New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I am curious about the flushing of fabric pot's question.I have all way's used fabric pot's for the most part and didn't know there was a difference in the way you flush.

Check out PeeJay's method ....I've been using only fabric pots for two years...dunking works great...PeeJay explains it well
Re: New City Grower

I have good experience flushing fabric the same way as I water it takes more times and quantity but works good and so on I can see how the dunk would maybe be better as long as you still have water flowing through the medium to flush it out so I feel like you would still have to flush them after the dunk I haven't seen anything on it though or done it but if you do that with air pots you would lose medium and disturb the roots so I use the one method for everything. Air pots are the truth by the way or rootmakers I encourage everyone to try em.
Re: New City Grower

Also d.p. for nutes I use multi part systems and I go by experience of what parts to adjust. I tell all I give help to to grow with regular schedule and direction a coupke runs and learn the plants and the nutes and how they grow and react before they try to decide what to change or add in a system. Experience is the only way to know for sure and trial and error. I learn something every time I grow and been doing rhe same thing for years.
Re: New City Grower

ROFL, I thought you were kidding Peejay...until I read KJC's comment.
I have a vacuum sealer and now it's going to get used. :cheesygrinsmiley:

they can be dry. I used to have a problem with purchasing more smoke than I could use. Way more! "Oh that looks good, I'll take an ounce." I took to vacuum packing all the excess for a rainy day. I had quite a collection going! They come out really dense. I have only vacuumed dry ready to smoke buds. Never done it with freshly dried uncured, etc.
Re: New City Grower

I hate work! Lol but I'm all caught up, was a nice read and learning experience :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

I am curious about the flushing of fabric pot's question.I have all way's used fabric pot's for the most part and didn't know there was a difference in the way you flush.

The dunk method will actually work in any type of pot with large drainage holes. As the plant sits in it's bath the water creeps up to water-level. When you lift it out the water drains away. Voila! A fabric pot works better because the the water can enter the soil from all sides.

In either case, it beats the heck out of trying to pour 3x-5x the pot volume of water through from the top. That is just a messy way to do it no matter how you slice it.
Re: New City Grower

I am going to have to force myself out of bed for this next week.
The next episode will be Feb. 9th as we're going bi-weekly from now on.
Re: New City Grower

I also missed this session, but read through it ...lots of good info! Thank YOU! In reference to nutes and hydro/dwc, I had an issue recently and wasn't able to find a good answer...maybe someone here will have one for me :)

The issue: I'm growing Arctic Sun in dwc and it was time to put into flower, change lights (compact power floros being used) and change nutes. I prepped new bucket (clean, ro water, cal/mag and flwr nutes-General Hydroponics line). EC readings in veg between 1180-1220 with ph at 5.4-5.8. I was worried about increasing the nutes all at once so new bucket started with EC 1250 and gradually increased over next 2 days to 1800. ph during that time started at 5.4 and went to 6.1 which is where it was when I got a '0r' reading on ec meter! no matter where I put the probe (water or in root mass) I still read zero on meter. I tested the meter on diff grow I have in veg and all was fine. Was this a lockout issue? I got ph down to 5.4 in short order but still had zero ec read. (I didn't think 6.1 was damaging anyway, but have read here that lower than 6 is best for dwc) I searched and searched on the net but couldn't find the answer to the zero ec reading. I mixed new solution (in the order recommended) and was getting the same issue-zero reading. A couple days had gone by and the plant itself looked fine, but I was becoming nervous wreck, lol. For sure this is a girl and didn't want to damage her. Instead of changing buckets again, I drained some water and added 2gal of plain ro water with cal/mag only. That did the trick! Ec meter started reading 1800-1820 depending where I placed the probe. So, WAS it a nute lockout? Should I continue raising the Ec reading? I've read where Arctic Sun loves high nutes :) What should max reading be? thanks in advance for any input/suggestions. ps: I would post pics but don't have enough entries yet, lol
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