Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Thanks! The BBH is a winner for sure. I've never kept a strain as long as this one. If anyone is on the fence about the kit some Bubba will finalize the deal for sure. She is such a breeze to grow. That plant looked better at harvest than a lot of them do mid way through flower.
I smoked my last of Neiko's Bubba Hash last night. Has to be one of the most flavorful strains I have smoked. Great evening time smoke as well. I can highly recommend it based of what I have tried of Neiko's.
I just went through some laziness myself, and managed to screw up a few plants. It's so hard to be diligent for 5 solid months. :(

That DeadlySativa looks great! :love: :thumb:
With my laziness bout I went through I screwed up my perpetual so I ended up with a bunch of plants done at the same time. I had to flip 4 together last week so I had something flowering after these last 3 came down. I'm going to wait another week and flip 3 more. Hopefully the different flowering times will get me somewhat back on track.
The Bubba genetics are solid for sure. I just flipped a Bubba x Nepal Jam and just sprouted a Bubba x Erdpurt.
I HATE HATE HATE having to harvest multiple plants at once. I love chopping one down every couple weeks. Much better process and easier to deal with. Everything kind of just flows together that way. From drying to the fridge for slow and the cob. Spacing harvests every 2 weeks makes it easy. About the time I need the fridge to dry the next plant, the previous one is ready for jars. Everything kind of just flows perfectly.

Its a real pain in the ass when you have several to harvest at once. I am going to be in the same boat. I will be having 6 of them finishing within a couple weeks of each other. I am trying to stagger everything else going forward to get back on a good routine.
I flip my tent all at once which means I harvest 12 plants at once. It usually consists of 2 days of straight trimming. I do like being able to clean my whole tent and start from scratch when finished. I also like being able to know everything is on the same feeding schedule. There are pros and cons for each method.
Yeah see I don't feed anything.....water only so none of that matters or impacts me. But I can definitely see where some people may prefer that method. Its the method I started with and did my first couple grows. But with my back issue....prolonged periods of trimming just suck big time. So the perpetual is the answer for me.

I do a weekly cleaning in my tent.....Take all the plants out (though with the two big girls in the back, once they are flowering fully and have weight on them, I likely won't move them), and clean the tent and shove everyone back in the tent......where I try to rotate positions. I hate looking in my tent and seeing leaves and dirt blowing around on the tent floor.

Just like anything boils down to grower preferences and what works best for each situation. Duggs has to plan his harvest around work and the boys. His situation is best like yours. I would be dead if I had to trim all my plants at once. I don't think I would trim much of anything if that was the case LOL....chop the plant and hang it upside down and go around pulling off all the fan leaves and call it a day.
What's up guys. I had a busy Sunday and not much time for the Mag. I got the Bubba Hash and Thai Chi down yesterday. I was going to take the Deadly Sativa too but I didn't have room on the drying rack so she gets another week. Here's a few pics.
Bubba Hash 70 days

Thai Chi 70 Days

Deadly Sativa 70 Days

Yeah I feel you on the bach aches from too much trimming, and I do not even have back problems. My next gift to myself is a recliner Lazyboy type chair with built in tv tray. This will be my new trim station.

YES THIS....Why didn't I think of this before. I am trying to get the basement in order....I have a big entertainment center, (Need New TV...the old 65" big screen won't fit into the basement...its too big so its sitting out the shed now :rolleyes:), couch but now I think I want a recliner LOL, and my yamaha receiver, and all the speakers. But I have to clear out room for the big tent and get that area situated then figure out where I can set up the Stank cave portion of the basement.

I think I want to get one of those pop up coffee tables where I can have smaller jars of all the strains we've grown (nicely displayed in little pop up sections that are divided by Sativas, Indicas, and Hybrids...each in alphabetical order as I hate having to search for the damn weed I want). Then inside the entertainment center, I think I want to have the different bongs and pipes cleaned and displayed. I don't think I would mind trimming down there quite as much with that set up and a recliner!! That just might work! Oh and I found out one of my new neighbors is a wood worker....Might be able to get him to build me to design!

I could make something that would work, but there is no kidding here...I am no wood worker LOL. I would make a box that I could set stuff on.....not a nice table with the internal storage/display like I have in mind. Sorry for the hijack Neiko. LOL:passitleft:
Trimming for days sucks bigtime! Well at least I’m not looking into harvesting any big outdoor plants soon :)
about 20 gallons a week to keep up.

The dry season, eh. I am using about 4g (distilled) a week for my tiny grow. Not even close to your 20. But needs must when you got to ya.

:ganjamon:I am loving you ACE selections. ....
I forget who said it but I grew up with a shepherd dog(Alsatian) as well. The dog kind of formed my hippie persona of the time. That dog loved to play in snow, me too back then.
Hate trimming....oh .....i said that already. . ....:rofl:
I despise trimming! I keep trying to find ways to do less and less. Trimming a plant ain't bad if its 2 or 3 zips. Little different when its 12 or 13 zips.
Yeah I feel you on the bach aches from too much trimming, and I do not even have back problems. My next gift to myself is a recliner Lazyboy type chair with built in tv tray. This will be my new trim station.
Trimming for days sucks bigtime! Well at least I’m not looking into harvesting any big outdoor plants soon :)

FYI, my early Christmas present to myself this year was one of those bowl trimmers. I love it! I don't do much of the top colas in there, but it makes very quick work of all the smaller stuff and, with it, I'm keeping buds I would have normally just tossed in the oil pile with a large harvest because I never would have wanted to spend the time trimming them.

I did a review in my journal here:

Tales From The Krip!

I HIGHLY recommend it! :bongrip:
What's up guys. I had a busy Sunday and not much time for the Mag. I got the Bubba Hash and Thai Chi down yesterday. I was going to take the Deadly Sativa too but I didn't have room on the drying rack so she gets another week. Here's a few pics.
Bubba Hash 70 days

Thai Chi 70 Days

Deadly Sativa 70 Days

Beautiful colas Neiko and hope you have a prosperous new year!
FYI, my early Christmas present to myself this year was one of those bowl trimmers. I love it! I don't do much of the top colas in there, but it makes very quick work of all the smaller stuff and, with it, I'm keeping buds I would have normally just tossed in the oil pile with a large harvest because I never would have wanted to spend the time trimming them.

I did a review in my journal here:

Tales From The Krip!

I HIGHLY recommend it! :bongrip:
What did that trimmer run you just out of curiousity?
What did that trimmer run you just out of curiousity?

USD $119 on the Zon. There are many similar, some a little more/less expensive. This one (iPower) had really good reviews and it's definitely a solid unit. It paid for itself, IMHO, in about 5 minutes worth of use! :thumb:

I also posted a video (not mine) review here:

Tales From The Krip!
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