Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

I met one of our new neighbors the other night. I was walking down the road the a lab (dog) started chasing me and shortly after I see his owner appear. Older guy about 65, and we started talking. He pulled out a vape pen during our conversation and I smelled the slight scent and I smiled.

We talked for a couple hours and of course cannabis came up after I smelled his stuff. I offered to bring by some of my samples. He had shared a thumb drive from his game cameras on his property to see what sort of critters we might be dealing with up here. Anyways, we checked it out and returned it last night along with the promised samples. Dude loved them....was blown away by the BCP.

He was smoking out of one of those old school metal one hit pipes and was shocked when he smoked a tiny bit and felt as high as he did. He was up front and said, "I get my weed by the quarter pound....I pay 500 a QP. This weeds a hell of a lot better than that. You ever sell your stuff?" Man I hate that question from someone you just meet. I can tell ya, I ain't selling my stuff at that price. I have two friends going through brain cancer that I am supplying for free as well several family members with aches and pains and I would rather give it away than sell it at that price so I am right there with you Neiko.

I would rather barter for fire wood or something else I need than sell that cheap. I have two former co-workers that do swing by and compensate me nicely for what I give them but thats about the extent of any money.
Don't be sorry, it's a good discussion and I bet there are a few more out there that have the same feelings from time to time. It may seem like a chore at times but if this was ever taken away from me I don't think I'd deal with it to well. It really is an outlet.

Indeed, I get those feelings. I only sample my goods 2-3 times a year. But wife gets the goods she needs. Wife has 3 or 4 bad disks and she gets relief from my smoke that is important to me. And I don't pay the man.
But it is an outlet for me. Wifey sends me to the tent when I'm get stressed.

I would rather barter for fire wood or something else I need

Ya man. I find pleasure in Being able to give it in a good spirit. I only have 2 people I given the good stuff. So I don't have much experience. But I have always been blessed for my gifts in return. I like trading. :peace:
yeah I would love to find 420 friendly people and eliminate money whenever possible. Oh you have a pig? How much weed for half that bad boy? 2 cords of wood....ah here ya go, take these 2-3 zips and let me know how you like it.

Need some work done on the car? Here ya go's a zip for the tune up!

I got plenty of weed, but not enough money to buy the other stuff I want.
The neighbor is a machinist so at least I know I can get him to make me stuff I need in exchange for some weed!

I guess the people that live at the end of the road (a farm) often have animals get out that wonder down this way....maybe one of their pigs will make its way down here. Can't guarantee it will make it's way back though! :eek::oops:
My cheapest price....and not a penny less is 200 a z.
Any complaners can go fuck themselves........cheers.
Thats about what my friends compensate me for it....and thats as low as I will go for a non friend. Friends I would go lower but they usually determine the rate "just whatever you feel its worth brother" is my usual comment.....but I never count until later. "just throw it in the seed money jar"
It's good to see those numbers. I consider $8/gram to be a solid value for what we grow, and I see that the dispensaries routinely get $5, and less. From a standard retail pricing model, that's a good range. But I also hear that Oregon has FAR more weed than the native population can consume and exports aren't allowed, so ... things are getting really hinky there?

I was wondering about Mich, too, with its excellent caregiver model which is now blown entirely up? :hmmmm: That sort of thing sucks big time because the consumer loses his connection to the grower. He can buy whatever the giant corporations are going to have for him - crap weeds grown in chemical baths - or he can pay 2-3 times as much for someone to carefully (I love accidental puns) grow his plants for him.

A good pair of shoes costs at least 3 times as much as a commercial pair - same with most clothing. Good booze is 2+ times as much ... a good dinner ... When you think about it, that's the way a lot of pricing goes - if you want something better, the cost goes up fast.

They key is finding the people who don't like crappy stuff, for whatever reason. :) It'll take awhile for the retail outlets to find a way to market a quality product. In the meantime, it'll be a mess for anyone hoping to convince people that the good stuff is really worth that much more. Most of the people I talk to just want to get stoned. They not only don't care a lot about the character of the high, they don't consciously feel it. They just get stoned. After a year or so, one of them is finally starting to notice the differences. :rolleyes:

Eventually, the market for quality will emerge, but it doesn't look good in the near term.
yeah I would love to find 420 friendly people and eliminate money whenever possible. Oh you have a pig? How much weed for half that bad boy? 2 cords of wood....ah here ya go, take these 2-3 zips and let me know how you like it.

Need some work done on the car? Here ya go's a zip for the tune up!

