New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Not to say something I don't blog is IRRELEVANT...
Re: New City Grower

I just took some pictures with my cell which look a lot better than the last ones. I guess I just have to do a better job with what I have as they don't look to bad.
Re: New City Grower

Nice pics, nice plants LB.
Re: New City Grower


Im late to this show and havent read the full journal as i dont have time to sit and read through 340 pages. So what are ur plants potted in? and what are u feeding them? What lights are u using? Im sorry for being rude, i know all this info will be in here but to flick through over 300 pages is too much for me.

Im going to sound like a dick but i dont think ur plants look great, they are a little stretchy and for day 44 they should be much fuller. But thats no prob because im going to help u get them bumper yields and nice quality. I have many years experience and im sure i can help u improve ur set up. Please dont think im attacking ur methods, but im not one for saying something is great if i think its not, id rather say what i see but help u improve.

What are the seedlings under and what are temps and humidity? U want lights close to seedlings unless they are 600w+ HID's or powerful leds.
Re: New City Grower

Wow, Cultivator; you win member of the month and guns a blazing! I'm a fan. I think that is the best way to school us - anticipating your critique.

Hi mate

Im on this forum to share my experiences of well over a decades growing at a commercial level. I try to help new guys/girls not make the any mistakes that so often happen in new grows. I have a real love for growing, even though at times i get stressed with my workload.

Im not an arse licker or someone that tries to give people false confidence. If i dont like what i see i will say it but not in a way thats abusive as there is no constructiveness in that. I dont have a go at people i just want people to grow the best weed they can with their circumstances and if people dont want my advice that is cool, just say and my lips are sealed. Sensible people usually start to see that i know what im talking about when they peek through my gallery and journals and they listen. Its not a pissing contest, i dont know everything but i have a wealth of knowledge to share. I do it here FOR FREE at considerable risk to myself.

I was given motm status for what i say above, love me or hate me it doesnt matter. But ive helped alot of people on this forum increase yield and quality, and it makes me happy to watch others succeed. I had help when i started out in 1999 and i'd of struggled without it as i wasnt fortunate enough to have access to the free info sites like 420 provide. this place is invaluable so use up the assetts that it provides ;)
Re: New City Grower

If it's like that then I would be honored to follow your post and soak up any and all knowledge you can provide Cultivator. I feel what you are saying and totally agree. When I stated all I had was books by J. Cervantes and trial and error. Now we have 420 which makes learning a lot easier.
Re: New City Grower

Not at all Cult. Anyone who can't take criticism will never grow; As a person or a grower. I'll answer your questions to the best of my abilities.
In the tent I have 7ea 100 watt equivalent CFL bulbs that have 1600 lumens each, two T5s, two LED panels which I have no info on but assume they're the inexpensive ones, and 3 little LED bulbs That I rotate pointing directly at slow growing sights which seem to give them a boost.


LAVERNE (Re-Veg) is in her original soil: NYC Compost that I was given a bag of by a friend that works for the city Parks & Recreation Dept. It's what they use to plant in the parks at Spring. I mixed it with Vermiculite. She's only been feed Tiger Bloom once since 12/12 but didn't like it so she's been getting nothing but PH 6.5 tap.

STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Is in the same but has been topped off with SCIENTIFIC SOILS that come from one of our sponsors. I was feeding her Tiger Bloom & Big Bud recommended dosages every other the first couple of weeks into 12/12, then every feeding the second couple of weeks. The last 2 weeks she's just been getting PH 6.5 tap as I was suspecting a little nute lock. That's part of the reason I flushed her.

KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) is in an unknown soil that my lady got from her mother. She uses it to grow tomatoes & believe me she grow big bright red tomatoes. I call it MOMMY'S SPECIAL TOMATO SOIL. She was also topped with SCIENTIFIC SOILS. Now what you need to know about the Honey Haze is that I had a batch of 6 beans that had bad genetics & KUMIKO IV was the last of them and the only one to survive. Here's how she looked early on before 12/12.


