Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

At the Harvest cup as I was talking several of the breeders there and after our conversation played its course, I had more than one say "Its refreshing to talk to someone about highs and terps and flavors as opposed to 'how high is the THC'.

Don't get me wrong, those numbers are nice and afterall do play a large role in what we are looking for......but its only part of the equation to me.

I actually heard more than one person at the seed booths say shit like "its only a 22% strain, I wouldn't waste my time". Felt like saying, are you really that stupid? But again, thats not Stank so I just shook my head and walked away". Its a crazy world! Concentrates definitely have changed perspective a bit when talking about what people want now.
Did you have a chance to talk with Duke diamond? Heard an interview with him before the cup and was thinking that is a really down to earth guy, I would buy his gear on that principle alone. He released a new strain called 6 mil and it sold out within a day o_O
I agree 420%! The difference between 15% THC & 30% THC is simply two hits instead of one to get the same THC dosage, but it's the combination of other cannabinoids & terpenes that dictate the "effects". That being said, high THC is nice for those of us that make oil since yields are HIGHER. :bong:
OH as someone that uses canna caps for my back, I understand. Though as a grower, again I am not as concerned with the % cause I can always use 50 grams in a batch instead of 30. Its all about the effects for me....within reason....I don't want to have smoke 8 bowls to do the job.
Did you have a chance to talk with Duke diamond? Heard an interview with him before the cup and was thinking that is a really down to earth guy, I would buy his gear on that principle alone. He released a new strain called 6 mil and it sold out within a day o_O
No, he wasn't in the booth when I swung by his stuff. I talked with Mr Soul, Jinx_Proof, Oscar from Mosca seeds, and the dude from Annunaki (can't remember his name). Talked with the rep from Subcool but Sub was at the Emerald Cup.
seems like everything on the American Market is a take of OG Kush or some variety of Cookies. I just shake my head. Almost makes it so I don't want to run either.
I purposely have been avoiding cookies or crosses with them. I want something that's different than what everyone else has.
Right? I am glad I am not the only one. I keep telling Ms Stank that I am going to have to put my imaginary chip against cookies and OG Kush away and actually try growing them at some point. Just can't do it yet!
I am right with you, too. I have been going to the rec store for CBD canna until I can grow my own. I am disappointed in the lack of variety for sure. They all have the same 5 parental plants and I can't find a decent sativa to save my life.

Hope you don't mind me sharing a couple pics of the Thai from WOS.

She is tiny. I want to start growing more smaller plants instead of 1 or 2 big ones. I'll try to go a little bigger than this in the future.

At the Harvest cup as I was talking several of the breeders there and after our conversation played its course, I had more than one say "Its refreshing to talk to someone about highs and terps and flavors as opposed to 'how high is the THC'.

Don't get me wrong, those numbers are nice and afterall do play a large role in what we are looking for......but its only part of the equation to me.

I actually heard more than one person at the seed booths say shit like "its only a 22% strain, I wouldn't waste my time". Felt like saying, are you really that stupid? But again, thats not Stank so I just shook my head and walked away". Its a crazy world! Concentrates definitely have changed perspective a bit when talking about what people want now.

It is funny to me that 22% is considered low now a days. When i first started growing, which was not that long ago in the grand scheme of things, 20%+ was considered very high THC. If you hit 25% you were putting out numbers better than most. Right before I started growing I mostly smoked commercial weed that was probably 6-10% THC if we were lucky. It got us high AF all the time. Usually an enjoyable giggly high with a bunch of munchies lol.

The BlueBerry was only ever supposed to test out at 18% max and yet it was considered a top strain for decades. I know an older smoker that grew nothing but BB and Durban Poison for years. He would have put his BB up against anything for years.

Still the most memorable high I recall was the Colombian gold, and some Jamaican import in the 70's and 80's full of seeds.
After that probably the skunk #1 in the mid 80's, bubblegum and so on.

I swear the high was better than most of what I see today, although as previously discussed the stuff today appeals to the senses more. More frost, scents and so on.

My favorite smokes from the past are Sour Diesel, this stuff my buddies step dad grew that we think was Humbodlt County Orange Bud, some stuff we got we used to call Cheek Lifter (you could not help but smile after smoking it, instant perma-grin) and Christmas Bud. None of them were overly frosty and lacked any nice colors. The ECSD and the HCOB are two of the loudest strains I have ever come across though. Both could stink out a whole house just by having even a gram sitting in a bag. What really stood out on all of them were the highs.

The ECSD was the ultimate mood elevator. You couldnt help but feel amazing while smoking it. Nothing short of Euphoric.

The HCOB was just a power house. Very nice feel good vibes.

