Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

USD $119 on the Zon. There are many similar, some a little more/less expensive. This one (iPower) had really good reviews and it's definitely a solid unit. It paid for itself, IMHO, in about 5 minutes worth of use! :thumb:

I also posted a video (not mine) review here:

Tales From The Krip!
Wow I guess I should check in a little more often. I stopped getting email notifications on my phone. I still get emails just not a notification, for any email not just the mag. There's usually not this much action here, thanks for keeping the lights on.
Thanks for all the compliments gang, it is truly appreciated. I started a perpetual because like everyone else I just can't spend days trimming. I was completely engrossed in learning how to grow and improving my growing skills when I started this perpetual. I also wanted lots of variety and a steady supply. I tend to give a lot away and when I have a whole bunch all at once I get a little carried away so having something every week or couple of weeks works well. Fast forward a few years and I have jars upon jars upon jars in storage and my desire to keep learning has plateaued so now I go through periods of "I'll get to that later" and I put myself in bind. There have been some family health issues lately and that has taken a lot of my free time so the grow room is on life support right now. Winter is always tough on me anyway, it was 10 degrees yesterday morning and I spent the 1st 5 hours of the day on a roof. It kinda takes it out of ya by the end of the day so I just don't feel motivated to put in the effort when I get home so I do just the minimum to keep things running. Luckily the plants have still been coming out good. I still love growing but I feel I need a kick in the ass to get back at it the right way. I have 7 new seedlings up so I'm excited about those.
Sorry to hear about the family health issues bud. I know what you mean about the whole perpetual experience. It gets to be a bit much really. I like the analogy of your grow being on life support. Mines like that as well. It is hard to get the desire to take care of things after working all day or taking care f family or whatever. I have felt the same way about needing to have something happen that gives me inspiration to keep doing it. It is almost getting too expensive to grow for me at this point. It isnt really making sense financially, at least not at this scale. I hope things work out for you and things fall in place soon.
Hold on ,....Yeti, u sound bummed .How could growing on a small scale most of us do, not be financially viable. I know for me , not only am i not forking over 2 bills every 3 weeks for a z, pays a lot of my bills,..on a regular basis too.
Just don't leave here is all.....:hug:.........:passitleft:
I just havent been feeling it is all. I enjoyed it greatly at one point but life keeps getting in the way ya know. Not being able to spend as much time as needed and then not having the desire to makes it more of a chore than i care for it to be. And I run 4 areas between veg and flower and electricity has gotten to be stupid! Add to that an abundance of product along with being in a legal state where everyone is now growing, it means that the prices have dropped significantly. I met a guy not long ago that was saying they can get outdoor for 4-600 a pound! So for the cost of one to two months of electricity I can buy enough for my wife to smoke for 4 months (or more) without doing anything and freeing up time to do whatever I want.... I do not plan to go any where and I do plan to keep doing it, it is just discouraging at times is all bud. I think I really need to rein in what I am doing and maybe only clone a couple of strains and then run just seeds to work through my collection and keep it interesting. I do not plan to go anywhere bud I wouldn't miss a Duggs grow if I can help it! :passitleft::hug:
I just havent been feeling it is all. I enjoyed it greatly at one point but life keeps getting in the way ya know. Not being able to spend as much time as needed and then not having the desire to makes it more of a chore than i care for it to be. And I run 4 areas between veg and flower and electricity has gotten to be stupid! Add to that an abundance of product along with being in a legal state where everyone is now growing, it means that the prices have dropped significantly. I met a guy not long ago that was saying they can get outdoor for 4-600 a pound! So for the cost of one to two months of electricity I can buy enough for my wife to smoke for 4 months (or more) without doing anything and freeing up time to do whatever I want.... I do not plan to go any where and I do plan to keep doing it, it is just discouraging at times is all bud. I think I really need to rein in what I am doing and maybe only clone a couple of strains and then run just seeds to work through my collection and keep it interesting. I do not plan to go anywhere bud I wouldn't miss a Duggs grow if I can help it! :passitleft::hug:

Sorry to hear you're still bummed, Brother, and I know we discussed it a few weeks back a little.

IMHO, there are basically two types of growers: the ones that do it for the money and the ones that do it for the love of growing (although, nothing wrong with the latter making a little money on the side!). If you're doing it for the money, it's going to be a chore, at least at times.

If you're doing it for the love of growing, while there's still work involved, it basically becomes a "labor of love".

While growing needs to come second to things like family & work (and, in my case, getting my house re-done!), I know I personally don't feel "normal" unless I have a grow up.

If your issue is that your growing more than you can get rid of and it's not paying for the cost of growing, I'm betting you can downsize to two tents and still supply the wife with plenty of superior meds while cutting your work & expenses in half.

