New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

@Skybound, thats a very interesting idea, but is it caused by a chemical reaction or just because the buds themselves are actually little stems themselves so when you reveg the buds then turn into stems and give the crazy growth, how ever the crazy growth continues all the way through veg so clearly their is something more going on,

ive had leaves growing out of the stems of other leaves for example, ive had 2 shoots growing where normally 1 shoot would just grow, so this happens all the way through veg, if i had a way of testing then i would do but apart from juicing a reveg plant id have no way of finding out the chemical or even testing it on other plants,

i wonder if i harvested a reveg plant then juiced it and fed plants with that, would that work.
the only thing that might cause it not to work is when the plants back in flower it loses the monster cropped gene and grows normally, so its during the veg stage that this crazy growth is present, im sure if the chemicals could be locked down then im sure it would help with plant growth and help produce some very nice plants,

but it would take some lab testing to find out whats going on, they would need to take 1 plant and take a clone in veg and a clone in flower then let the flowering clone reveg, then i guess they would have to break the plants down to see what the difference is between the 2, if i had the option of sending samples off to some lab then id do that but its just something i cant do.

but a very interesting idea though,

this is a pic of a monster cropped plant, its not one of mine but shows the kind of crazy growth you get and what you would have to deal with, you have to defol and remove branches as the plant would just be a huge mass of leaves and stems and you would only have light on the top and outside branches, anything in the middle would be in the dark

if your use g@@gle and seach the net for monster cropped plants then click on the images link you will see some of my monster cropped plants, for some reason any pics i post on here end up on g@@gle images, im sure the same happens to all of us, many times ive searched for strains to look at pics and come across my own plant in the images tab
Re: New City Grower

Victor you just reminded me of how I use to look at online shopping. Now I damn near buy everything online. It took growing cannabis & 420 mag to make me realize the convenience but I still use my Debit not Credit cards. When I decide to make a purchase I go around the corner & add only the amount of currency needed for the sale. It's like buying from all over the world at your neighborhood Bodega. I see you also do like I do with threads. When ever I decide to sub to a new journal I go back & read the whole thread so I know what's going on & I always learn some things I would've missed if I hadn't.
Re: New City Grower

are u starting up ur next journal??
Nah, I'll just blow this out. Why not; LAVERNE's still part of the show.

What if you reveged, cloned the reveg, budded that out, then reveged the revegged clone?
Could you go back in time?

Good weed gentleman. ;)
Only your twisted mind would go there. Gotta love em; He's family.:blushsmile:
Re: New City Grower

You guys got me thinking about my next outdoor grow already. So what you are saying is these super cropped plants produce much more bud? If so I will plan an indoor grow to finish and re-veg by Spring so I can take the clones and put them outside. This may take some planning though as Im re-vegging my NL plants right now for a sea of green. Hopefully there is enough time to do both grows. Im thinking some strain of Kush for outdoor. Gotta research though to find one that can handle colder weather.
Re: New City Grower

You guys got me thinking about my next outdoor grow already. So what you are saying is these super cropped plants produce much more bud? If so I will plan an indoor grow to finish and re-veg by Spring so I can take the clones and put them outside. This may take some planning though as Im re-vegging my NL plants right now for a sea of green. Hopefully there is enough time to do both grows. Im thinking some strain of Kush for outdoor. Gotta research though to find one that can handle colder weather.

From my own experience this year jetboy I would not recommend that. Re-veg plants are a pain in the ass. Just grow from seed/clone and train heavily to get a short bushy plant.
Re: New City Grower

they are a pain as they require lots of work such as defol and trimming, if you find miwas journal go and have a look as he had an outdoor reveg plant going on,

i do one each grow or reveg clones, the increase in yield is due to the extra amount of branch growth, i easily average a 30% increase on a plant of the same size, so a 3ft plant produces about 30% less than a 3ft re-veg plant, online it says the average is 40% but it depends how big you want it to get but 40% increase id say is easily possible.

but their hard work, if you going to put the time in then their fine, but i took at least 60 branches off my last reveg plant and could of easily took another 30 off within a matter of weeks, i easily filled 2 carrier bags with leaves and this was just off a 3ftish or a bit smaller plant.

so it is an increase in yield, i think an outdoor reveg would do much better as it would have longer to veg and the sun would give better penetration so yields would be huge outdoors, but the bigger the plants gets the harder it is to keep on top of it, so yields do increase but so does the work load, i was removing leaves from mine every other day and not just 1 or 2 leaves either, then every 4ish weeks id be taking cuttings and throwing them in the bin just to open the plant up a bit,

so if you dont mind the work then go for it, i certainly wouldnt do more than 1 reveg plant as a whole room or a few in the garden would be like a full time job,

speak with miwa and he will give you a better idea of the outdoor reveg plants, when i told him about the reveg he gave it ago and has been doing it ever since. i know he had an outdoor one growing a while back that was pretty big
Re: New City Grower

Has Leverne lost her green smell yet? It sometimes take a while.

I always smell green buddy. :cheer:
What Laverne Oh I'm sorry Lavernz said.

From my own experience this year jetboy I would not recommend that. Re-veg plants are a pain in the ass. Just grow from seed/clone and train heavily to get a short bushy plant.
But it's Still about the experience & knowledge. Once you succeed with a re-veg then decide on whether you think it-s worth repeating.
Re: New City Grower

And then there is Laverne's sentimental value... Whenever I see a pic of the reveg the same thing goes through my mind... Laverne is dead... Long live Laverne!
Re: New City Grower

And then there is Laverne's sentimental value... Whenever I see a pic of the reveg the same thing goes through my mind... Laverne is dead... Long live Laverne!
Just Because she's a NYC holiday doesn't mean she has to be dead PJ.
Re: New City Grower

Yeah Reg, happy rollinafattyandgetblazedday!
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