New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Mate is that directed at me?

B A R my friend, i hope u get that i want to help u and not bring u down in anyway, ive been where u are at.

my bad, I see you edited your comment. I just didn't like that you said his buds are small for what day they're at.
Re: New City Grower

Cool. Congrats on MoM too! So head over to my 2 active journal(s) now! Lol.

i'll check it out tomorrow mate, im just about to hit the sack. ;)

my bad, I see you edited your comment. I just didn't like that you said his buds are small for what day they're at.

i didnt edit my comment and i stand by what i said, not because im a peanut but because i know what im talking about! Im not abusing B A R, hes a good dude and i want to help him. im not going to argue with u. i could say, 'hey thats great its the best' and fit in, but i saw something wrong and i think i can help him improve. B A R can tell me he doesnt want my help and he can enjoy his labours, it makes no difference to me. But B A R is smart enough to know when someone knows what they are talking about. If i was hitting 30g per plant i'd quit.
Re: New City Grower

don't listen to the peanut gallery I think you'll get big buds this round, they are setup real healthy.

what I'm eager to see is how the 12/12 plant (even being sickly during part of the grow) turns out compared to super vegged plants.

flux the defoliated one, literally? lololol
It's all good B. I've never been one to have a problem with criticism nor rejection. As a teenager I'd try to talk to one girl, get rejected or dissed (criticized) And turn right around & start over on the one right next to her. Cult is only trying to help me & I encourage that from any member.

Ok mate, i suggest getting through this grow then with what u yield put some aside to get 1 600w digital ballast, bulb an hood if poss. U could get a solid LED panel but i couldnt recommend one specifically. 1 600w hps should yield u 25oz quality green, i can see clearly that theres not enough light what ur doing now and u will see a huge diff upping the wattage, ur bills may rise slightly but u will yield enough to more than cover electric bills. the best nutes on the planet wont boost ur crop if not enough light of the right spectrum.

CFLs are fine for veg but thats it. u can get green in flower with them, but theres getting some green and then theres getting shitloads lol.

Remember guys light and environment are the most important things to consider when growing, good environment with lights to match will treat u very well.

u have to work with what u have for now, but if u can save a few hundred dollars for a cooltube, ballast bulb, extraction fan and some duct u will improve significantly matey. We can talk about nutes if u can get a chance to make the lighting upgrade, hope it works out for u bro. :thumb:
Cult, I grow for self-medication not to supply anyone. So there won't be any income from my grow except for what I wont be giving my supplier. I guess I'll have to start hiding a few pennies from myself before the next run. Keep your tabs on me. To have another great 420 grower like you in my corner makes all the difference in the world. I don't usually post who I'm giving reps to but this time I must for your honesty. REPS Cult
Re: New City Grower

Cult, I grow for self-medication not to supply anyone. So there won't be any income from my grow except for what I wont be giving my supplier. I guess I'll have to start hiding a few pennies from myself before the next run.

thats cool bro and its not about $$$ all of the time. Im certain u'd like to improve ur numbers and quality even if it just sees u till ur next grow my friend. Dude i just want to see u do well and not lie to u. They arent terrible by anymeans, they are better than alot of stuff i see, i just see room for u to get better. If u think im harsh or out of order please tell me, i have thick skin my friend. :)
Re: New City Grower

And anyone here who knows me knows by now that if I thought you were out of line you wouldn't have to ask me. LOL
Re: New City Grower

i could say, 'hey thats great its the best' and fit in

I don't think anyone said BAR's buds were 'the best' and I don't think giving someone a compliment is trying to 'fit in.' I think your statement is dismissive and disparaging to those who do compliment him, and do so because they have read all of this long journal and know what equipment he's working with and how much his plants have improved since his last grow.

I think offering advice to someone is great, and spreading your wisdom around is definitely appreciated, however, a little tact goes a long way. I'm not even going to throw in the obligatory, responsibility-shirking phrase "no offense meant" because if you're saying that or "Im sorry for being rude" or "Im going to sound like a dick" there's probably a better way to say it.
Re: New City Grower

We grow and learn and we learn as we grow. When I first started I was getting 1/2 LB from 5 to 6 kids. Now I'm getting 1/4 LB per kid give or take. I used to get light and fluffy Nugs. Now I mainly get hard tight ones. Trial and error.
Re: New City Grower

this dude did know what to say to get on my nerves. that he'd quit with a 30 gram harvest. lol that's what he said to you bar like little flowers or something I read it

i would like to run an hid but its too hot. i tired it and it didn't work. my room was like a sauna for a little while lol

-_- you've inspired me to get my new bulbs sooner than later LOL
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg,Do you still ph your h2o?If so do you use lemon juice and do you find you need to use just as much of it as you did ph down?
Yes Jimmy, I still PH and use lemon juice now. It takes a little less than Ph down. I look back & can't believe I paid for a quart of something that I could use a 99 cent bottle of something natural from the supermarket that I always keep in the cabinet anyway.
Re: New City Grower

I don't think anyone said BAR's buds were 'the best' and I don't think giving someone a compliment is trying to 'fit in.' I think your statement is dismissive and disparaging to those who do compliment him, and do so because they have read all of this long journal and know what equipment he's working with and how much his plants have improved since his last grow.

I think offering advice to someone is great, and spreading your wisdom around is definitely appreciated, however, a little tact goes a long way. I'm not even going to throw in the obligatory, responsibility-shirking phrase "no offense meant" because if you're saying that or "Im sorry for being rude" or "Im going to sound like a dick" there's probably a better way to say it.

thats a fair statement and i take on board what u are saying. I can be a little forward but its not meant in a negative way. Sometimes i speak to fast before thinking. I guess its all down to what u know, im comparing chalk with cheese as my setups are vastly different to BAR's. Having said that i say what i see and i'd like to help BAR improve, my advice can be used or ignored but i hope its the former.
Re: New City Grower

Yes Jimmy, I still PH and use lemon juice now. It takes a little less than Ph down. I look back & can't believe I paid for a quart of something that I could use a 99 cent bottle of something natural from the supermarket that I always keep in the cabinet anyway.
Yea,I am all most out of down,so I tried lemon juice and also found out it take's a little less then down.It was an old bottle tho,that had been around for awhile.It was a plastic lemon to be now have new big 3 dollar bottle.It's not even a money issue on this one.It just make sense.Thank's Reg.:thumb:
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