As good as Fifi's defols for sure. Good going.
large hands and feet... :rofl::rofl::rofl: awesome! :green_heart:
I've been known to exaggerate a little but this is turning into one of my best birthdays ever.
The little one's got something up her sleeve, the ole lady's coming over after work & she thinks my feet are the perfect size, I've been showered with 420 love all morning, did my first scheduled defol, and on top of all that...


NURSE BETTY (Royal Medic) Day 95 / Day 57 under 12/12








She's been placed in the Veg Tent to re-veg.

NURSE BETTY (Royal Medic, Re-Veg) Day 1



STACK A DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, Double Re-veg) Day 32 / Day 1 under 12/12

She's been moved from the Veg Tent & into the Bloom Tent.


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