That is pretty potent. I would love to see the recipe...or is it just standard cco methods?
I tested my oil twice. Once with 151 proof everclear and that was 62% and the 190 proof was 77%. It may be getting better by using the distiller to reclaim the alcohol, I've heard others saying the proof goes up using the distiller. I'm not up on current CCO methods, I'm sure they are doing some new things but my way works and I just stuck to it. I PM'd my method to another member so I'll just copy and paste it here:
I start with at least 2 ounces of dried bud (doesn't have to be cured), I wouldn't go any less than 1 ounce of bud.
I decarb the bud at 240 for 1 hour if it's THC only or 75 minutes if CBD is present.
Store the decarbed bud, mason jar, wooden spoon and the everclear in the coldest freezer you have for 24 hours minimum.
After coming out of the deep freeze put the frozen buds into the frozen jar and smash them up with the frozen wooden spoon.
completely cover the bud with the cold everclear and put the top on and shake the mixture for 4 minutes.
Strain the bud using 160-180 micron bag (the little bag that comes with the MB2e will work it's just small. Coffee filters will work too.
Put the strained bud back into your mixing jar and cover with everclear again. Shake for 4 more minutes and strain.
Throw out the strained bud you're done with it now.
I strain into a large glass container (in the step above) and then pour that into a clean mason jar seal and put the mixture back into the deep freeze for another 24 hours.
After the 24 hours are up you should see some separation at the bottom of the jar, that's the plant waxes coming out. Don't shake the jar. I have a small set of bubble bags I use to strain everything so at this point I pour the mixture through the smallest micron bag I have (25 micron) to catch the wax into the Distiller. Like I said in the post before I pour it into the distiller I fill a mason jar with the same amount of water as the mixture and pour the water into the distiller jug (it looks like a big coffee pot) and put a piece of tape where I want to stop the distiller, I shoot for 10% left in the distiller.
Pour the water out of the jug and run the distiller until you get to your mark.
While that is doing it's thing I boil a large pot of water on a hotplate.
I pour the remaining mixture out of the distiller into a ceramic nonstick pan and place that over the boiling water (the pan should fit fairly tight).
The alcohol will start boiling off, it smells so a little fan may be needed. You definitely don't want any open flame to do this.
Once all the alcohol is boiled off (no more bubbles) you'll have a thick dark oil left in the pan. I have the wife use a little spatula to help pool the oil together and I draw it up into 1 ml syringes. The little bit I can't get into the syringes, we put into a little silicon container. There will be tiny droplets of oil left in the pan, I don't wash it, I cover the whole pan with cling tite and store the pan. Those little drops will combine with your next batch.