New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

One thing I will share is that it is a smoother finish, and it dries out much more even and the drying time stays the same as plants that are not washed. You got me thinking now so I must go research more. I know Docbud is in no way going to tell any of us to do something if it were to have negative effects for any of us. his info is solid.
Re: New City Grower

Keep me posted on this topic.
Re: New City Grower

One thing I will share is that it is a smoother finish, and it dries out much more even and the drying time stays the same as plants that are not washed. You got me thinking now so I must go research more. I know Docbud is in no way going to tell any of us to do something if it were to have negative effects for any of us. his info is solid.

Shotta, are you saying that Reg's auto-search & utubing along with extensive speed-reading did not deliver solid info? :scratchinghead:
Re: New City Grower

Shotta, are you saying that Reg's auto-search & utubing along with extensive speed-reading did not deliver solid info? :scratchinghead:

Not quite but I want to see what there claims are behind not washing so I can decide for myself.

I have looked into it a bit but not really delivering anything solid yet. The thing about the internet is you have to cross reference everything sometimes three times. All it takes is one guy to grow one decent plant and then the guy knows all, its these guys I am weary of.
Re: New City Grower

What it do Reg. Foxtailing is when a bud figures out she is gonna die and not make seeds. After all, an entire MJ buds job is to make seeds. Shedecided to produce new calyx's as the old withered hairs can no longer collect pollen. Thats why you see starch white Hairs sometimes coming out of buds that are ready for harvest. Also these calyx's will stack apon themselves and stickout from the bud some. so what you see is a nice rounded bud with new growth and new hairs sticking out.

BTW nice Photog skills on the babies. :)
Re: New City Grower

At what degree Fahrenheit is considered too cold for seedlings outside? TIC-TOCK TIC-TOCK... It's suppose to drop into the mid-50's tonight.
Re: New City Grower

What it do Reg. Foxtailing is when a bud figures out she is gonna die and not make seeds. After all, an entire MJ buds job is to make seeds. Shedecided to produce new calyx's as the old withered hairs can no longer collect pollen. Thats why you see starch white Hairs sometimes coming out of buds that are ready for harvest. Also these calyx's will stack apon themselves and stickout from the bud some. so what you see is a nice rounded bud with new growth and new hairs sticking out.

BTW nice Photog skills on the babies. :)
So I assume LAVERNE is foxtailing...


Why are your seedling outside, Reg?
No reason in particular. STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy)has been outside since I first put her in the pot after tap rooting. She sprouted outside. Isn't that their natural habitat? Without another timer I know I'll keep forgetting to put them in darkness. If they can stay out there till LAVERNE is harvested (1-2 wks) I can change the tent cycle to 18/6 for the seedlings & LAVERNE'S reveg.
Re: New City Grower

Is there a downfall to developing outside? SHIRLEY spent his whole short life outside from bean to vegging & LAVERNE did also up until she started 12/12.
Re: New City Grower

Hello LAVERNE! 'flashes of Laverne and Shirley intro goes through WRB head.... One of my ex's looks like Shirley hahaha she was a handful that one...

If anything seedling exposed to cold nights at first will either be beefy monsters all hardened off ready for plant UFC... I find cold makes them bounce back with a vengeance and twice the vigor as before... Cold makes them stasis sometimes too , if you manage it right the plants just stop growing and wait for temps to come back up then they resume growing like nothing happened. I would never recommend trying stuff like that if you are limited number of plants and time for meds n such cus it can take up to a week for them to perk up from stasis shock... I would not experiment with it too much myself I have no time to try things anymore it is all work now :( side note work makes me my meds so work is play too YAY!
Re: New City Grower

.... Isn't that their natural habitat? ...

Obviously there Natural Habitat is in a curbside city planter sir. ;)

She could be foxtailling, Ill try to hunt a better pic to show you. :nomo:
Re: New City Grower

ive had a couple of strains fox tail, its like the plants last stand of getting pollen, the plants ive had that foxtailed was only really the main cola and buds higher up the plant, i didnt get foxtailing lower down the plant, i had 1 plant that really bulked up due to foxtailing but not to the extent spimp posted,

its just the plant trying to survive and reproduce, i wonder if it can be bred into a plant, could it be possible to produce a plant that was always prone to foxtail, it would increase yield as long as it foxtailed before the rest of the plant went to far amber,
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