The seedling QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) is about an inch & 1/2 from a 1600 lumens CFL and is also in MOMMY'S SPECIAL TOMATO SOIL.
Re: New City Grower

So what's up coach?
Re: New City Grower

ok mate.

u flowering under the leds i presume or u using the cfls and t5's? What output is the leds and where did u get them. Not all leds are created equally. get ur young plants as close to the cfls as possible, t5s arent great for veg. T5s are good for cloning and seedlings but not alot else, the light just doesnt penetrate once u have a few sets of leaves.

Forget everything else, i think lighting is ur biggest issue. U can use the best nutes on the planet but u wont get results if u grow under a torch. however if u have lighting and environment spot on u can get really good results of cheap every day ferts.

Do u have any budget or are u stuck with what u have. please talk me through ur veg and flower cycle, specifically, how long under what light and how far away they are.
Re: New City Grower

They're under everything, CFLs, T5s, and the LEDs. As I said, I have no info on the LED panels as they were an Xmas gift. I would never be so rude as to ask my lady where she purchased a gift for me from. It's not like we've been together for years. I don't really have a grow budget. I just can afford a little something here & a little something there.
Re: New City Grower

don't listen to the peanut gallery, I think you'll get big buds this round. the plants are setup real healthy.

what I'm eager to see is how the 12/12 from seed plant (even being sickly during part of the grow) turns out compared to the vegged plants.
Re: New City Grower

Ok mate, i suggest getting through this grow then with what u yield put some aside to get 1 600w digital ballast, bulb an hood if poss. U could get a solid LED panel but i couldnt recommend one specifically. 1 600w hps should yield u 25oz quality green, i can see clearly that theres not enough light what ur doing now and u will see a huge diff upping the wattage, ur bills may rise slightly but u will yield enough to more than cover electric bills. the best nutes on the planet wont boost ur crop if not enough light of the right spectrum.

CFLs are fine for veg but thats it. u can get green in flower with them, but theres getting some green and then theres getting shitloads lol.

Remember guys light and environment are the most important things to consider when growing, good environment with lights to match will treat u very well.

u have to work with what u have for now, but if u can save a few hundred dollars for a cooltube, ballast bulb, extraction fan and some duct u will improve significantly matey. We can talk about nutes if u can get a chance to make the lighting upgrade, hope it works out for u bro. :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

I suggested him to get a 150 watt hid, or even two if heat permits. they are cheap as dirt (literally if your're a foxfarmer :rofl:) the 150 watt hid was strong when I owned it and gave me great yields, 30+ grams per plant 12/12 from seed with 2-4 plants under it at a time (tried to setup a perpetual type thing).

I'm happy to hit yield what I did from my cfl 12/12 from seed grow this round. snow white #1 gave me around 14 grams, snow white #2 around 17 grams, and diesel is not weighed yet. so that's about 45 grams total from about 200 watts of cfl @ 12/12 from seed (if you figure about 15 grams per plant).

now that I have a single plant instead of two (not by choice) under my cfls I'm gonna see what we can yield. :thumb:
Re: New City Grower


Im late to this show and havent read the full journal as i dont have time to sit and read through 340 pages. So what are ur plants potted in? and what are u feeding them? What lights are u using? Im sorry for being rude, i know all this info will be in here but to flick through over 300 pages is too much for me.

Im going to sound like a dick but i dont think ur plants look great, they are a little stretchy and for day 44 they should be much fuller. But thats no prob because im going to help u get them bumper yields and nice quality. I have many years experience and im sure i can help u improve ur set up. Please dont think im attacking ur methods, but im not one for saying something is great if i think its not, id rather say what i see but help u improve.

What are the seedlings under and what are temps and humidity? U want lights close to seedlings unless they are 600w+ HID's or powerful leds.

Cool. Congrats on MoM too! So head over to my 2 active journal(s) now! Lol.
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