New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Question 2

How many times can a plant be topped without an adverse reaction? (You want to flower the plant after a veg time of 2-3 months.) What can topping a plant several times (7, 8, 9, 10+) do to the plant? (besides creating more tops)

I read it can lower potency

And induce males tendancies
Can anyone supply any validity to these answers? If these statements hold any weight I'll never Top again
Re: New City Grower

I love the lightening strike analogy, Cana :ciao:

Hi Reg :ciao: Hi Dres :battingeyelashes: Thank you for my prize :party:

Hi BB :ciao:

I drove 160 miles in two directions just to be here this evening.

I'm sure it was 2 hours long last week :scratchinghead:
Re: New City Grower

Can't wee have more questions? I feel like iv just watched an episode of "once upon a time" and now I Gota wait till next week to see what happens to henry

Once upon a time is brilliant :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Can anyone supply any validity to these answers? If these statements hold any weight I'll never Top again

I don't top, but I don't see why it would reduce potency with 2-3 months of veg time,

unless there were eventually too many flowering heads for the root system to adequately feed?
Re: New City Grower

I gotta agree with la on that one cause usually they say the less branches the bigger the buds on whats left
If this is the case, I may be attempting a B. Real move on my next plant; Straight from seedling to 12/12. One big long bud versus numerous smaller buds.
Re: New City Grower

Reg. Its getting the sweet spot when going for lots of heads on your plant. If you over topped you get a really crowded canopy that is harder to manage and is more at risk of stuff like PM. You can stress a plant to a hermie point by over topping as with any excessive training. Mainly though your buds will be smaller, take my Tutt versus my BV. my tut was never gonna hit the same weight as my BV simply because she had to many tops to tightly packed.
Bare in mind though I top once only on them to get all those heads. That I think is the key! You get the benefits of many tops but with no drawbacks or stunting from topping! :)
Re: New City Grower

I love the lightening strike analogy, Cana :ciao:

Hi Reg :ciao: Hi Dres :battingeyelashes: Thank you for my prize :party:

Hi BB :ciao:

I drove 160 miles in two directions just to be here this evening.

I'm sure it was 2 hours long last week :scratchinghead:
Yeah Rico, we had to tighten up on our format. We just about got it down pat this time. It went only 4 mins over time.
Re: New City Grower

I really missed fondling my girls this morning. With the 3 of them flipped to 12/12 they're still sleep when I leave for work but that extra 1/2 hr of sleep for me made up for it. They were all ready to play when I got home.
Let's see how they feel about they're Xmas gifts. LED's




The temps & humidity...


LAVERNE (Re-Veg) thanxx everyone for joining her as she starts her 2nd round of flowering.



The HONEY HAZE (Seedling) is looking better everyday. She's almost ready to be named.


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