New aussie Auto grower, looking for some advice

Hey y'all,
I'm only new to this site and new to cannabis cultivation, so any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! I'll try and provide as much information as I can.

I'm growing outdoors and my medium will be a mix of seagreens organic soil, pearlite, whoflungdung manure, coco coir.
I've ordered 20xseeds for sacred seeds, they seem pretty reliable (anyone else used them?)
5x gorilla glue, 5x zkittlez, 5x Moby dick and 5x northern lights.
First grow is gonna be 3x gorilla 1xzkittlez and 1x Moby dick I reckon.
I've got 5x 5 gallon fabric pots on the way.
Thinking of getting the green planet nutrient kit from my local hydroshop, it includes duel fuel 1+2, massive bloom and rezin. I have no idea about nutes, I read that autos are a little more sensitive than photos, so any advice or help in the nutrient area would be amazing (particularly how many times to give nutes per week)
I've got a ph tester probe for soil on the way, I read that 6-6.8 is good? I can't get my head around EC or PPM though!
Anyways, I'm honoured to be part of the community here now and I'd like to thank anyone in advance for any advice or help you guys can give me now and during my grow!
Hey y'all,
I'm only new to this site and new to cannabis cultivation, so any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! I'll try and provide as much information as I can.

I'm growing outdoors and my medium will be a mix of seagreens organic soil, pearlite, whoflungdung manure, coco coir.
I've ordered 20xseeds for sacred seeds, they seem pretty reliable (anyone else used them?)
5x gorilla glue, 5x zkittlez, 5x Moby dick and 5x northern lights.
First grow is gonna be 3x gorilla 1xzkittlez and 1x Moby dick I reckon.
I've got 5x 5 gallon fabric pots on the way.
Thinking of getting the green planet nutrient kit from my local hydroshop, it includes duel fuel 1+2, massive bloom and rezin. I have no idea about nutes, I read that autos are a little more sensitive than photos, so any advice or help in the nutrient area would be amazing (particularly how many times to give nutes per week)
I've got a ph tester probe for soil on the way, I read that 6-6.8 is good? I can't get my head around EC or PPM though!
Anyways, I'm honoured to be part of the community here now and I'd like to thank anyone in advance for any advice or help you guys can give me now and during my grow!
Welcome from up over! What part of Australia are you from? I have only been to the Perth - Freemantle area but it was a beautiful, and a very clean place, I had a good time there. I personally like growing in soil, I just use Ocean forest soil Fox Farm nutes and cal-mag. I have had no deficiencies or issues attributed to nutrition for awhile now. I used to do hydro but I just got tired of messing with the buckets and accessories, I went back to the old 'KISS' method and I haven't looked back. I was thinking about trying out the product Grow Dots (nutes), I have heard people say they work really well, it's a one time application for the duration of your grow. The same company also makes a product called Recharge to add healthy microbes back to the soil.

Good growing to ya!
I've used their nutrients before with success in soil and coco.
I don't think you will have an issue in soil :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks @Bill284 you've certainly eased my mind. Just wondering what your take is on this. The US feed chart says week 1 veg 2ml per gallon and aussie one says 0.5ml per litre, which works out because there is almost 4 litres to the gallon, but check out week 2, US is 4ml per gallon, but Aussie one is 1.75ml per litre, the conversion is completely different


Thanks @Bill284 you've certainly eased my mind. Just wondering what your take is on this. The US feed chart says week 1 veg 2ml per gallon and aussie one says 0.5ml per litre, which works out because there is almost 4 litres to the gallon, but check out week 2, US is 4ml per gallon, but Aussie one is 1.75ml per litre, the conversion is completely different


When feeding young girls I'd use the smaller measurements.
You have some nutrients in the soil so feeding at this stage isn't as vital. :Namaste:
Infact some soil growers give plain water the first 2 weeks.
Once the roots develop and you can give higher volumes of nutrients use the chart in ml/l it's more accurate than teaspoons/ gallon and easier to follow.
Just remember you feed nutrients first then let dry a bit then give plain water and let that dry then feed again.
Repeat this process always remembering to alternate and let dry in between.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome from up over! What part of Australia are you from? I have only been to the Perth - Freemantle area but it was a beautiful, and a very clean place, I had a good time there. I personally like growing in soil, I just use Ocean forest soil Fox Farm nutes and cal-mag. I have had no deficiencies or issues attributed to nutrition for awhile now. I used to do hydro but I just got tired of messing with the buckets and accessories, I went back to the old 'KISS' method and I haven't looked back. I was thinking about trying out the product Grow Dots (nutes), I have heard people say they work really well, it's a one time application for the duration of your grow. The same company also makes a product called Recharge to add healthy microbes back to the soil.

