New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

For open discussion, we have this question a member sent to Reg.

As for a question, I think a lot of hydro growers struggle with Nute burn and high PPMs so:

"What is the optimal level of PPM you should be feeding your plant at each stage of growth(eg. Seedling, Vegetative, Early Flowering, Late Flowering) to prevent burned leaf tips, and why?

Does the optimal level of PPM change when changing from one hydro system to another?"
Re: New City Grower

the buds do look compressed but its all about the drying process, if you dry to quick the bud just wont rest like it should, it needs to relax in its own time which means the moisture must be lost slowly with no help by having heat or fans blowing directly on the buds, i worry about bud rot during drying so i used a small oil filled rad to keep the room only slightly warm, but i know my buds dry way to quick so this time ill try leaving them on their own in the dark with just an exhaust fan blowing to exchange the air.

@PeeJay, ill come over and check your journal out buddy, the strain hunters vids made me think of flushing in flower to get the most oxygen to the roots, but instead of flushing i water a lot less often and water less water each time, so my plants are going much longer between waterings and they seem to be much better for it, growth is crazy and buds fatten up nice, i dont let them wilt but their is a fine line between letting them get bone dry and letting them wilt, but get it right it it pays off,

theirs only 2 things that increase yields, 1 is co2 added to the grow, the other is o2 at the roots, so if your over watering your yields will be badly affected, less is more with these plants, its why hydro and dwc do so well, they constantly having oxygen at the roots so growth is very rapid and buds get very fat,
Re: New City Grower

@Dres, depends on the strain, ive not grown hydro so cant really say to much, but ive always grown dwc and some strains can take full stated dose, some can take nearly double the stated dose and some struggle at the stated dose,

so its a case of slowing upping the dose until you see problems then back off, i know with hydro its more critical to get everything right, i just start at the stated dose and either bump it up or back off a bit depending on strain, autos seem to really suffer when they are given high nute levels, most ive grown struggle at the stated dose but then ive had a couple that cope with it fine, ive not had an auto i can push much higher than the stated dose,

cant help with the ppms,
Re: New City Grower

the ppms vary from manafacturer, every time i strrt something new it is a learning process.. you take smaller steps and be attentive watch closely and work your way up using the suggested levels from the package as a guide. you adjust accordingly for changes that may occur. i start at half of the suggested rate in hydro and up every few days as i ph or water until im at a comfortable point for their growth level and the plants are healthy and happy.
Re: New City Grower

thank you guys for hosting judging and competing. it really helps alot of the newer growers and reminds alot of us to keep learning to not be single minded and be kind to the world around us :Namaste:
Re: New City Grower

@BoB, with hydro is it best to use say 1 veg and 1 flower feed or is it best to use a 4part feed system,
so 4 part would be 4 bottles of grow/micro/bloom and bloom booster,

would it be harder to control with the 4 part set up as you would not know which to bump up or add less of out of the 4 or 3 if you just had grow/micro/bloom, or would it be better using a 1 part feed for say veg and then a flower stage feed for flower,

in the past with my soil plants and dwc ive always used 4part feed from the planet company, but now im using dogget simpsons system which is 1 bag for veg and another bag for flower, so no mixing of different parts and im getting great results using it, im just wondering if the 3 or 4 part system is harder to manage as you would need to know which part to add more or less of where as the 1 part system you just back off the dose.
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