If the issue is that you've really lost the love of growing (which I can't for the life of me believe or you wouldn't be here!), then perhaps another hobby is in order?

Tending to the grow should be a way to "De-Stress" (forgive the pun!) from all the headaches of real life. If you're finding it's giving you more headaches, you definitely should change things up, or take a break.

I'm rooting for changing things up! :cheer:

Stay positive, Brother, and figure out what's gonna' make you happy!

Sorry to hear you're still bummed, Brother, and I know we discussed it a few weeks back a little.

IMHO, there are basically two types of growers: the ones that do it for the money and the ones that do it for the love of growing (although, nothing wrong with the latter making a little money on the side!). If you're doing it for the money, it's going to be a chore, at least at times.

If you're doing it for the love of growing, while there's still work involved, it basically becomes a "labor of love".

While growing needs to come second to things like family & work (and, in my case, getting my house re-done!), I know I personally don't feel "normal" unless I have a grow up.

If your issue is that your growing more than you can get rid of and it's not paying for the cost of growing, I'm betting you can downsize to two tents and still supply the wife with plenty of superior meds while cutting your work & expenses in half.

If the issue is that you've really lost the love of growing (which I can't for the life of me believe or you wouldn't be here!), then perhaps another hobby is in order?

Tending to the grow should be a way to "De-Stress" (forgive the pun!) from all the headaches of real life. If you're finding it's giving you more headaches, you definitely should change things up, or take a break.

I'm rooting for changing things up! :cheer:

Stay positive, Brother, and figure out what's gonna' make you happy!

Great message. Cheers!

Neiko, let me know if there is anything I can do for you brother! Hope things mellow down for ya bud!
Thanks guys. It is a labor of love. After so long I tend to lose sight of certain benefits though. I think I really need to broaden my horizons a little bit and work on getting more of the love back while diminishing the feeling that it is a labor. I think when I hit that balance again things will be better.

Dynamo it is an oasis when I treat it as such. I just need to readjust my outlook on things. Having new strains to run tends to help me with that but then I get stuck hoarding too many clones and I end up overwhelmed again. I do have some new things kicking around that I am truly excited about. I need to flower them out so i can experience the joy of watching them finish their first cycle for me!

Sorry for the hijack Neiko :Namaste:
Sending good vibes your way, we got your back like a chiropractor.
Thanks KB! That's the thing I love the most about this community.

I know from personal experience it can get to be a lot. I vowed to cut back and now I've got seeds coming from Ace and crosses I want to test.....

It's a never ending cycle. I hope things get settled down for you soon!
New strains help with motivation for sure.

Everything comes in waves from my experience. I plan all I want, but something always goes awry. The road to hell is paved in good intentions.:rolleyes:

Great lookin Deadly Sativa! I hope ya got your roof issue fix Neiko. Bad time of the year to be up there.
I'm old enough to know how I am, I go through periods where I just want a change, it doesn't matter what it is not just growing. I know I always come out of it too. Winter has a lot to do with that. We don't see the sun for what seems like 5 months and that has an effect on ya. Unfortunately being on a roof is part of my job. I do a lot of commercial HVAC and unfortunately that involves being on a lot of roofs in all kinds of weather. The Deadly Sativa is so done right now. I think the buds are going to explode they're so fat.

Sorry to hear about the family health issues bud. I know what you mean about the whole perpetual experience. It gets to be a bit much really. I like the analogy of your grow being on life support. Mines like that as well. It is hard to get the desire to take care of things after working all day or taking care f family or whatever. I have felt the same way about needing to have something happen that gives me inspiration to keep doing it. It is almost getting too expensive to grow for me at this point. It isnt really making sense financially, at least not at this scale. I hope things work out for you and things fall in place soon.
I hear ya on a lot of that post Yeti. The electricity is hard to justify when I have enough produce in storage for the wife and I for about 3 years.

Hold on ,....Yeti, u sound bummed .How could growing on a small scale most of us do, not be financially viable. I know for me , not only am i not forking over 2 bills every 3 weeks for a z, pays a lot of my bills,..on a regular basis too.
Just don't leave here is all.....:hug:.........:passitleft:
Our market is so saturated that people are getting for next to nothing. I'd rather give it away to people who can't afford it than sell it way below it's value so someone else can get rich on it.