Good growing to ya!
Gday @Hannabis I'm from the little island of Tasmania! Wow perth and Fremantle aye, so you was in the west, very gnarly hot weather over there mate! Glad you enjoyed it 😊 I'm the same, never been into hydro or indoor setups for that matter, love being an organic bush grower, never grown autos before (which I'm about to start) but have grown quite a few photos in my time. I've heard that fox farms stuff you guys have is pretty spot on, we don't have it over here, I use seagreens organic mix, pretty similar in make-up I reckon. I don't diss the kiss, but I prefer to tweak things as I go. Can't say I've heard of grow dots 🤔 are they some form of slow release pellets. Can't say I like anything slow release, leaves you with little control if your babies start burning.
Same to you mate, I'll look for ward to seeing a journal from ya and feel free to follow mine when I start it
When feeding young girls I'd use the smaller measurements.
You have some nutrients in the soil so feeding at this stage isn't as vital. :Namaste:
Infact some soil growers give plain water the first 2 weeks.
Once the roots develop and you can give higher volumes of nutrients use the chart in ml/l it's more accurate than teaspoons/ gallon and easier to follow.
Just remember you feed nutrients first then let dry a bit then give plain water and let that dry then feed again.
Repeat this process always remembering to let dry in between.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks for your insight mate, I was thinking along the same lines, I'm not planning to start "week 1" of the chart until say week 2 or maybe 3, I'll play it by eye.
I was just baffled as to why the conversions were such different amounts when they should equal out to the same for both whether it's litre or gallon
Thanks for your insight mate, I was thinking along the same lines, I'm not planning to start "week 1" of the chart until say week 2 or maybe 3, I'll play it by eye.
I was just baffled as to why the conversions were such different amounts when they should equal out to the same for both whether it's litre or gallon
Hey Tassie, if I were you I'd contact the manufacturer and ask some questions. Do they supply an email address or can you find one online? They should be able to explain and advise.
Hey Tassie, if I were you I'd contact the manufacturer and ask some questions. Do they supply an email address or can you find one online? They should be able to explain and advise.
Hey Carmen, that was my first thought aswell, I did contact them last night through the email listed on their site, just waiting to hear back 😀
I'm thinking this ph meter is extremely useless, as I just don't believe it's very accurate after a bit of testing it out 🤨😐
Those probes are notoriously inaccurate. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My thinking exactly Bill, unless you're willing to fork out a few hundred for a good one, which brings me to the question of, what is a cheap relatively reliable way of testing soil ph?
I concentrate on what's going in.
Some people measure run-off but I find it futile.
Unless you are experiencing a major issue I wouldn't worry about it.
Most soil self regulates to the appropriate ph.
Feed properly and you should be ok.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I concentrate on what's going in.
Some people measure run-off but I find it futile.
Unless you are experiencing a major issue I wouldn't worry about it.
Most soil self regulates to the appropriate ph.
Feed properly and you should be ok.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
OK cool, when I used to grow photos, I never ph tested once, but after reading about alot of people testing ph, ec, ppm and everything else, I thought I'd have to get on top of it all
Hey @Bill284 I've got the bokashi and frass sorted, just need to buy the myco, it's the most expensive of the 3, how far would 100g go? Enough to do the 5 pots?
Good morning Amigo :ciao:
The 100 g package will do 20 plants no problem.
Well worth the hay.:thumb:
Did you find seeds?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning Amigo :ciao:
The 100 g package will do 20 plants no problem.
Well worth the hay.:thumb:
Did you find seeds?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good evening my friend 👋
That's great news, I'll order those 3 things in the morning then it will be all steam ahead!
Yeah I did, I ended up going with sacred seeds as another member on here told me he only got his from them a few weeks ago and came within a couple days, no problems! Funny thing is, he got the gorilla glue autos aswell, so it'll be an interesting grow comparison
Gday fellow 420 maggers!
Thought I'd drop a quick update, I like to think of this thread as a pre-journal now!
Went to the nursery this arvo and picked up some organic soil, plus some whoflungdung (manure/compost)

Also bought some garden wire for the LST I'm doing on one of my gorilla's. Gees it's pricey at these small nurseries, but I love to support local businesses 👌
I noticed they also had the exact same digital ph meter that I bought of temu.
$54.95 at the nursery, $7.90 off temu 😱
Good evening my friend 👋
That's great news, I'll order those 3 things in the morning then it will be all steam ahead!
Yeah I did, I ended up going with sacred seeds as another member on here told me he only got his from them a few weeks ago and came within a couple days, no problems! Funny thing is, he got the gorilla glue autos aswell, so it'll be an interesting grow comparison
G’day, how many days since you ordered your seeds? If I remember correctly I ordered mine on a Monday arvo and they came on the Thursday. I’m not sure where they post from but I’m in Wollongong NSW.
G’day, how many days since you ordered your seeds? If I remember correctly I ordered mine on a Monday arvo and they came on the Thursday. I’m not sure where they post from but I’m in Wollongong NSW.
G'day metal, I ordered mine yesterday morning, so I assume they might get here by Tuesday or Wednesday next week, I am in Tassie after all 🤔
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