New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I had a timer failure a few weeks ago. It was only one day and it was lights off. No real issue there. I replaced the timer with an expensive outdoor lighting timer. Never thought I had a worry in the world on that one. HA! When I went down to the basement for another reason I saw the lights on in the flower room. It was two hours earlier than they were supposed to be on. I went in to check, tested the timer and sure enough it was not switching the on/off cycles. That timer had been in there for about two weeks.
I had foxtailing going on, but I contributed that to the original timer failure and the cold temps down there. Ooops.
The plants are upstairs now in a back bathroom where temps are good and there is a timer on them that actually works. LOL The foxtailing and new growth was much more pronounced when I discovered the problem yesterday.
Re: New City Grower

Only about half way then.

OK, that's a tough decision you've had to make there.

I wish you luck on a successful outcome. Look forward to your report on the results.

Very interesting. + reps
Re: New City Grower

Only about half way then.

OK, that's a tough decision you've had to make there.

I wish you luck on a successful outcome. Look forward to your report on the results.

Very interesting. + reps
Thanks. Yeah, Interesting. LOL I could have sat down and cried....but that never does me any good. Just dehydrates me. Could have thrown the timer through a window...but then I would have to pay for a new window.......and would probably have thrown a shoulder or something out doing it. :rofl:
This is a learning curve and a half. LOL
I have to get to bed guys/gals. Work day tomorrow coming up fast. BLECH
Re: New City Grower

You can ask a question anytime here Brit.

Princess DIY, I just did a micro Fim after reading the convo on your thread earlier.

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) Day 30

A quick micro-fim


Re: New City Grower

I'm real interested on your Queen Thai grow Reg,

How many nodes have you let her go before the "micro fim" ?

Four true nodes.

Re: New City Grower

Jaamz...."micro fim" or "micro top" is where you remove the tiny head ONLY in the very early stages (4 nodes is good). There's a very good pictorial on LAs thread about fluxing my friend. :)
Re: New City Grower

To be honest for #4,I do not have enough knowledge of bud washing to know if it work's or not.
In my opinion it would depend on the severity of the mold,and how well the wash work's.
Sorry I could not be of more info.
Here is a link for budwashing: Srub-a-dub bud

From: PeeJay's Perpetual Organic Homebrewed Soil
Re: New City Grower

This journal is officially complete. Post your replies on NEW CITY GROWER 2.0, the link is below in my signature. I want to thank you all for sticking with me through this extraordinarily long journal.

Mr Squirry, move this to completed journals. Thanxx...
Re: New City Grower

this journal is officially complete. Please post all your replies on New City Grower 2.0, the link is below in my signature.

Mr squirry, move this to completed journals. Thanxx...
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