New aussie Auto grower, looking for some advice

G'day everyone, just dropping another quick update as some more presents came in the mail today!
As this is gonna be a guerrilla grow in true guerrilla style, I had to get a few supplies.
Some tactical gloves (no fingerprints)
Tactical backpack (carry dirt to the site)
New tactical flashlight
And a jewellers loupe.
Hope you all are having a great day/night, stay tuned folks 😎
Awesome kit, keep me posted good luck on the grow.
G'day everyone, just dropping another quick update as some more presents came in the mail today!
As this is gonna be a guerrilla grow in true guerrilla style, I had to get a few supplies.
Some tactical gloves (no fingerprints)
Tactical backpack (carry dirt to the site)
New tactical flashlight
And a jewellers loupe.
Hope you all are having a great day/night, stay tuned folks 😎
I play a game called dayz it's a survival game set in Russia during a zombie outbreak the gear you have is stuff I would use in that game 😆
G'day everyone, just dropping another quick update as some more presents came in the mail today!
As this is gonna be a guerrilla grow in true guerrilla style, I had to get a few supplies.
Some tactical gloves (no fingerprints)
Tactical backpack (carry dirt to the site)
New tactical flashlight
And a jewellers loupe.
Hope you all are having a great day/night, stay tuned folks 😎
Where your balaclava
Awesome kit, keep me posted good luck on the grow.
Cheers my friend, still more to come yet, I'll tag you soon as I start my grow!
I play a game called dayz it's a survival game set in Russia during a zombie outbreak the gear you have is stuff I would use in that game 😆
Haha, I have also played dayz, great game and so true! Nice to know there's a fellow gamer hanging around my grow :cheer:
Where your balaclava
Haha good point metal, but I think that would be a step too far, I'd probably look pretty darn suspicious walking to my site in the day with a ballie on 🤣😂
So I tested my potting soil today with the digital tester I got. It keeps coming in at a 4.5ph, does anyone think this is something to worry about? I know these digital testers are extremely inaccurate, but I thought it would've been a bit closer. I rang the people that make this soil and they told me it generally comes in at around 6.5 as a standard!
Any thoughts?
So I tested my potting soil today with the digital tester I got. It keeps coming in at a 4.5ph, does anyone think this is something to worry about? I know these digital testers are extremely inaccurate, but I thought it would've been a bit closer. I rang the people that make this soil and they told me it generally comes in at around 6.5 as a standard!
Any thoughts?
I’m not an expert but 4.5ph is quite low, but everything you put in will have an effect on your ph so you really need to check once you have added anything/everything. If you do have to raise the ph you can use crushed egg shells.
I’m not an expert but 4.5ph is quite low, but everything you put in will have an effect on your ph so you really need to check once you have added anything/everything. If you do have to raise the ph you can use crushed egg shells.
I'm on the exact same wavelength metal, I too know that 4.5 is very low. But I'm thinking the digital ph probe is just well off considering I rang the factory where they make that soil I bought and they told me it's around 6.5 when it leaves the factory. I've got a poultry manure which is naturally alkaline, so that will bring it up a bit anyways. I was just curious if anyone else had had similar way off readings with the digital ph testers.
Hey Tassie you should be fine if you water your container for 2 weeks before planting,that will also help break down the soil and you can see if you will need to add more soil when the dirt settles. The ph of normal water is around 6-8 so don't overthink it, the plants will tell you if they have any issues. My biggest problem when I started was overthinking simple things 🙃 good luck on your grow!
Hey Tassie you should be fine if you water your container for 2 weeks before planting,that will also help break down the soil and you can see if you will need to add more soil when the dirt settles. The ph of normal water is around 6-8 so don't overthink it, the plants will tell you if they have any issues. My biggest problem when I started was overthinking simple things 🙃 good luck on your grow!
Cheers stark, being a perfectionist I do tend to overthink things alot! I reckon you're right, I'm probably just stressing over nothing 😅
Years ago I used to grow photos constantly, never had a break, but it's been that long, I feel like a newbie all over again
Cheers stark, being a perfectionist I do tend to overthink things alot! I reckon you're right, I'm probably just stressing over nothing 😅
Me too man it's that adhd I get fixated on something and I can't quit until I fixed whatever the issue was 😆 My golden rule for the plants this year being my first is whatever the recommended npks were I started my plants off with 1/3 of the typically feeding amount so 1 tea spoon per gallon until my plants showed a sign of a deficiency then I gave them the nutrients depending on the deficiency so far it's just been nitrogen and calcium/magnesium that my babushkas really wanted. Now after finding what my genetics like I can focus on the right npk for flower 🌼.
Cheers stark, being a perfectionist I do tend to overthink things alot! I reckon you're right, I'm probably just stressing over nothing 😅
Years ago I used to grow photos constantly, never had a break, but it's been that long, I feel like a newbie all over again
Study up on macro and micro nutrients and signs of deficiency/toxicities and learn the difference between under and over watering and you will do just fine 🙂 👍
Me too man it's that adhd I get fixated on something and I can't quit until I fixed whatever the issue was 😆 My golden rule for the plants this year being my first is whatever the recommended npks were I started my plants off with 1/3 of the typically feeding amount so 1 tea spoon per gallon until my plants showed a sign of a deficiency then I gave them the nutrients depending on the deficiency so far it's just been nitrogen and calcium/magnesium that my babushkas really wanted. Now after finding what my genetics like I can focus on the right npk for flower 🌼.
That's a coincidence, I actually have adhd and aspergers, though I did kinda grow out of alot of the common traits!
Solid advice man, thankyou 🙏
G'day y'all,
It's been a while since I posted on this thread, so I thought I'd give a quick update.
My grow journal will be up and running very soon! Just waiting on a few last bits and pieces to arrive in the mail.
Also I have a big exciting announcement to make!
I'll be announcing it in less than a week I reckon
Stay tuned guys and gals!
G'day y'all,
It's been a while since I posted on this thread, so I thought I'd give a quick update.
My grow journal will be up and running very soon! Just waiting on a few last bits and pieces to arrive in the mail.
Also I have a big exciting announcement to make!
I'll be announcing it in less than a week I reckon
Stay tuned guys and gals!
Good Morning Buddy :ciao:
The news have anything to do with seeds?🧐

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey amigo 👋
You might be on the money, but I can't confirm or deny anything, don't wanna ruin the surprise 😉
I'm on board with that. :yahoo:
Can't wait. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
G'day everyone, just dropping another quick update.
Seeds came this morning!!
So I can confirm Sacred Seeds is 100% legit, amazing company, amazing customer support 👏

Just waiting on the nutes and I reckon we will be up and running by next week finally!! Yay!!!
Nice choice....I'm popping some Moby Dick photos on my next run.
Thanks RR, count me in! They're supposed to have some pretty big yields 😁
I don't know too much about them. I got them as freebies from a recent purchase. Come check out my current journal. Link is in my signature. Have a great day is just starting. Peace
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