New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Question 5

What is foxtailing? What does it indicate, if anything?

It looks nice for a while, then the novelty wears off and you just want to chop.

I Know I got some and I chopped :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: New City Grower

So molasses should only really be used in soil grows, def not recommended for hydro but u can get away with it in hydro. molasses pass on vital carbohydrates to the plants and also feed beneficial bacteria and fungi. It can however attract pests. Best used in organic growing, if using synthetic nutes there are better options. It should be discontinued atleast 2 weeks before harvest as it can make bud harsh and burn bad. Its beneficial to use it from a couple weeks in to veg until around week 6 of flower.

Get away with it in coco.... not hydro
Now you tell me. No wonder my bud was burning black and tasted like butt. I use it after I flush thinking it can't hurt and could help with swelling before harvest. Any way some thing told me that was the problem and flushed two Critical Jack Herer that are almost ready. Thanks for the conformation.
Re: New City Grower

Gimme a sec Dres lemme find my fox tailed bud pic.
Re: New City Grower

Pick a Curtain Nockestona​

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3
Re: New City Grower

Everyone its been fun. now im off to bed.

I dont always get around everyones journals as my time is tight. i work long hours growing multiple spaces and im in training for fights in april and may. i pop by now and again but if anyone has specific questions for me feel free to post in my journals. I dont bite but i do say what i see and think. Please try not to take offence at my forwardness its not meant as abussive or insulting, i just like to get straight to the point.

i certainly dont mind helping anyone out who needs it, so hit me up if i can help u.

good night all....
Re: New City Grower

I have something I'd like discussed. Lately I've been reading a few post mentioning that trichomes are not always the most important way to go about deciding when your cannabis plant should be chopped. I really didn't understand what the other factors might be. Can anyone elaborate on this?

The color of your trichomes is often down to your personal preference on how you like your stash.

I prefer to go by how the plant looks overall. Tired, droopy and lots of spent fans, she's done.

She could still have clear trich's at this stage
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