Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Yup, mid june is about right. I do have an enclosed sun porch however that I can use like a greenhouse to get things going a month earlier.

My memory may be fogged but thinking back to the 70's in Thailand I just don't recall dealing with seeds in the Thai sticks I was getting. I would fill my guitar case for maybe $20, they would come in bundles, I think 10 sticks in a bundle, maybe 20.

I wish I could've tried some real Thai stick. I was in the Army in the mid 80's but smoking weed was a big gamble then. We got randomly tested quite often so I didn't even think about smoking. The stuff around mid Michigan back then was mostly Mexican brick weed. By the time it reached us it was mostly shake with stems and seeds. I got my 1st taste of real weed when my buddy brought some back from California. It was called California Sensi and we smoked that like we would any other weed and I swear I was going to die I was so high. I had to get away from everyone and just try to calm down. I only started smoking again about 4.5 years ago for medicinal reasons. Now I'm chasing the classics. I like the new hybrids ok but I love the purer classics when I can find them. That's why I love growing the ACE strains. The variety in highs and flavors is amazing. The newer strains are fun to grow and are frosty as hell but I'm not getting the stand out highs from them. They all kinda run together for me. We did get some Thai in Jamaica last year that a local got for us. He has known @Duggan for many years and he hooked us up. I couldn't tell ya if it was real or not but the old smokers that were there seemed to think it fit the bill. It was like my head was plugged into an outlet it buzzed so hard. The Thai Chi hybrid I grew out from ACE is some of my all time favorite weed. It is so happy and uplifting with no paranoia, racing thoughts or racing heart, you just feel so damn good.
I wish I could've tried some real Thai stick. I was in the Army in the mid 80's but smoking weed was a big gamble then. We got randomly tested quite often so I didn't even think about smoking. The stuff around mid Michigan back then was mostly Mexican brick weed. By the time it reached us it was mostly shake with stems and seeds. I got my 1st taste of real weed when my buddy brought some back from California. It was called California Sensi and we smoked that like we would any other weed and I swear I was going to die I was so high. I had to get away from everyone and just try to calm down. I only started smoking again about 4.5 years ago for medicinal reasons. Now I'm chasing the classics. I like the new hybrids ok but I love the purer classics when I can find them. That's why I love growing the ACE strains. The variety in highs and flavors is amazing. The newer strains are fun to grow and are frosty as hell but I'm not getting the stand out highs from them. They all kinda run together for me. We did get some Thai in Jamaica last year that a local got for us. He has known @Duggan for many years and he hooked us up. I couldn't tell ya if it was real or not but the old smokers that were there seemed to think it fit the bill. It was like my head was plugged into an outlet it buzzed so hard. The Thai Chi hybrid I grew out from ACE is some of my all time favorite weed. It is so happy and uplifting with no paranoia, racing thoughts or racing heart, you just feel so damn good.

I spent a year in CA around 1970 and remember the great highs from Panama Red and Acapulco gold... in Thailand we could also buy a pack of pre-rolled weed cigarettes, they even had a filter on them... they didn't taste as sweet as the sticks I could get but they were truly psychedelic.... more than the sticks.
Used to get Thai Sticks back in the late 70's.....were about 3 to 5 inches long with small buds tied to the stick with hemp thread. Bestest buzz.....those were not easy to get back then....u had to have a really good connection to score those.
I even thought of making my own with this Thai Chi ....but....but......decided to smoke some instead.....ha!
Used to get Thai Sticks back in the late 70's.....were about 3 to 5 inches long with small buds tied to the stick with hemp thread. Bestest buzz.....those were not easy to get back then....u had to have a really good connection to score those.
I even thought of making my own with this Thai Chi ....but....but......decided to smoke some instead.....ha!

I think ours were about 6", if you wrapped your hand around a pack they would be sticking out both sides of your fist... We would pull the sticks and use a big cleaver to chop up the bundle like celery sticks, the cleaver would get all gummed up with resin and need to be cleaned a couple times per bundle. Our connection was superb, 4 of us had subsided a brand new Datsun for our taxi driver friend who took us everywhere for a year. He had friends who grew on an island, we would go to a pier to fill up my bag with the sticks. One time he took us to a Muay Thai training camp where they were smoking huge bamboo bongs, I became literally paralyzed.
The newer strains are fun to grow and are frosty as hell but I'm not getting the stand out highs from them.

Same thing I have been saying, these newer strains are breathtaking to look at with all of the frost and colors. But to me it is liking mixing beer, alcohol, wine, moonshine into one container and drinking it. Just smacked in the head with no real defined kind of high.
Same thing I have been saying, these newer strains are breathtaking to look at with all of the frost and colors. But to me it is liking mixing beer, alcohol, wine, moonshine into one container and drinking it. Just smacked in the head with no real defined kind of high.
I feel like most breeding has been concentrated towards aesthetics and flavors the past few decades. With social media these days people buy based on looks. I am guilty of this too. But I have run into people always seem to want the frostiest stuff, so that is what we mainly grow. It seems like it is the growers that value the great highs over looks only. Not the general market for now.
I feel like most breeding has been concentrated towards aesthetics and flavors the past few decades. With social media these days people buy based on looks. I am guilty of this too. But I have run into people always seem to want the frostiest stuff, so that is what we mainly grow. It seems like it is the growers that value the great highs over looks only. Not the general market for now.

LOL, isn't that the truth.. I have a nice collection of landraces, classics and yes even the hype strains
LOL, isn't that the truth.. I have a nice collection of landraces, classics and yes even the hype strains
Yeah me too. Though I am thinning out my hype from the collection. Lots of times I buy hype stuff ,and pop the whole pack the day they show in the mail. This is ,because I value them less from a collector stand point. Landrace and stabalized true breeding strains are what I value more in the collection.
Yeah me too. Though I am thinning out my hype from the collection. Lots of times I buy hype stuff ,and pop the whole pack the day they show in the mail. This is ,because I value them less from a collector stand point. Landrace and stabalized true breeding strains are what I value more in the collection.

You definitely should have some kind of award for actually popping a lot of the stuff you buy. I have watched you for what? A couple of years now at least, diligently popping packs at a time and sorting through them.
You definitely should have some kind of award for actually popping a lot of the stuff you buy. I have watched you for what? A couple of years now at least, diligently popping packs at a time and sorting through them.
:thanks: Maybe from a hobbiest stand point. I was listening to an interview with a guy the other day that never pops less than 100 of a strain. And he tests 5-20 strains at a time from various breeders. I was thinking when I grow up I want to be like that guy. #goals
:thanks: Maybe from a hobbiest stand point. I was listening to an interview with a guy the other day that never pops less than 100 of a strain. And he tests 5-20 strains at a time from various breeders. I was thinking when I grow up I want to be like that guy. #goals

LOL, seems like most of us buy a strain and if we pop it, we only do three seeds or so hoping for a female and then move on to something else. You will pop an entire pack and even work it if you see something you like.

If we find one of the three we like we may clone it and regrow but never really work it.
BTW, I am wondering if you and Neiko can give me an idea of how much those A5's stretch?
Neiko told me the Thai Chi stretches about 400%, is the A5 roughly the same?

Yes... they both stretch a fair amount and roughly the same.
I have two more A5 X Panama(tester strain) and two other Sativas ,yet to be determined...either two more A5 X Malawi or two Zamadelica Elite's X Panama on 'deck'.cheers.
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