New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Well I could start with I broke one of my girls in half or just say I had a nervous breakdown and where were you again? Work! What did I tell you a long time ago to tell that boss of yours!!! Men you just don't listen... Hi Broke Ass..:ciao: Sampling the short girl...the one I broke in half but have her standing back up but a couple of branches didn't live through the fall soooo what's a girl to do but sample her stash......:rollit::rollit::rollit:
Re: New City Grower

Yeah, I just left "The House that Lady Dee Built". I'm here watching the Knicks about to lose again but you always seem to have a way of making me laugh & feel better.
Re: New City Grower

Welcome back. Been checking out some Journals as I'm just waiting to cut, dry and cure. Funny though can't wait to shut it down to start back up. Actually I've already started back up with a Cali mist I'm revegging. Maybe I'll take some pictures and post them.
Re: New City Grower

Welcome back. Been checking out some Journals as I'm just waiting to cut, dry and cure. Funny though can't wait to shut it down to start back up. Actually I've already started back up with a Cali mist I'm revegging. Maybe I'll take some pictures and post them.
LB, you know you're always welcomed to do so here but I'm sure I'm not alone as one of the members who you have waiting in anticipation to follow your journal. Don't think by any means this is a disapproval of you posting & updating here. As I always say; "This is an open journal". If there's a reason you may feel uncomfortable at the moment to start a journal, feel free to continue updating here.
Re: New City Grower

LB, you know you're always welcomed to do so here but I'm sure I'm not alone as one of the members who you have waiting in anticipation to follow your journal. Don't think by any means this is a disapproval of you posting & updating here. As I always say; "This is an open journal". If there's a reason you may feel uncomfortable at the moment to start a journal, feel free to continue updating here.

I guess starting a journal will be next as I learn how to navigate 420 . Point taken. Thanks BAR.
Re: New City Grower

I have seen Reg disappear for the week-end without mentioning,but never during the week.I will be honest,there was something missing these last few day's.:thumb:I am not sure about the spider Nerfbane.I grow in basement and I do see some spider's from time to time.There has got to be more then what I am seeing.Don't think it will hurt a bit.As you stated ,it may help us some,depending on type of spider,I guess.
Re: New City Grower

I have seen spiders crawling around my place also. Sometimes I let them be as they don't hurt and I think could actually help by getting rid of other creepy crawlers that can invade and hurt my babies.
Re: New City Grower

That's right Ozzy because if he's wearing a cape he's a fake... LOL

Took a few pics b4 leaving home this morning so I'll upload & do a quick Photo Shoot later.
Re: New City Grower

Feb. 6, 2014

(Wild Thailand) Day 13

Well as you will see I'm not doing too good with the "Close CFL Method". It's been twice that I left for work forgetting to check and make sure she wasn't touching the bulb with disastrous results. Lady Dee already gave me a firm warning but I always seem to have a million things to do before walking out the door.



KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) Day 61 / Day 33 under 12/12

This mutant plant's just as awkward as can be. If it's not one thing it's another. All I can do is let her grow & pray for the best but be ready for the worst. She's finally showing a few pistils and the even numbered fingered leafs are all falling off. But she just doesn't look that healthy to me.






LAVERNE (Re-Veg) Day 120 / Day 53 under 12/12

As usual: No comment... Which is a good thing.




STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 131 / Day 53 under 12/12

This one here has the whole back of the apt. stinking now. She's getting close. I've started seeing a few cloudy trichs but haven't spotted any amber yet. All the pictures in this photo shoot were somewhat of a rush job. I'll try to give you some trich-pics soon.








Thanxx for stopping by & don't forget about THE REPS ARE RIGHT this Sunday. Check my signature below.
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