New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

To whom it may concern,
This letter is to inform Broke Ass Reg his membership in the Dead Clone Society has been auto renewed. Your membership was set to expire by 12-24-13, but now the expiration date is fluid to be based on further evaluation in the near future. The committe eagerly awaits your next review.
The Dead Clone Society.

p.s. We grieve for you in this time of loss. :rip:

:ciao: Hi Reg.
The postman dropped this letter off at Casa de Spimp today and I assumed it belonged to you. :) The good news is, your a member of the 1.98HC FTW KC!
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx for opening my mail Spimp & not forwarding it! LOL
ATTENTION ALL :420: MEMBERS: THE REPS ARE RIGHT will start 2hrs earlier this Sunday to accommodate all time zones the best as possible. That's 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (US Eastern Coastal Time). At the time of this post it is 6:28 pm EST.
Re: New City Grower

Whats going on Sunday at 6pm Reg?
via PM... What's going on neighbor? I was thinking yesterday that I haven't seen you around lately.
Re: New City Grower

Sorry for opening your mail Reg.

I thought it may contain another batch of Honey Haze seeds and I wanted to see If I could get one to sprout correctly for ya. Well now I just ruined your xmas present. Damn it! :xmas:
Re: New City Grower

Yeah, Ive been swamped with work and have a long commute to and from while working long hours. Sleep has become tough to come by. But....Im all caught up and have a few days off. WHOOOHOOO!!! I plan to attempt my cloning of my re-veg in the next couple of days so I will be lurking around for tips and advice. I have many branches to experiment with so I should be successful with a few. I have a jar of Olivias gel its all I could find around here so I hope its good stuff. I will try to catch the Q and A on Sunday it sounds fun.
Re: New City Grower

Great news. I've just reset the timer in the tent to 12/12. I'm not giving them a 36hr dark period, I've only changed the lights on time. After lights out tonight they'll have 12hrs of rest.

From left to right
LAVERNE (Re-Veg), RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk), STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy)


And our little HONEY HAZE seedling may be a slow growing ugly little something but she's hanging in there.
This is Day 6



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