I got plenty of weed, but not enough money to buy the other stuff I want.
You need to make hash coins like Ricky in trailer park boys. Then you can pay with currency.
Give it a while.....I am making space and pretty soon I am going to hook up the bubble hash machine and start making currency!! My issue is I don't want anyone to know where I live LOL!
My cheapest price....and not a penny less is 200 a z.
Any complaners can go fuck themselves........cheers.
Yeah 200 an oz. Is my bottom also.:passitleft:

Same $$ here. Rec. weed is very pricey, more than double my min. required “donation”. I’m not impressed one bit with the rec weed. Trimmed in machines, all the volatile terpenes gone, bah! And now with legalization everyone seems to be growing outdoor, some in massive quantities, and flooding the market with the tastless fluff weed, grown with who knows what chemicals. Most of the public knows nothing of high brix, or connoisseur grade cannabis, until they are introduced to it. A few of my recent acquaintances were simply shocked at the flavor, taste, smoothness, and effect of the high brix joint we smoked. Next thing their asking how to get know the story.

I put so much care into everything I do growing cannabis. We take this plants essence into our body’s and the rest is chemistry. Think about all the work as an individual we do in this process. Mixing soil, filtering water, all the self education, the expenses, harvesting, cloning, trimming, washing, drying, curing, packaging, moving it, cleaning, and it goes on and on. It’s a lot of work! Quite the commitment for sure!

When I get someone who is receptive to understand what i do and why I take these laborious steps, and samples the fruits of my labor, It’s amazing to see their reaction, and bingo... they come back, at quite the discount too!

At the end of the day, I LOVE growing and hunting for special cultivars. I love sharing what I grow with interested people. It’s all about scale though. If I see less people wanting my goods, I will have to scale back my small gardens output. Maybe approach it the way Graytail does; smaller plants, many cultivars, less to trim, etc.

Time will tell my friends...
Same $$ here. Rec. weed is very pricey, more than double my min. required “donation”. I’m not impressed one bit with the rec weed. Trimmed in machines, all the volatile terpenes gone, bah! And now with legalization everyone seems to be growing outdoor, some in massive quantities, and flooding the market with the tastless fluff weed, grown with who knows what chemicals. Most of the public knows nothing of high brix, or connoisseur grade cannabis, until they are introduced to it. A few of my recent acquaintances were simply shocked at the flavor, taste, smoothness, and effect of the high brix joint we smoked. Next thing their asking how to get know the story.

I put so much care into everything I do growing cannabis. We take this plants essence into our body’s and the rest is chemistry. Think about all the work as an individual we do in this process. Mixing soil, filtering water, all the self education, the expenses, harvesting, cloning, trimming, washing, drying, curing, packaging, moving it, cleaning, and it goes on and on. It’s a lot of work! Quite the commitment for sure!

When I get someone who is receptive to understand what i do and why I take these laborious steps, and samples the fruits of my labor, It’s amazing to see their reaction, and bingo... they come back, at quite the discount too!

At the end of the day, I LOVE growing and hunting for special cultivars. I love sharing what I grow with interested people. It’s all about scale though. If I see less people wanting my goods, I will have to scale back my small gardens output. Maybe approach it the way Graytail does; smaller plants, many cultivars, less to trim, etc.

Time will tell my friends...

Yeah I have changed the way a few of my pot friendly friends since I introduced them to my stuff. Gave our new neighbor a few samples last night and about an hour later he goes "Thats some really good stuff, don't need much of that do you!"

Dude reminds me of a spitting image of Dennis Hopper LOL. His wife was talking to us and I was watching his body language. I love watching people try to figure out the effects of my weed. We will see if he ends up being a Stank convert.
Great info here guys.
So legalisation got to you too, eh? Here quality produce will go for crazy prices? Good outdoor weed will go for $2,500 wholesale easily and indoor for more.

Well maybe you could focus on upscale market. Grow stuff for yourself and sell only the best to people who are willing to pay the price. There must be a way out of it I’m sure.
Michigan changed the laws so that dispensaries could only buy from licensed commercial growers that had done testing and tracked the product from seed to sale. They can only transport it by licensed transporters and it can only be processed by licensed process facilities. Lots of barriers for small growers but I just heard on the news this morning that there aren't enough compliant growers and transporters to support the dispensaries so there is a bill that was introduced to allow them to buy from licensed caregivers again (that would be me) which is the way it has been until the state started preparing for rec weed. I've never sold to any dispensaries but there was a couple that truly only wanted quality and would pay a premium. I really don't even know what that was or will be. I never had enough to consider taking it in. I sure do now though.
It's good to see those numbers. I consider $8/gram to be a solid value for what we grow, and I see that the dispensaries routinely get $5, and less. From a standard retail pricing model, that's a good range. But I also hear that Oregon has FAR more weed than the native population can consume and exports aren't allowed, so ... things are getting really hinky there?

I was wondering about Mich, too, with its excellent caregiver model which is now blown entirely up? :hmmmm: That sort of thing sucks big time because the consumer loses his connection to the grower. He can buy whatever the giant corporations are going to have for him - crap weeds grown in chemical baths - or he can pay 2-3 times as much for someone to carefully (I love accidental puns) grow his plants for him.

