New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS: SNS has decided to wave the postage & handling charges for DP's prizes. I would like to think it was because they noticed how we band together as a grower's community.

Nevertheless you each have $10 more to spend on some growing goodies this month. DP has thanked each & everyone of you through me via PM. He got a little too emotional but I understand. We're a real family here.
Thanxx Guys & gal... :circle-of-love: The circle of love continues
Re: New City Grower

We hope Magic Butter gives the same news, but still awaitin'.
Re: New City Grower

Damn, should have subbed to this before, I'll have to catch up..... for like 2 days! Thanks for putting our mind to ease, and stoked that DP is getting what he's earned, :420: rocks!
Re: New City Grower

Welcome aboard Dresney, we always have room for one more. On this thread we try to have as much fun as possible while learning. :yahoo:
Re: New City Grower

all my plants foxtail, that's how I know theyre done ;)

diesel foxtail.. skunk likes to show heavy sativa traits



some master kush foxtail (has skunk in it, but looks different compared to the chemdawg skunk aka diesel. this kush skunk was nice also but diesel is a bit more killer chemd is a strong sativa plant)
Re: New City Grower

Is there a downfall to developing outside? SHIRLEY spent his whole short life outside from bean to vegging & LAVERNE did also up until she started 12/12.

I think the X factor here is the seasonal variation, Reg.

They won't be getting more than 12 hrs of daylight outside now anyway.

You are right that outdoors is their natural habitat.

In Spring and Summer.

You can raise seedlings under 12/12

They finish in 10 weeks with one huge main cola, apparently.

I've been reading about it recently, it's a good utilization of space.

Here's the discussion thread :)

no-mercy-12/12 configuration

I would simply modify the technique to a couple of seeds planted every couple of weeks

You would have a perpetual harvest and no need for an extra veg area.
Re: New City Grower

Rico Suavay, I just did a quick read on "no-mercy-12/12 configuration". I'm not in a rush & I would like to grow bigger plants; bushes. I'd like to veg for extended periods, spend time focusing on clone techniques, & do some LST, HST, & Topping. From what I just read 12/12 with seedlings is not really an option for me at this time. Right now sunrise is around 5:30 & sunset is around 8:00. If I can harvest this week & then bring the seedlings inside & place them in the tent under 18/4 I don't believe they'll be any problem.
Re: New City Grower

18/4? Is the other 2 hours used for pocket time?
Re: New City Grower

18/4? Is the other 2 hours used for pocket time?

New York has strange daylight hours.

No wonder it's the city that never sleeps :scratchinghead:

Pocket therapy keeps 'em good and dark for the 2 "missing hours" :)
Re: New City Grower

BAR, you could keep a frog in that same pocket so when the little nuggets rub onto the frog's back, they will produce a trippy effect when smoked.
Re: New City Grower

BAR, you could keep a frog in that same pocket so when the little nuggets rub onto the frog's back, they will produce a trippy effect when smoked.

Homer Simpson would approve :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

WHAT?!?!? We love Reg 'round these parts. Just last week I was sayin that if Reg would come to town, I'd buy 4 tickets just to bring 3 friends. Reg is the man!
Re: New City Grower

18/4? Is the other 2 hours used for pocket time?
I'm not even going to edit that! You know what I meant & you know how I do before I leave for work. :bongrip:

Ok. so you have 14 1/2 hrs of Daylight,

While the rest of New York has 11 1/2 hours of Daylight

Sunrise and Sunset for U.S.A. ? New York ? New York ? coming days

How do you get so much sunlight? :scratchinghead:
I don't have any satellites or super high tech weather gadgets like the meteorologist or whatever you call that guy who determines night & day but my window works like new. It let's me know when it's sunny, cloudy, raining, windy, snowing, hailing, & even when it's night & day. :winkyface:

New York has strange daylight hours.

No wonder it's the city that never sleeps :scratchinghead:

Pocket therapy keeps 'em good and dark for the 2 "missing hours" :)
I've factor that in. With my key-chain flashlite that makes 13 1/2 of light. :laughtwo:

He he he! lovin it! Reg I didnt know that you have such a big fan base out there! Homer Simpson! Awesome lol.
Me either but I do know one thing. When I slip they let me have it & I know I deserve it.

Rest assured, I had to bring them inside this morning because there's a thunderstorm watch with gusting winds. Maybe we can figure something out together & not send them back out in the streets. After all Suavay Rico, RACHEL is your God-Daughter... :cheer: That Homer character is a piece of work... I really LIKE.

Speaking of God-Daughters Spimp, I noticed this morning that the next seed of HONEY HAZE popped open & is just about ready to tap-root. Since your so special I'll give you the honors of naming your God-Daughter. :Namaste:
Re: New City Grower

Gusting winds? Id say, blew mine over 3 times before I could get em all braced up. Its a good thing these girls are tough because they take a beating outside when its windy.
Re: New City Grower

do you mind taking a picture of the ingredients on both the tiger bloom and the big bloom?
Re: New City Grower

When I get home will do.
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