Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Heyas Neiko, Lovely bud structure on that girl! They look so tasty :drool::goodjob:

Was just reading up the last few pages. You guys are talking about Everclear. I’ve also tried to look for it in canada with no luck. I do have interest in making concentrated oil. Ideally for vape pens for friends and fam.

I work in telecom and we have almost unlimited supplies of isopropyl 99%.

I’m wondering if this stuff is safe to use for cannabis extractions?

We get them in bottles. 500ml in size. Calsco Solvents is the brand.

Here is a pic

Just googled it and seems like we can use this for QWISO. Pretty fast way to make some Shatter
Heyas Neiko, Lovely bud structure on that girl! They look so tasty :drool::goodjob:

Was just reading up the last few pages. You guys are talking about Everclear. I’ve also tried to look for it in canada with no luck. I do have interest in making concentrated oil. Ideally for vape pens for friends and fam.

I work in telecom and we have almost unlimited supplies of isopropyl 99%.

I’m wondering if this stuff is safe to use for cannabis extractions?

We get them in bottles. 500ml in size. Calsco Solvents is the brand.

Here is a pic

Just googled it and seems like we can use this for QWISO. Pretty fast way to make some Shatter
Rick Simpson Oil originally called for Iso and as you stated is also used in QWISO. A lot of people the produce medicine got away from using ISO though due to the adulterants that are added to ISO to stop people from drinking it. There is a fear that those adulterants are left behind in the oil and may do more hard than good.
Rick Simpson Oil originally called for Iso and as you stated is also used in QWISO. A lot of people the produce medicine got away from using ISO though due to the adulterants that are added to ISO to stop people from drinking it. There is a fear that those adulterants are left behind in the oil and may do more hard than good.

Thanks for the heads up Yeti. I wonder how true that is about the left over adulterants.

And also wonder how safe everclear and all the grain alcohol is. Hopefully it isn’t anything to worry about.
Thanks for the heads up Yeti. I wonder how true that is about the left over adulterants.

And also wonder how safe everclear and all the grain alcohol is. Hopefully it isn’t anything to worry about.
You can do some google searches for RSO and see what comes back. I think @SweetSue and some others from her study hall may have posted about it. i know I have seen it mentioned on here more than once. I think grain alcohol or any high proof liquor will be safer than ISO. For the simple fact that they are safe to imbibe (well as safe as any alcohol is) where as ISO is not. I would think that would translate into whatever extractions they are used for.
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