New aussie Auto grower, looking for some advice

G’day TT
How is it growing weed in Tassie out doors?
G'day Metal,
It's a challenge in the tassie climate, considering we can get 4 seasons in one day, we're pretty well known for it, but I reckon it makes it more interesting, I'll be planting in 2 weeks I reckon 😉
G'day Metal,
It's a challenge in the tassie climate, considering we can get 4 seasons in one day, we're pretty well known for it, but I reckon it makes it more interesting, I'll be planting in 2 weeks I reckon 😉
Tasmania, as in the little island below Australia?
I bet it's breathtaking over there. I have always wanted to visit new Zealand and that's very close maybe I'll go to Tasmania one day? It would be nice to leave the states one day!
My bad I should of realized from your name I'm just a tired stoner don't mind me.
Haha it's all good man, we all have those moments!
I bet it's breathtaking over there. I have always wanted to visit new Zealand and that's very close maybe I'll go to Tasmania one day? It would be nice to leave the states one day!
Yes, it is really beautiful state to live in!
New Zealand is supposed to be really nice also, I've never been but I've heard nothing but good things!
If you ever do end up coming down, you'll have to let me know, I'd be happy to give you the tour 😁
I lived in atlanta over there when I was 14 for about 18 months, I had an absolute blast!
Yep freebies are always good, especially with some of the prices we pay for what we do! (I've already invested $570 into my upcoming grow and I'm not done yet). But you're right metal, I treasure my mates above all! Thanks, the burgers were delicious, I am a pretty decent chef if I do say so myself 🙂↔️

Also @Metalfish could you kindly tell where everyone gets these cool little vintage emojis that are mostly weed related? I feel like I'm missing out
Yeah I’m a bit of a mad cook myself, I love it.
Them emojis, I can only find them where you do your signature.
Yeah I’m a bit of a mad cook myself, I love it.
Them emojis, I can only find them where you do your signature.
Cooking is a great skill my friend and all the ladies love a man that can cook 😉
Carmen was kindly enough to show me that to get the emojis for messages, you click on the 3 little dots next to the camera icon and they are in there.
Hope it helps you too!
I love cooking, in 20 years I don’t think my wife has cooked any more than 50 meals, I do most of the cooking. Before I fucked my back me and a couple of mates used to do massive cook ups, we’d pick a country and spend a whole weekend cooking food from whatever country we picked and getting pissed and stoned.
Also @Metalfish could you kindly tell where everyone gets these cool little vintage emojis that are mostly weed related? I feel like I'm missing out
I only found them accidentally, just clicking on buttons.
G'day Metal,
It's a challenge in the tassie climate, considering we can get 4 seasons in one day, we're pretty well known for it, but I reckon it makes it more interesting, I'll be planting in 2 weeks I reckon 😉
well between the climate where I live being unpredictable and the amount of bugs and critters I get on my fruit trees, herb and vegetables garden, that’s what pushed me towards hydro. I also have quite a bit of experience in aquaponic’s, so that was another reason.
So do auto’s have a shorter life outdoors as well? As I’ve been told they do in hydro.
I only found them accidentally, just clicking on buttons.

well between the climate where I live being unpredictable and the amount of bugs and critters I get on my fruit trees, herb and vegetables garden, that’s what pushed me towards hydro. I also have quite a bit of experience in aquaponic’s, so that was another reason.
So do auto’s have a shorter life outdoors as well? As I’ve been told they do in hydro.
Hey Metalfish,

There are so many myths about autoflowering plants. I'd be very surprised if the lifespan of the auto is affected by the medium. The person to ask about the timing though, would be @Justin Goody, who grows and breeds autoflowering plants perpetually. He grows in and outdoors.
Hey Metalfish,