The Cheek Lifter was cheap at the time and the high was top notch. Another mood elevator that just brightened your day.

The Christmas bud I did not smoke enough of and it was too long ago to recall clearly. I was very young and it was the first seedless weed I ever saw or smoked.

No, he wasn't in the booth when I swung by his stuff. I talked with Mr Soul, Jinx_Proof, Oscar from Mosca seeds, and the dude from Annunaki (can't remember his name). Talked with the rep from Subcool but Sub was at the Emerald Cup.

I think Annunaki's name is Adam. You are better off having not met SubCool. Everything I have seen or read about him screams douchebag. Anyone that purposefully releases nudes of their wife they are just divorcing because they are pissed is a shit bag. Especially when that same person then sends pictures of himself naked in the tub to his step daughter.

Nice little plant Lazy, have you run that cut before? If so how's the smoke?

I've made it pretty well known I don't care for Cookies but OG Kush I don't know if I've ever had it. I'm sure I've had some version of it in a cross somewhere but the original OG Kush I wouldn't mind trying.

I have had a few things I was told was OG Kush and I was less than impressed. Honestly kush hybrids were better imo and all the strains I listed above were nicer. That being said who knows if any of what I had was legit OG Kush.

I mentioned my favorite smokes from the past above and left one out. I got a batch of something from one of my buddies dads called The Hammer. It was some of the craziest weed I have ever come across. When I picked up my bag I took 3 hits while talking to him (at the time I smoked close to an ounce a week) and was high as soon as I exhaled the first hit. By the time I took the third hit I turned down the pipe. He told me his first time smoking it had him army crawling through his living room to lock his front door. He has been smoking since the 70s and smoked nothing but the best weed he could find. Anyways after my third hit he told me it was a creeper and I would be way higher in about 45 minutes. I took my leave after that and got about half way home before I could no longer feel my legs! I was soaring. I was almost uncomfortably high for about 3 hours. It was so strong I started referring to it as stroke weed. The guy he got it from was the grower and the only reason he didnt just grow the hammer was because it was too strong for most people and a lot of his buyers had developed paranoia issues because of it! :laugh:
I grew it years ago and got a totally different pheno. This one is less sativa-ish in bud structure and finished a bit earlier as far as I can tell. I grew this one outdoors this summer and it grew as a bigger plant with the same structure but with bigger buds. I chopped it and dried it (no cobs - dang!) and put it in a jar. Now I cannot find it. I live in a small house and am sure in the three months I would have found it by now. I think I accidentally gifted the jar to my fam thinking it was some Ultra Dog (great weed and I have tons of it).

It was smooth and incensy sort of tasting and it made me gigggggle. hehehe. I have a clone so i am not really kicking myself too hard.

Cheers Friends,
If you smoked real deal OG you'd know for sure :) I smoked it in 2014 for the first time, but the plant didn't get enough attention, she caught mould, which is really easy to get with OGs, so I thought what is all the fuss about?

Then year later when I went High Brix for the first time I grew it again in early summer using sun dep and I got a small, but bushy plant with extremely frosty buds, that reeked of pine, lemon, fuel and pear. After I tried it I couldn't believe, 4-5 tokes and I was done drifting totally spaced out until indica side hit an hour later, which put me on the ground.

It's a classic for a reason and while I don't think it's a perfect sativa/indica blend, cause comedown is way too heavy, the potency alone got people crazy about it and led to breeding it into everything on the West Coast including GSC, which is 50% OG.

I recommend finding a good source and trying it. The problem is that most of OG bud on the market is very low quality, cause the plant is notoriously hard to grow and many growers just don't have a clue how to run her up to full potential.
If you smoked real deal OG you'd know for sure :) I smoked it in 2014 for the first time, but the plant didn't get enough attention, she caught mould, which is really easy to get with OGs, so I thought what is all the fuss about?

Then year later when I went High Brix for the first time I grew it again in early summer using sun dep and I got a small, but bushy plant with extremely frosty buds, that reeked of pine, lemon, fuel and pear. After I tried it I couldn't believe, 4-5 tokes and I was done drifting totally spaced out until indica side hit an hour later, which put me on the ground.

It's a classic for a reason and while I don't think it's a perfect sativa/indica blend, cause comedown is way too heavy, the potency alone got people crazy about it and led to breeding it into everything on the West Coast including GSC, which is 50% OG.

I recommend finding a good source and trying it. The problem is that most of OG bud on the market is very low quality, cause the plant is notoriously hard to grow and many growers just don't have a clue how to run her up to full potential.