A good pair of shoes costs at least 3 times as much as a commercial pair - same with most clothing. Good booze is 2+ times as much ... a good dinner ... When you think about it, that's the way a lot of pricing goes - if you want something better, the cost goes up fast.

They key is finding the people who don't like crappy stuff, for whatever reason. :) It'll take awhile for the retail outlets to find a way to market a quality product. In the meantime, it'll be a mess for anyone hoping to convince people that the good stuff is really worth that much more. Most of the people I talk to just want to get stoned. They not only don't care a lot about the character of the high, they don't consciously feel it. They just get stoned. After a year or so, one of them is finally starting to notice the differences. :rolleyes:

Eventually, the market for quality will emerge, but it doesn't look good in the near term.

Yep Michigan blew up a very friendly system. We don't see $5/gram prices here it's more like $10-$20/gram with minimal discounts for OZ's in the dispensaries.

I don't make a habit of selling flower but when I do it is usually $250 an OZ. I make most my money from pills. I make CCO and turn into bio bomb pills made with olive oil. The old folks love them, I hear all the time how young they feel when they get on the program. I get $2/pill and 1 pill a day is usually just right for them. They get no euphoria and sleep great.
I hear ya on a lot of that post Yeti. The electricity is hard to justify when I have enough produce in storage for the wife and I for about 3 years.

Yep, the prices here are for growers is stupid low. There are so many cash croppers that don't give a shit about quality here and people just don't get it. The dispensaries are still selling $400-$500 ounces for shit weed. I did have someone come to me and ask if I could sell a pound or more to his buddy who was buying everything he could get his hands on. This person knows what I'm growing and loves it. Not many people have had true sativas let alone HB sativas. I told him a price that was less than $200 an oz. and my buddy said that was a great price but it was still more than he would pay. I told him I'd rather throw it away than go any lower. So I kept it all.

I couldn't do anything other than High Brix now and I'll get back on track here soon.

Don't be sorry, it's a good discussion and I bet there are a few more out there that have the same feelings from time to time. It may seem like a chore at times but if this was ever taken away from me I don't think I'd deal with it to well. It really is an outlet.

Yeah I have enough on hand to last longer than I care to admit. So electric costs, especially during the winter, are getting to be stupid! The dispensaries here sell for big money as well and people are ok with paying those prices there but not outside of the dispensary. I see people get beat up on for wanting 200 for a zip. Most people want them for 150 or less. I know some outdoor growers that are lucky to hit 100 a zip for bud that is better than the outdoor they used to sell for 300. I have heard of quality indoor going for 1800-2400 a pound. With 2400 being hard to achieve. That makes no sense at all.

I have some cuts I have gathered that I do not want to lose and so I will keep growing at least those ones. I am waiting for this cannatonic to get big enough to flower out. It has me excited for things to come for sure. I need to find someone to take my 9 pound hammer so i can get it out of rotation for a while but not lose it completely lol.

I met one of our new neighbors the other night. I was walking down the road the a lab (dog) started chasing me and shortly after I see his owner appear. Older guy about 65, and we started talking. He pulled out a vape pen during our conversation and I smelled the slight scent and I smiled.

We talked for a couple hours and of course cannabis came up after I smelled his stuff. I offered to bring by some of my samples. He had shared a thumb drive from his game cameras on his property to see what sort of critters we might be dealing with up here. Anyways, we checked it out and returned it last night along with the promised samples. Dude loved them....was blown away by the BCP.

He was smoking out of one of those old school metal one hit pipes and was shocked when he smoked a tiny bit and felt as high as he did. He was up front and said, "I get my weed by the quarter pound....I pay 500 a QP. This weeds a hell of a lot better than that. You ever sell your stuff?" Man I hate that question from someone you just meet. I can tell ya, I ain't selling my stuff at that price. I have two friends going through brain cancer that I am supplying for free as well several family members with aches and pains and I would rather give it away than sell it at that price so I am right there with you Neiko.

I would rather barter for fire wood or something else I need than sell that cheap. I have two former co-workers that do swing by and compensate me nicely for what I give them but thats about the extent of any money.

$500 for quality is ignorantly low. Around here it would be 6-700 for the qp at most and 700 is definitely pushing it.
Then again your average buyer is usually going to grab the pound for 400 to 1000 over the 1/4 pound for 700. Sad sate of affairs for those trying to make a living off of what they do. I tell my wife all the time I wish I could just trade flower for services. It would make life a lot easier at times. I do not have nearly enough money to get all I want accomplished but I sure do have enough flower to make a dent in it lol!

