New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Question 4

A friend has some noticed some mold on buds in his jar. Is there a way to recover the bud and wash it off? Is the bud safe to smoke? If not, what can he do with it?

I believe our good friend Ricorico had some success with washing recently.

Personally mine would hit the bin.
Re: New City Grower

I think once it's moldy it's bad bud no matter what you do to it.

As a friend I'd suggest he throw it all out. You do not want to smoke and inhale mold spores. That is high on the list of unhealthy things to do. I'd also suggest not to sell it to anybody. Just toss it and learn from the curing mistake.
Re: New City Grower

if I wash it I wouldn't smoke it maybe use it for some kind of oil or butter
I don't see a problem with that if not id just dump it
Re: New City Grower

I believe Cronic had the right answer originally for # 3 and just added to it on post # 5997
Re: New City Grower

As a friend I'd suggest he throw it all out. You do not want to smoke and inhale mold spores. That is high on the list of unhealthy things to do. I'd also suggest not to sell it to anybody. Just toss it and learn from the curing mistake.
I could not agree more. Having been caregiver for two cancer patients, I KNOW how dangerous mold spores are during chemo and bone marrow transplant processes! Toss IT
Re: New City Grower

Impatiently waiting on the answer to Question #4

This is likely to happen to us newbies at least once...LOL.

Patience is a virtue. everything here will be addressed.
Re: New City Grower

Im late, but we all know blood family before circlefolk family,

what question number can I jump in on?
Re: New City Grower

what would cause it renegade is too much moisture and not burping the jars enough or even taking the buds out for a bit to let it air out
the smell will tell you whats going on if you cant visually see the moisture
part of it is paying attention to the buds when your curing and making sure you don't under dry too much throw em in the jars too wet is asking for mildew
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