OK, now I gotta run it at least once. I don't buy weed from the dispensaries anymore but it doesn't surprise me that most of it is low quality. If it is challenging to grow then I know it wouldn't be a cash crop. There's too many new hybrids that are easy to grow and great for cash cropping. Do you have any suggested breeders that have the real deal? Also is there a breeder with the original ECSD? I'd love to get my hands on that too.
OK, now I gotta run it at least once. I don't buy weed from the dispensaries anymore but it doesn't surprise me that most of it is low quality. If it is challenging to grow then I know it wouldn't be a cash crop. There's too many new hybrids that are easy to grow and great for cash cropping. Do you have any suggested breeders that have the real deal? Also is there a breeder with the original ECSD? I'd love to get my hands on that too.
hey neiko if you find the original escd I would like a heads up and ill do the same im looking to!:)
OK, now I gotta run it at least once. I don't buy weed from the dispensaries anymore but it doesn't surprise me that most of it is low quality. If it is challenging to grow then I know it wouldn't be a cash crop. There's too many new hybrids that are easy to grow and great for cash cropping. Do you have any suggested breeders that have the real deal? Also is there a breeder with the original ECSD? I'd love to get my hands on that too.
If I were looking to buy an OG in seed form I would check out Karma OG, there was a good bit of work put into that line. I have heard good reviews of the Josh D OG. Archive and Rare Dankness both have a bunch of good OG's. All my experience with OG kush is from seed, and most all were lanky, and required staking, but could pull average yields with proper training. Trimming up all under fluff/flower sites. Have found a few phenos that put out big yields. The Pamelina I am running from Rare Dankness grows like a well stacked hybrid. Requires no staking, and less stretch than typical OG, but still has the Piney, lemon fuel terps.
Josh D OG is supposed to be the original OG. @CareStaker has a Josh D OG cut (supposed to be the original OG cut) along with another OG Kush cut as well. From what I saw him say not too long ago, the issue with the OG Kush is that it holds nutrients, especially N, and requires a very thorough flush in order to get it to smoke well.

All the OG Kush I tried was bland or meh. The first bit I got was locally grown and it tasted like nutrients. It was terrible. The second time I got it it came from cali and was no where near as nice as the Blue Dream from the same source or the other strains they had on hand. I then had a buddy get some from a dispensary and it was awful. There is a high likelihood it was all something else just called OG Kush to get it to move. I would have much rather had ECSD than OG Kush.

OK, now I gotta run it at least once. I don't buy weed from the dispensaries anymore but it doesn't surprise me that most of it is low quality. If it is challenging to grow then I know it wouldn't be a cash crop. There's too many new hybrids that are easy to grow and great for cash cropping. Do you have any suggested breeders that have the real deal? Also is there a breeder with the original ECSD? I'd love to get my hands on that too.

People Under the Stairs has ECSD crosses. They are supposed to have a real deal cut. They had S1's at one point but they no longer make them. I talked to him and he said that he gets barely any pollen when reversing the ECSD so it is not worth the effort to make them. His ECSDx4DD sounds like its a winner though.
Josh D OG is supposed to be the original OG. @CareStaker has a Josh D OG cut (supposed to be the original OG cut) along with another OG Kush cut as well. From what I saw him say not too long ago, the issue with the OG Kush is that it holds nutrients, especially N, and requires a very thorough flush in order to get it to smoke well.

All the OG Kush I tried was bland or meh. The first bit I got was locally grown and it tasted like nutrients. It was terrible. The second time I got it it came from cali and was no where near as nice as the Blue Dream from the same source or the other strains they had on hand. I then had a buddy get some from a dispensary and it was awful. There is a high likelihood it was all something else just called OG Kush to get it to move. I would have much rather had ECSD than OG Kush.

People Under the Stairs has ECSD crosses. They are supposed to have a real deal cut. They had S1's at one point but they no longer make them. I talked to him and he said that he gets barely any pollen when reversing the ECSD so it is not worth the effort to make them. His ECSDx4DD sounds like its a winner though.
Thanks Yeti, I follow him on IG but I'm not all that up on how to buy from the Instagram sellers. Do you just message him or does he have a site? I like the looks of the 4DD crosses.
Thanks Yeti, I follow him on IG but I'm not all that up on how to buy from the Instagram sellers. Do you just message him or does he have a site? I like the looks of the 4DD crosses.
You are welcome! He has a couple of vendors he works with. Oregon elite seeds is one of them and I cannot recall who the second one is. You can message him to ask. I would avoid Oregon Elite Seeds . I have seen more than one person mention being ripped off by them or having empty packages show up and being told they are SOL. He also runs an auction page that he is trying to raise money for one of his friends that passed aways family. The problem is you may spend mor ethan they cost that way. they sell for $100 a pack I believe. The ECSDx4DD may be a little more.
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