New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Thanks for coming, everyone! :)

Very fun to see everyone's answers... just goes to show how many different grow styles are effective. :partyboy:

Question fun

BrewedALLday has noticed very different growth in his young plants. He’s wondering if it can be attributed to the pots shielding his plants from the breeze of a fan nearby. The tall plant’s pot isn’t shielding it very much. The short plant is shielded by several inches of pot and hasn’t grown above the rim of the pot. Do you think it is ‘hiding’ from the breeze in its pot? What else could be causing this very different growth in his seedlings?
Re: New City Grower

Thank you for selecting me as a judge for tonight's "The Reps Are Right" I enjoyed myself and hope everyone has as well. thank you all for participating and have a good day
Re: New City Grower

Not sure on this answer. Could be strain types. Short n stocky tall n skinny
They come in all shapes n sizes
One thing hat could do with addressing is the clear pots. They need wrapping in something dark before roots hit the edges
Roots don't like looking out at light through a clear plastic wall
Re: New City Grower

Can't wee have more questions? I feel like iv just watched an episode of "once upon a time" and now I Gota wait till next week to see what happens to henry

I have no idea what you are talking about but I know exactly what you mean:lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::rofl::rofl:
Re: New City Grower

Thanks for coming, everyone! :)

Very fun to see everyone's answers... just goes to show how many different grow styles are effective. :partyboy:

Question fun

BrewedALLday has noticed very different growth in his young plants. He’s wondering if it can be attributed to the pots shielding his plants from the breeze of a fan nearby. The tall plant’s pot isn’t shielding it very much. The short plant is shielded by several inches of pot and hasn’t grown above the rim of the pot. Do you think it is ‘hiding’ from the breeze in its pot? What else could be causing this very different growth in his seedlings?

That is a very interesting point :)

I think plants acclimatize to any situation as long as it is within certain parameters and they deal with it.

the short one is hiding because she never had a breeze and doesn't want one

and the tall one is growing rapidly because she has lots of air exchange and never knew any different climate.
Re: New City Grower

That is a very interesting point :)

I think plants acclimatize to any situation as long as it is within certain parameters and they deal with it.

the short one is hiding because she never had a breeze and doesn't want one

and the tall one is growing rapidly because she has lots of air exchange and never knew any different climate.

Don't know what yer missing, cuz ya never had it to know it's missing.....LOL
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