There are so many myths about autoflowering plants. I'd be very surprised if the lifespan of the auto is affected by the medium. The person to ask about the timing though, would be @Justin Goody, who grows and breeds autoflowering plants perpetually. He grows in and outdoors.
Thanks for your information
Yeah, it's extremely hard, unless you're the member of club or own a farm it's next to impossible and getting a licence for centre fire rifles is a whole nother story. You don't have to do a course though, just fill out all the paperwork, get a police check etc.
Yeah meat is super expensive here, well actually every is lol, a pack of 20 tailor-mades is about $35 for a shit brand!
But yeah I much prefer meat that I've earned too.
Can't say I've ever tried bear or moose, if we even had them over here it'd probably be a protected fucking species anyways :rofl:
Sorry to hear about your back man, hopefully you can get back out there someday (no pun intended)
Good morning Buddy :ciao:
I'm improving so I'm not complaining. ;)
But a walk in the woods with my dogs would be nice.
I loved getting out in nature hunting & fishing.
That was the fun part, just being there.
Do you have roos running around your place?
Any pics?
We had a bear here the other day, the second one so far .
But I was too slow with the camera.
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I love cooking, in 20 years I don’t think my wife has cooked any more than 50 meals, I do most of the cooking. Before I fucked my back me and a couple of mates used to do massive cook ups, we’d pick a country and spend a whole weekend cooking food from whatever country we picked and getting pissed and stoned.
Same here, my mum was a chef for 50 plus years, so I grew up in kitchens. That'd one lucky wife you have there my friend! Sorry to hear about your back problems 😔 the cook ups you used to do with your mates sounds like a blast!!!
well between the climate where I live being unpredictable and the amount of bugs and critters I get on my fruit trees, herb and vegetables garden, that’s what pushed me towards hydro. I also have quite a bit of experience in aquaponic’s, so that was another reason.
So do auto’s have a shorter life outdoors as well? As I’ve been told they do in hydro.
Sounds like hydro I was a perfect fit for you then!
I 2nd what Carmen said, I don't believe the growing medium would have an impact in their lifespan and as far as I know, environmental factors that are out of our control wouldn't much either (unless of course you have a cold flash or frost that kills your plant instantly lol) I think the lifespan comes down to the strain and genetics more than anything else IMHO.
Good morning Buddy :ciao:
I'm improving so I'm not complaining. ;)
But a walk in the woods with my dogs would be nice.
I loved getting out in nature hunting & fishing.
That was the fun part, just being there.
Do you have roos running around your place?
Any pics?
We had a bear here the other day, the second one so far .
But I was too slow with the camera.
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good evening amigo :ciao:
Good to hear you're on the mend, I'm very much the same, I love the wilderness and just being outdoors amongst it!
Where I'm living at the moment is a much more suburban area, so we don't get kangaroos around here, but next time I go down to my mums (she lives in rural area) I'd be happy to snap a pic of some kangas for you.
Are the bears around you dangerous, or more docile and friendly like?
Pity, I would've loved a picture 📸
Good evening amigo :ciao:
Good to hear you're on the mend, I'm very much the same, I love the wilderness and just being outdoors amongst it!
Where I'm living at the moment is a much more suburban area, so we don't get kangaroos around here, but next time I go down to my mums (she lives in rural area) I'd be happy to snap a pic of some kangas for you.
Are the bears around you dangerous, or more docile and friendly like?
Pity, I would've loved a picture 📸
Hmm , docile? 🧐
I haven’t had the opportunity to explore that question.
They avoid people usually.
The forest behind us has lots of them.
1000’s of acres untouched.
Fortunately the river usually keeps us separated.
But it’s low really low and easily crossed atm.
They come and check out the garbage bin but as soon as the dogs bark they run.
I haven’t heard of anyone getting attacked or even bothered really.
They may seem like Teddy bears and do avoid humans I wouldn’t want to be too close to one.
Easily could kill me or my pups.
I’ve heard Roos can be a bugger to fend off.
I’d love to see some hopping around.
And any pics of your beautiful countryside.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hmm , docile? 🧐
I haven’t had the opportunity to explore that question.
They avoid people usually.
The forest behind us has lots of them.
1000’s of acres untouched.
Fortunately the river usually keeps us separated.
But it’s low really low and easily crossed atm.
They come and check out the garbage bin but as soon as the dogs bark they run.
I haven’t heard of anyone getting attacked or even bothered really.
They may seem like Teddy bears and do avoid humans I wouldn’t want to be too close to one.
Easily could kill me or my pups.
I’ve heard Roos can be a bugger to fend off.
I’d love to see some hopping around.
And any pics of your beautiful countryside.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You pretty much answered my question, I just meant they don't randomly chase/attack people do they?
We don't have bears here, so I've got no experience with them whatsoever.
Mustn't be too big and scary if the dogs scare em away lol!
Yeah I wouldn't think it was a good idea to get up close to them though.
You're right about kangaroos man, if ya piss em off, they will Mike Tyson the fuck out of you. They throw a mean punch and could kick ya probably 20ft backwards, they pretty much fight like humans lol!
100% next time I head down mums way, I'll take some photos for you, it's beautiful down where she lives and it's only like a 15min drive from my place.
You pretty much answered my question, I just meant they don't randomly chase/attack people do they?
We don't have bears here, so I've got no experience with them whatsoever.
Mustn't be too big and scary if the dogs scare em away lol!
Yeah I wouldn't think it was a good idea to get up close to them though.
You're right about kangaroos man, if ya piss em off, they will Mike Tyson the fuck out of you. They throw a mean punch and could kick ya probably 20ft backwards, they pretty much fight like humans lol!
100% next time I head down mums way, I'll take some photos for you, it's beautiful down where she lives and it's only like a 15min drive from my place.
I’m looking forward to seeing that.
Tyson! Hehe 😂

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
G'day everyone, just dropping another quick update as some more presents came in the mail today!
As this is gonna be a guerrilla grow in true guerrilla style, I had to get a few supplies.
Some tactical gloves (no fingerprints)
Tactical backpack (carry dirt to the site)
New tactical flashlight
And a jewellers loupe.
Hope you all are having a great day/night, stay tuned folks 😎
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