Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Happy Birthday. Another FISH rising :cheer: I dont arrive until tomorrow

The Pisces personality is very friendly and selfless, but can at times feel overwhelmed by whirlwinds of strong emotions. Pisces traits include being creative, sensual, and imaginative.

Thank you, I think I lean more towards Aquarius. Sometimes my birthday says I'm Aquarius and others it says Pisces. I don't really pay a lot of attention to it though.
It's going good, Duggan! Getting ready to cut clones for the summer season. I have heard that I can put a plant out in April and it will flower through the summer. I guess you can harvest long flowering sativas in July or August?.... We will see.

I think that Star Pupil is on the docket for next fall!
Happy Birthday Neiko! Sorry I did not see this yesterday. :happy-birthday: !! On the subject of coco, I listened to an interview with a guy that said it allowed for greater uptake of food. He said theoretically you get more food in and get more yield. I started using coco amended soil after that. I like the better drainage personally, but if terpene and potency are increased that is even better.
A little bit late, but you know how it is :)

Happy B-day man :passitleft:
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