New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Thanxx everyone, & thank you Dawn for the reps,
Re: New City Grower

200 pages! :partyboy: at this rate you will hit 300 this weekend :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: New City Grower

My friend congrats on your double century!! :) awesome journal. Awesome grower! Happy DAZE!!!!
LA, it's the plants & the supporting cast (you guys) that make's this thread. I'm just the narrator.

Congratulation's Reg,on the switch and the 200.Maybe I will switch today as I always do a dark period.I would like to see if the dark period induces flower quicker then straight to 12/12.I don't know how accurate it would be as we have different setup's.
Go ahead Jimmy Clause, do it. At least we could get a bullcrap "hypothesis". My 8th grade Lab Teacher taught me that one. It means you F/U the experiment but you can guess what it's suppose to do. lol

:cheer: 2 HC FTW KC! :cheer:
2 HC FTW KC DCS & :circle-of-love:

We love the flip!:thumb:
And the flip loves you back Mack.
Re: New City Grower

Why did u decide not to do the 36 he's dark? B-)
I did it on my 1st run with LAVERNE but since have read more than a few times that it's not necessary. That + using some of my half-witted common sense; In the plants natural habitat it would never see 36 nor even 24hrs of continuous darkness. 6 extra hrs of what the plants have grown accustom should be more than enough to jump start those teenage hormones. LOL I haven't read not one post of someone running into problems after flipping directly to 12/12 without any extra dark cycle.
Re: New City Grower

Now the dull part Reg where you've got nothing much to report for a week.
As long as "The Ringmaster Yut, Mr. Squirryl Rico Suavay PhD. AKA Ricorico Ricardo/Donnie Brassco, the purple people weeder from Updown the Valleymountaintop in the desert by the sea, Da GODDAMN Man who wants his own Lamborghini but missed our show & most likely grew the best bud he ever smoked" is lurking ion the alleyways there's never a dull moment!
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