New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

yeah, I updated the post with pictures. next time dig her out instead of ripping her out. it does take 3-5 days.
Thanxx B, but I didn't pull her up. I rolled the pot around & let all the soil fall out with the entire plant. And that tomato plant still looked 5x perkier than RACHEL SUAVAY does right now. EDIT... Rico, how can you LIKE those pics of your God-daughter falling all over herself like that.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx B, but I didn't pull her up. I rolled the pot around & let all the soil fall out with the entire plant. And that tomato plant still looked 5x perkier than RACHEL SUAVAY does right now.

not sure how cause my plants had literally no roots left on them LOL

I was new to growing then and I was getting really frustrated and fucked up every transplant I did that day -_-
Re: New City Grower

Maybe I should have made a Video. LOL
Re: New City Grower

I'm off, It's Tuesday & you know the rest...
Re: New City Grower

Yes sir God-daddy!!!
Re: New City Grower

Something fishy going on here... in Reg's bedroom.
Re: New City Grower


Annie can't mess with RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk). This will make all you God-parents, Uncles, Bruncles & Aunties proud! Mind you, all this happened within 35 mins. I feel like I'm watching her grow. This is a New Level of staring at your plants, I swear! The fact that I'm HIGH is multiplying this experience. I wish every last one of you could be here to witness this. It's like.....AHH Forget about it!! Here's the pics......


Tell me it's not the WEED :tokin: :wood:
Re: New City Grower

Is the weed making your cam lie b/c it looks like she's standing up from what I see.
Re: New City Grower

You guys told me she'd be a fast grower but DAMN!
Re: New City Grower

blah blah blah trim blah duty blah blah blah whet blah blah blah :partyboy:
:) Sorry Dresney, Blackberry Kush made me do it. :rofl:

Reg, Ive had soil stay moist for two weeks. You will like the vermiculite although with the other soil on top, how will you avoid wet top layer, dry bottom layer? :hmmmm: Also, thought Id say imo dont strip so much soil next time. Leave a baseball-ish size clump to help keep the shock down.

That said, those pics of b.reals look promising and reassuring that she can come back.

She seemed to be pretty healthy so Im sure she willbe perky in 36 mins... :ciao: Reg.
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