New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Gusting winds? Id say, blew mine over 3 times before I could get em all braced up. Its a good thing these girls are tough because they take a beating outside when its windy.
You might want to bring them inside. they're talking up to 30 mph wind gust this evening.
Re: New City Grower

You might want to bring them inside. they're talking up to 30 mph wind gust this evening.

The next time they come in they will not be leaving. which will be within the next day or two for two of them then another week for the other two. 2 plants enter, no plants leave!! 2 plants enter, no plants leave!! Just like Thunder Dome only totally different. And with much better smells Im sure :)
Re: New City Grower

Don't say anything negative about BROKE-B-CLONA !!! That's my God Daughter. :geek: Don't think cause I'm a internet Geek I wont put it on you.

:thumb: She came to me as a brutal clone. She is showing much promise now :) New growth is looking good though!

One thing I will share is that it is a smoother finish, and it dries out much more even and the drying time stays the same as plants that are not washed. I know Docbud is in no way going to tell any of us to do something if it were to have negative effects for any of us. his info is solid.
:thumb: I can't wait to try it too.
TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS: SNS has decided to wave the postage & handling charges for DP's prizes. I would like to think it was because they noticed how we band together as a grower's community.

Nevertheless you each have $10 more to spend on some growing goodies this month. DP has thanked each & everyone of you through me via PM. He got a little too emotional but I understand. We're a real family here.
Thanxx Guys & gal... :circle-of-love: The circle of love continues

Damn that is pretty cool. I am glad to hear that it all worked out :)
Re: New City Grower

Im subbed but I wont be much help Im a soil man and grow outdoors but I will be attempting a sea of green indoor grow as soon as I reveg and clone. I picked up a 400 watt mh/hps. I may do a journal too.

I know how jetboy does Mondays. Monday night football with plenty of smoke, beer and hot wings.

Re: New City Grower

You do what you do what you do and trust that I will do it too.
Re: New City Grower





It's 6:45 & still daylight... The window technique's a mother. :;):
Re: New City Grower

I have a couple of name ideas, but give me til tomorrow so we get a really good one. :) Or maybe later if I get medicated to inspiration. ;):)

I usually use a single CFL or a double on seedlings with a "squeeze clamp shop light" under a cabinet. It makes for a great Veg chamber. :):)
Re: New City Grower

all nitrates.. yuck. I need to find some good organic stuff. right now im using urea-formaldehyde and urea plus some other nitrates which is probably just as terrible lol
Re: New City Grower

all nitrates.. yuck. I need to find some good organic stuff. right now im using urea-formaldehyde and urea plus some other nitrates which is probably just as terrible lol

What else would you suggest that plants eat?

They have to get their nitrogen and hydrogen from somewhere :scratchinghead:

and nitrates are usually where they get them from.

That's why we like soil bacteria : Nitrification
Re: New City Grower

Good day to you my friend and may your babies have a vitality form the start to rival the very fortitude of natures own boundaries. May they build in strength and character untill releasing their fury in a cacophony of budding beauty!

Ok... you have just outdone yourself LA:rofl:

Light Addict=The Shakespeare of Ganga
Re: New City Grower

I plan on harvesting Laverne in the next couple days. Would it be OK to cut her fan leafs this evening?
Re: New City Grower

What else would you suggest that plants eat?

They have to get their nitrogen and hydrogen from somewhere :scratchinghead:

and nitrates are usually where they get them from.

That's why we like soil bacteria : Nitrification

this is a cycle. the minerals are from the sky and in the earth. the plants convert these raw harsh minerals into plant tissue, which feeds the animals. when we feed our plants we either want raw minerals from the earth, or better yet, animal/plant waste that's already processed these raw harsh minerals chemicals (manure, fish emulsion, emulsified sea kelp, molasses from beets etc.)

then we have companies that synthesize fake minerals which are made of plastic and other garbage. this was not originally part of the cycle and theyre very nasty. if these companies went out and harvested minerals from the earth it would be better, but we know they don't do that because that's more expensive.

for example, many companies use urea as their main nitrogen source.

Urea-formaldehyde, also known as urea-methanal, named so for its common synthesis pathway and overall structure,[1] is a non-transparent thermosetting resin or plastic, made from urea and formaldehyde heated in the presence of a mild base such as ammonia or pyridine. These resins are used in adhesives, finishes, MDF, and molded objects.

It was first synthesized in 1884 by Hölzer, who was working with Bernhard Tollens.[2] In 1919, Hanns John (1891–1942) of Prague, Czechoslovakia obtained the first patent for urea-formaldehyde resin.[3]

"Urea formaldehyde is also used in agriculture as a controlled release source of nitrogen fertilizer. Urea formaldehyde’s rate of decomposition into CO2 and NH3 is determined by the action of microbes found naturally in most soils. The activity of these microbes, and, therefore, the rate of nitrogen release, is temperature dependent. The optimum temperature for microbe activity is approximately 70-90 °F (approx 20-30°C)."

sure it makes the plant green and looks like its on steroids, but do I really want buds made of plastic? that just spells disease and not to mention harsh smoke. im surpised the soil life or biota even learned how to breakdown plastic. I hear fungus can even eat plastic nowadays (like on a plastic shower curtain)
Re: New City Grower

I plan on harvesting Laverne in the next couple days. Would it be OK to cut her fan leafs this evening?

Do whatever you want, Reg.

You will anyway :peace:

Nice diagram, WRB :)
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