New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

For some fun I believe we have some cannabis history questions for you guys...
Re: New City Grower

And as the clock strikes midnight....I bid you all a VERY VERY goodnight :)
Thanks again Reg, Dres, KJC, Jimmy and all who too part..... :circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

Okay, so let's say a timer failure caused the lights to be on in the flower room 24/0 for almost two weeks. The plants exhibited foxtailing....and then started growing funky leaves. The timer issue was caught. What's the next step, immediately hit them with 12/12 schedule?

I would say yes immediately back to 12/12?
Re: New City Grower

In what country is the famous Kush mountains in?
In what year was weed made illegal?
What country was the 1st to legalize?

What country developed "tent" growing to a commercial level?
Of the past 5 years of Cannibis Cups, what medium were most winners grown in?
Re: New City Grower

Okay, so let's say a timer failure caused the lights to be on in the flower room 24/0 for almost two weeks. The plants exhibited foxtailing....and then started growing funky leaves. The timer issue was caught. What's the next step, immediately hit them with 12/12 schedule?

If the plants are foxtailing then they're likely quite mature.

I would not attempt further remedy, just chop and recover what harvest you can.
Re: New City Grower

The show's just keep getting faster and better each week.I would like to thank the other judge's and everyone who participated in tonight's show,and of coarse Reg and Dres.Great show tonight.
Thank you.:thumb:

great show ! :bravo:
Re: New City Grower

How long would you suggest KJC?

I believe you will need to allow enough time for the plant to start re growing normal leaves and then the plant can be placed back into flower.
Re: New City Grower

A very fun and informative episode indeed! Thank you judges and fellow contestants! And thank you Dresney and BAR for tirelessly putting this together for the benefit of everyone! :)
Re: New City Grower

Thank you Reg, Dres and our wonderful judges, another fine episode.

BB will be lurking around for another hour or so.

Dres, busy weekend my friend ?

I got bean trauma, splits but not much root, moved to a slightly warmer area.
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