Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Good deal. I still have a bunch of DJ's Blueberry that I doubt will ever get popped by me. I could pass them on to you if you want to give them a go. I don't expect every plant to be a keeper but those were so bad in compared to other plants I can't waste anymore time with those.

Hey there bud, long time. I don't blame you for not wanting to run them. What state are you in now? Michigan went Recreational so I'm not sure how/if it will affect the medical program here. I'm happy having 1 registered patient so I can take advantage of the caregiver benefits.

Thanks for the tip. I looked at it and it does sound nice but I'm really looking for the original blueberry because of it's medical benefits. Blueberry is excellent for migraines and my daughter deals with them as well as my wife at times. It is also great for anxiety which a strain that calms that for the wife is an automatic keeper. I like it for it's sedating effects and taste.
The original blueberry, now your adding another layer of complexity to the hunt. Not only are you looking for a unicorn this unicorn must have 2 horns. I think those are called demons :laugh:
You are doing too high. The way you guys are making your oil you have no idea how potent it is. A medicinal dose for non smokers is about 10-15 mg of thc or cbd. With olive oil and lecithin that amount will get through the 1st pass of the liver and get to the lymph nodes where your body will use them to heal. If you overdose the olive oil, there will be enough THC/CBD to make a 2nd pass through the liver where it will now get converted and you get high.
You are doing too high. The way you guys are making your oil you have no idea how potent it is. A medicinal dose for non smokers is about 10-15 mg of thc or cbd. With olive oil and lecithin that amount will get through the 1st pass of the liver and get to the lymph nodes where your body will use them to heal. If you overdose the olive oil, there will be enough THC/CBD to make a 2nd pass through the liver where it will now get converted and you get high.
I need your recipe bro or the link to the ine you use. I gotta get some of that made for me and a few friends. Thanks in advance
Yeah man Texas laws aren't good for someone with our hobby. Throw some pics up if ya want. I'd like to see what you have going
Meh, they're still babies right now. I might start a journal again once they're really kickin!
Gray...i'm a peaceful sort and all....but every time i see that lil fuckin guy you put up there i just wanna kick em lik a football....:rofl::reading420magazine:. .....Good to see Tard back ,...Ya Neiko..i know your right...but i cant help my self...i like to make it strong so it works better...but i see now that's the wrong approach. I'l get it....maybe this harvest,..was planning on trying some more oil from the Durban Poison and the Chronic. Anyhow , cheers ya'l...enjoy these days......:high-five:
You are doing too high. The way you guys are making your oil you have no idea how potent it is. A medicinal dose for non smokers is about 10-15 mg of thc or cbd. With olive oil and lecithin that amount will get through the 1st pass of the liver and get to the lymph nodes where your body will use them to heal. If you overdose the olive oil, there will be enough THC/CBD to make a 2nd pass through the liver where it will now get converted and you get high.
Love that you learn something new on this site everyday. +Reps brother
Gray...i'm a peaceful sort and all....but every time i see that lil fuckin guy you put up there i just wanna kick em lik a football....:rofl::reading420magazine:. .....Good to see Tard back ,...Ya Neiko..i know your right...but i cant help my self...i like to make it strong so it works better...but i see now that's the wrong approach. I'l get it....maybe this harvest,..was planning on trying some more oil from the Durban Poison and the Chronic. Anyhow , cheers ya'l...enjoy these days......:high-five:
I hear you Duggs. Sometimes more isn't better though. Most the people I help are older and don't want to be high. That dose works! I could go on and on about how those pills have helped people. That same dose mixed with coconut oil put my brother (non smoker) on his ass for 8 hours. He didn't feel anything with the olive oil and said I need something stronger because I don't feel anything. I explained to him that he won't but he should feel better and sleep better and he said oh yeah I do but I want to feel it. He ended up feeling it alright.
For my pills, I start with fresh CCO (concentrated cannabis oil) so here's I make that:
I start with at least 2 ounces of dried bud (doesn't have to be cured), I wouldn't go any less than 1 ounce of bud. I decarb the bud at 240 for 1 hour if it's THC only or 75 minutes if CBD is present. Store the decarbed bud, mason jar, wooden spoon and the everclear in the coldest freezer you have for 24 hours minimum. After coming out of the deep freeze put the frozen buds into the frozen jar and smash them up with the frozen wooden spoon. completely cover the bud with the cold everclear and put the top on and shake the mixture for 4 minutes. Strain the bud using 160-180 micron bag (the little bag that comes with the MB2e will work it's just small. Coffee filters will work too. Put the strained bud back into your mixing jar and cover with everclear again. Shake for 4 more minutes and strain. Throw out the strained bud you're done with it now. I strain into a large glass container (in the step above) and then pour that into a clean mason jar seal and put the mixture back into the deep freeze for another 24 hours. After the 24 hours are up you should see some separation at the bottom of the jar, that's the plant waxes coming out. Don't shake the jar. I have a small set of bubble bags I use to strain everything so at this point I pour the mixture through the smallest micron bag I have (25 micron) to catch the wax into the Distiller. Like I said in the post before I pour it into the distiller I fill a mason jar with the same amount of water as the mixture and pour the water into the distiller jug (it looks like a big coffee pot) and put a piece of tape where I want to stop the distiller, I shoot for 10% left in the distiller. Pour the water out of the jug and run the distiller until you get to your mark. While that is doing it's thing I boil a large pot of water on a hotplate. I pour the remaining mixture out of the distiller into a ceramic nonstick pan and place that over the boiling water (the pan should fit fairly tight). The alcohol will start boiling off, it smells so a little fan may be needed. You definitely don't want any open flame to do this. Once all the alcohol is boiled off (no more bubbles) you'll have a thick dark oil left in the pan. I have the wife use a little spatula to help pool the oil together and I draw it up into 1 ml syringes. The little bit I can't get into the syringes, we put into a little silicon container. There will be tiny droplets of oil left in the pan, I don't wash it, I cover the whole pan with cling tite and store the pan. Those little drops will combine with your next batch.
Ya funny when i think about it all, how i was raised to think about how strong ,..or how pure something was. Sometimes its more about a proper dosage while not going overboard , causing other shit to happen. I get it. I never told you about my BIL,...gave some of the last caps to my oldest sis for her back,...she said they were making her too high for work. My BIL said nahhh, gimmy a couple of those....all tuff like....said,,they cant be that strong. ....Oh NO!...sis called me ,..said he was puking his guts out after taking two. I felt terrible....well maybe not...:rofl: he musta had a bad reaction ...but my sis and everyone else has been great with them. wat ghives eh...wat a hoot it was though..this guy comes from a very 'hard' backround and has been thru a lot of shit ,,,but two of my caps had him "pinned" to the
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