New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Aww man, how could get tired of seafood! Especially oysters...drizzled with lemon juice...and some cayenne pepper. YUM :yummy:

But enough of that! Glad to see everything is running smoothly, except for little miss Rachel! I'm not liking the fact that she is still so small! I would give her another week before considering a transplant into that fine NYC compost you have there!
Re: New City Grower

That's starting to sound like a plan AG.
Re: New City Grower

Glad to see everything is running smoothly, except for little miss Rachel! I'm not liking the fact that she is still so small! I would give her another week before considering a transplant into that fine NYC compost you have there!
& sick looking!

At this rate she might not make it another week. Let's do that transplant now!

Re: New City Grower

Yeah LA, that was a factor in my decision.

Nov. 26, 2013

I decided to re-plant on the fire escape this time as I made a total mess of the bathroom last week when changing the medium in another pot. I hope exposing the roots to the cold temps outside doesn't cause too much shock. The whole ordeal took less than 20 mins..



This was the last of the NYC COMPOST so I started with half & half, compost & VERMICULITE. But as you see below it was only enough to fill 2/3rds of the pot. I made sure all the roots were in this medium.


To top the pot off I used the SCIENTIFIC SOILS but it's not touching the roots. I didn't mix it with the NYC COMPOST & VERMICULITE. Would you believe that after 5 days (Nov, 21) since the 2 gallon flush of that SCIENTIFIC SOILS it was still damp?


Back in the tent....

Re: New City Grower

>>> At this rate she might not make it another week. Let's do that transplant now!

I think you are right, but it is your call!

And whatever you do, just don't move to LONG ISLAND :laughtwo:
Done AG! & don't worry, I wouldn't go out THAT far. I have to be able to at least see the city. LOL
Re: New City Grower

Uh Oh, not a good sign. Less than an hour after the transplant...

Re: New City Grower

she'll be ok (I hope). you better save her, that plant has killer sativa traits to it. make sure she's warm and give her time :love:
Re: New City Grower

Have you seen this happen before B?
Re: New City Grower

Have you seen this happen before B?

yeah. all my tomato plants were like this when I transplanted them too roughly. it took them a couple days to stand back up, but they did.

let me see if I can find the pictures in my gallery.
Re: New City Grower

& they bounced back?
Re: New City Grower

Don't worry, she will need time to adjust from the shock of the transplant, as her roots were not something to be proud of :/ She really did not like that SNS. Give her a day or two, and she should pop right back up IF she is healthy enough. You won't see new growth for a week or so because those roots really will need some time to develop and absorb the nutrients from the ol' Big Apple!

Good Vibes being sent your way ;)
Re: New City Grower

maybe too much moisture in the soil give her a few days to dry out and get out of transplant shock before you assess
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx AG, I'm getting to attached to these plants. I'm going BAZONKERS over here. I was ready to dial 911! You know how when the bank robber goes to the hospital talking about "OK I plead guilty! Now save her!!!"
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