I just havent been feeling it is all. I enjoyed it greatly at one point but life keeps getting in the way ya know. Not being able to spend as much time as needed and then not having the desire to makes it more of a chore than i care for it to be. And I run 4 areas between veg and flower and electricity has gotten to be stupid! Add to that an abundance of product along with being in a legal state where everyone is now growing, it means that the prices have dropped significantly. I met a guy not long ago that was saying they can get outdoor for 4-600 a pound! So for the cost of one to two months of electricity I can buy enough for my wife to smoke for 4 months (or more) without doing anything and freeing up time to do whatever I want.... I do not plan to go any where and I do plan to keep doing it, it is just discouraging at times is all bud. I think I really need to rein in what I am doing and maybe only clone a couple of strains and then run just seeds to work through my collection and keep it interesting. I do not plan to go anywhere bud I wouldn't miss a Duggs grow if I can help it! :passitleft::hug:
Yep, the prices here are for growers is stupid low. There are so many cash croppers that don't give a shit about quality here and people just don't get it. The dispensaries are still selling $400-$500 ounces for shit weed. I did have someone come to me and ask if I could sell a pound or more to his buddy who was buying everything he could get his hands on. This person knows what I'm growing and loves it. Not many people have had true sativas let alone HB sativas. I told him a price that was less than $200 an oz. and my buddy said that was a great price but it was still more than he would pay. I told him I'd rather throw it away than go any lower. So I kept it all.

Fire up a different style of growing Neiko keep it interesting doing a micro grow(old dresser) for a friend starting him in hempy because suits his lifestyle lol. Hoping we can start tomorrow :)
I couldn't do anything other than High Brix now and I'll get back on track here soon.

Great message. Cheers!

Neiko, let me know if there is anything I can do for you brother! Hope things mellow down for ya bud!
Thanks bud. I'm working through it. Sometimes growing has to take a back seat to life. I'll be all in again here soon I hope. In the mean time things are still getting done.

Thanks guys. It is a labor of love. After so long I tend to lose sight of certain benefits though. I think I really need to broaden my horizons a little bit and work on getting more of the love back while diminishing the feeling that it is a labor. I think when I hit that balance again things will be better.

Dynamo it is an oasis when I treat it as such. I just need to readjust my outlook on things. Having new strains to run tends to help me with that but then I get stuck hoarding too many clones and I end up overwhelmed again. I do have some new things kicking around that I am truly excited about. I need to flower them out so i can experience the joy of watching them finish their first cycle for me!

Sorry for the hijack Neiko :Namaste:
Don't be sorry, it's a good discussion and I bet there are a few more out there that have the same feelings from time to time. It may seem like a chore at times but if this was ever taken away from me I don't think I'd deal with it to well. It really is an outlet.
I try to sit in front of the gals for 10-15 minutes each day and check out, it helps. I am sure there have been times I sat there for way more, so relaxing. Its like a 4x4 area of paradise in the middle of a snow bank.
So legalisation got to you too, eh? Here quality produce will go for crazy prices? Good outdoor weed will go for $2,500 wholesale easily and indoor for more.

Well maybe you could focus on upscale market. Grow stuff for yourself and sell only the best to people who are willing to pay the price. There must be a way out of it I’m sure.
I gotta tell you guys, I love this specific thread as it seems to be people after my own heart.. I too am having issues with the perpetual consistency, mostly because I work in one, but it is hard to re energize after each turn over for me.. I also have very little time at home these days so my original ideas of a Sea of Greene room is scrapped for now... Just for now tho, It will happen.. I find that those who grow for others or money only, have less love and more clouded vision of a job growing weed... Personally I enjoy a good buzz and know which strains will and won't get me there so I tend to grow the ones I want.. LOL I am greedy like that hmmm. I really hope that those who need to find their way find it, and those who grow, grow it.. But what I really hope for any and every person on this planet is internal peace... I find that if you have that most everything seems less stressful, and more interesting where applicable.. Green days to my friends on here and keep on keeping on...
I gotta tell you guys, I love this specific thread as it seems to be people after my own heart.. I too am having issues with the perpetual consistency, mostly because I work in one, but it is hard to re energize after each turn over for me.. I also have very little time at home these days so my original ideas of a Sea of Greene room is scrapped for now... Just for now tho, It will happen.. I find that those who grow for others or money only, have less love and more clouded vision of a job growing weed... Personally I enjoy a good buzz and know which strains will and won't get me there so I tend to grow the ones I want.. LOL I am greedy like that hmmm. I really hope that those who need to find their way find it, and those who grow, grow it.. But what I really hope for any and every person on this planet is internal peace... I find that if you have that most everything seems less stressful, and more interesting where applicable.. Green days to my friends on here and keep on keeping on...
Excellent post MH. I do it for the passion of doing it. I normally will smoke on a bowl while I tend and normally will finish it up while I'm looking over the girls absorbing the peace. It's a Zen spot for many of us.
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