Same $$ here. Rec. weed is very pricey, more than double my min. required “donation”. I’m not impressed one bit with the rec weed. Trimmed in machines, all the volatile terpenes gone, bah! And now with legalization everyone seems to be growing outdoor, some in massive quantities, and flooding the market with the tastless fluff weed, grown with who knows what chemicals. Most of the public knows nothing of high brix, or connoisseur grade cannabis, until they are introduced to it. A few of my recent acquaintances were simply shocked at the flavor, taste, smoothness, and effect of the high brix joint we smoked. Next thing their asking how to get know the story.

I put so much care into everything I do growing cannabis. We take this plants essence into our body’s and the rest is chemistry. Think about all the work as an individual we do in this process. Mixing soil, filtering water, all the self education, the expenses, harvesting, cloning, trimming, washing, drying, curing, packaging, moving it, cleaning, and it goes on and on. It’s a lot of work! Quite the commitment for sure!

When I get someone who is receptive to understand what i do and why I take these laborious steps, and samples the fruits of my labor, It’s amazing to see their reaction, and bingo... they come back, at quite the discount too!

At the end of the day, I LOVE growing and hunting for special cultivars. I love sharing what I grow with interested people. It’s all about scale though. If I see less people wanting my goods, I will have to scale back my small gardens output. Maybe approach it the way Graytail does; smaller plants, many cultivars, less to trim, etc.

Time will tell my friends...

Rec weed is terrible all around. The major dispensaries around here are all owned by the same people and they just pump out crap! I saw an ad for their chocolope and they wanted $145 for a quarter! A fucking quarter! I have seen people struggle to sell $160 ounces and these pricks are selling patients quarters for $145. Makes no sense to me how they can live with themselves as they grow hundreds of plants at a time and cant even help the very patients that they are there to serve by giving them decent prices.

Great info here guys.

Michigan changed the laws so that dispensaries could only buy from licensed commercial growers that had done testing and tracked the product from seed to sale. They can only transport it by licensed transporters and it can only be processed by licensed process facilities. Lots of barriers for small growers but I just heard on the news this morning that there aren't enough compliant growers and transporters to support the dispensaries so there is a bill that was introduced to allow them to buy from licensed caregivers again (that would be me) which is the way it has been until the state started preparing for rec weed. I've never sold to any dispensaries but there was a couple that truly only wanted quality and would pay a premium. I really don't even know what that was or will be. I never had enough to consider taking it in. I sure do now though.

Yep Michigan blew up a very friendly system. We don't see $5/gram prices here it's more like $10-$20/gram with minimal discounts for OZ's in the dispensaries.

I don't make a habit of selling flower but when I do it is usually $250 an OZ. I make most my money from pills. I make CCO and turn into bio bomb pills made with olive oil. The old folks love them, I hear all the time how young they feel when they get on the program. I get $2/pill and 1 pill a day is usually just right for them. They get no euphoria and sleep great.

I need to learn how to make CCO and some other things. I made some pretty nice glycerin tincture that was rather easy to make. I did not make green dragon tinctures due to me being an alcoholic that hasnt drank in 7 years. I would like to use to tincture if I so choose and cant when it it liquor based. I have wanted to make RSO and topicals but have not gotten around to it.
When you are ready I will give you my step by step method. I've tested my oil and it comes back around 77% which is about as good as it gets using Everclear to extract. It makes it easy to calculate pill dosages if you know the purity of the oil. I've got it down now that I'm not getting any noticeable chlorophyll so it may have gone up a little in purity but I figure 1ml of CCO has 770 mg of cannabinoids, that's been pretty reliable. You'll boil off all the Everclear so you don't have to worry about consuming any.
When you are ready I will give you my step by step method. I've tested my oil and it comes back around 77% which is about as good as it gets using Everclear to extract. It makes it easy to calculate pill dosages if you know the purity of the oil. I've got it down now that I'm not getting any noticeable chlorophyll so it may have gone up a little in purity but I figure 1ml of CCO has 770 mg of cannabinoids, that's been pretty reliable. You'll boil off all the Everclear so you don't have to worry about consuming any.
I would be ready fairly soon but I cannot get Everclear in my state. It is illegal. I cant even get 151 proof ever clear. Im not sure what the highest proof alcohol is that I can get. I may have to find someone that makes moonshine so I can even have something to start with. Unless of course I want to buy extractohol which is pretty damn expensive.
I would be ready fairly soon but I cannot get Everclear in my state. It is illegal. I cant even get 151 proof ever clear. Im not sure what the highest proof alcohol is that I can get. I may have to find someone that makes moonshine so I can even have something to start with. Unless of course I want to buy extractohol which is pretty damn expensive.

You can get a distiller for about $100 on the Zon which will let you reclaim the alcohol AND increases the proof. So, I'd think you'd be able to get a bottle of high-proof vodka and run it a few times through the distiller and get yourself up to 150 proof, or better? :hmmmm:

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