New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Ok. Can you tell me how to reply to a comment in the same window like you just did. Thanks in advance BAR.
Right click "reply with quote" on the bottom right hand corner of the post you want to reply to.
Re: New City Grower

I have found when a Compact Florescent Light is placed 1"-2" away from a plant the plant grows very little and can be damaged by the light, this is why I recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 5"-6" from a plant.
Re: New City Grower

I'll keep that advice under my cap KJC but for this seedling I'll continue the 1-2 inch method so I can see what the differences are. Let's call it an experiment. If it has negative results we'll remember we heard it here first by none other than the King himself.
Re: New City Grower

I have found when a Compact Florescent Light is placed 1"-2" away from a plant the plant grows very little and can be damaged by the light, this is why I recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 5"-6" from a plant.

King said it... I believe it... that makes it true... enough said...:circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

My first two girls, Loretta and Pascalle, never had their CFLs more than 2-3 inches away throughout the veg cycle.

This second round they're a little higher, only because I have to spread them out among more plants.

If I add more lights, I will rearrange them and put them closer.
Re: New City Grower

I think the size of the bulb is the big difference here the bigger the bulb and ballast the more heat they generate. a 13w wallmart bulb and a 125w Feliz are two different fish
Re: New City Grower

I spent most of my free afternoon on the catch up Reg

Great episode of The Reps are Right

Sorry I missed it but the work thing has to come first.

Anyways I can now say that I should be here for future episodes as I start the later shift on Monday.
Re: New City Grower

I think the size of the bulb is the big difference here the bigger the bulb and ballast the more heat they generate. a 13w wallmart bulb and a 125w Feliz are two different fish

You are so right I burned some clones with a CFL which kicks 125 watts. I always think more is better, but in this case I would of been better off with 13w.
Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR Happy Freeweed day and a Chronic Weekend your way :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Remember how bad I burned my seedling, look at her now!
I'd say in a week or so you can slowly back your light off inch by inch and then increase number of bulbs, just an opinion. :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

The seedling looks fantastic BAR. I updated my seedling experiment yesterday and I'm seeing what I expected so far. 2-3" under 23w cfls is money.
Re: New City Grower

I believe I did have some lock out issues. After the flush yesterday STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy)'s buds grew more in the last 36hrs than they have in the past week.

Look how beautiful she looks, all grown up! I am glad to hear you got the lockout issue sorted :) I put up pics of Brokey today finally lol. I am a terrible father, but somehow she is still alive!
Re: New City Grower

I have found when a Compact Florescent Light is placed 1"-2" away from a plant the plant grows very little and can be damaged by the light, this is why I recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 5"-6" from a plant.

Really? ive never experienced that in over a decade and a half growing.

I have my cfls as close as possible, maybe an inch away at most. I use 250w cfl's too, just be sure to raise the light daily as the plants grow. obviously if the seedlings or clones touch the light they could be damaged. But i have never ever seen bleaching or heat damage from a cfl after growing thousands and thousands of plants, same is said of t5's.
Re: New City Grower

As far as what Cultivator and KJC are talking about, it's hard to say what distance is perfect because it depends on how the photons are being directed, as well as what the ambient air temperature and air speed is. :peace:
Re: New City Grower

my air temp never varies more than 3f in veg room with it set at 76f. air speed im not sure, i have 1 small oscillating fan on medium setting. but ive always used 250w cfl to veg seedlings, i have used t5's and 600w hps also. i have never ever had a single issue from light burn from a cfl, im not saying its impossible, but its unlikely, especially wen running 23w cfls. generally if theres an issue its prob more to do with something the grower is doing wrong than the light intensity of a cfl. Maybe books or google will say different, i only know what works for me but ive grown more plants last year than most will grow in their lifetime.

Its usually heat that causes most plant/light issues rather than light intensity and cfls give off very little.
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