New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Im late, but we all know blood family before circlefolk family,

what question number can I jump in on?

The METRIC on Trichy :)
Re: New City Grower

what would cause it renegade is too much moisture and not burping the jars enough or even taking the buds out for a bit to let it air out
the smell will tell you whats going on if you cant visually see the moisture
part of it is paying attention to the buds when your curing and making sure you don't under dry too much throw em in the jars too wet is asking for mildew

Imma burp my jars right after this show. :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

Ok mold is not something you want to inhale period I wouldn't give it to my worst enemy would trash it learn what I did wrong and correct it. I assume you prevent it by drying properly and burping your jars you cure in
Re: New City Grower

Ok where running out of time we need winners for 3 & 4. Dres hit em with the 5th & final question.
Re: New City Grower

Question 5

Say a grower decided to put his plant back into a vegetative state using a 24/0 light schedule after the plant had been in flower for a month. About how long would it take for him to see new veg growth? How long must the plant be vegged before it can be put back into flower again? What will happen to the original buds if they’re left untouched on the plant?
Re: New City Grower

The METRIC on Trichy :)
I think there's a metric question on open discussion but don't quote me on that. LOL
Re: New City Grower

Your thoughts John...
Re: New City Grower

a. about 2-3 weeks to see the new stuff comin out

veg as long as you want
bud sites will turn into multiple stems sites

reveg also known as monster cropping


I don't know if the buds will even be enough for monster croppin after 1 month in bloom kinda of a waste of time should flower it all the way and leave the small buds on the bottom for reveg and monster cropping
Re: New City Grower

Pick a Curtain Jammz​

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3
Re: New City Grower

Question 5

Say a grower decided to put his plant back into a vegetative state using a 24/0 light schedule after the plant had been in flower for a month. About how long would it take for him to see new veg growth? How long must the plant be vegged before it can be put back into flower again? What will happen to the original buds if they’re left untouched on the plant?

Blimey....not something I'm planning on doing EVER so PASS :)
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