Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Yep, the Dr. Ziggy Panama x Columbian Gold I did was in the flower tent for 6 weeks before pistols showed. I finally just cut it at 23 weeks. It was good but not 23 weeks good. Those are fun to do once but there are so many better strains that are more manageable indoors.

I ran the GUAWI on 11/13 with a slow switch from 16/8 (- 0.5 hrs a day) got her and the INDICA GDP to
start flower within a day of each other, 6 to 7 week veg. The 11/13 I think works better and is more natural for the equatorial
strains (Hawaii & Malawi) Dont think they feel the 12/12 since its basicaly there normal day light

Areas on the Equator have a constant 12 hours of day light all year round. As latitude increases to 80° (polar circles - north or south) day length can be seen to increase to 24 hours or decrease to zero (depending on time of year). Land of the Midnight Sun and Polar Winters where the sun never rises.
So rookie question, what is the 911 on "standard" seeds.:confused:
As Hook pointed out. You can get a male or a female from the seeds.

Fem seeds are made by flipping the sex of a female and pollinating another female with it. There are only X chromosomes, so you'll only get females from the seeds.
Interesting, Thanks Morglie.
You're welcome. When I first started growing, fem seeds are something that I would hear weren't as stable as regular seeds.

As far as I've seen and heard since, they are just as stable, as the pollen producer is forced to flip via chemical means.

Its only when they are made by a plant that natural hermies, that they end up unstable. And that's just because the trait to flip is naturally there, and gets passed on genetically like any other trait.
You're welcome. When I first started growing, fem seeds are something that I would hear weren't as stable as regular seeds.

As far as I've seen and heard since, they are just as stable, as the pollen producer is forced to flip via chemical means.

Its only when they are made by a plant that natural hermies, that they end up unstable. And that's just because the trait to flip is naturally there, and gets passed on genetically like any other trait.
The tendency to herm in any strain comes from the genetics used to produce the seeds. A lot of people still say fem seeds are more prone to it but from what I have gathered it has more to do with how easily they flip. The plants that are harder to reverse tend to be ones that produce offspring that are less prone to hermie issues. Some folks do not even consider bananas to be hermies. Only plants that show actual male and female parts from early flower. I still call plants that banana hermies and I have had them crop up in both fems and regs. I had one reg cross hermie so bad I had to cut it about 3 weeks early. Then the worst I had was Purple Trainwreck that was a fem that grew about half and half male/female flowers on the bottom half of the plant. That one also got cut 4 plus weeks before it was done.
NEiko your flowers look spectacular.

Landrace Sativa: Got one @ 115 days now and still all clear. Not even hardly any yellow leaves either. Getting impatient. tap tap tap ..... I can tell they are done when my loppers are standing by the door.

Anyone that runs long running Sativa know they will throw nanners. Thats how they keep going. It' in the genes of all cannabis and dicot plants to self seed. Give them some stress. They don't always do it but once after 90ish days in flower, a sneeze stresses them.

I'm in the nanners are not male bits.. most times they are sterile anyway. Last ditch effort for plants to reproduce. Completely different than a hermaphrodite which is 1/2 male and 1/2 female. Those plants see about 20 days in flower.

From sponsor to enabler! :rofl:

Yeah good thing I already placed my Cyber Monday order.

Went with:

Exotic Genetix - Hoe Down
Ethos Genetics - Mandarin Zkittlez
Ethos Genetics - Mandarin Cookies R2 Feminized

I'm big into IHG so thanks for the heads up. Those are decent prices. Too bad I already spent my lunch money.

Anyone have any experience with Ethos Genetics?? I just kinda went on a whim here.
NEiko your flowers look spectacular.

Landrace Sativa: Got one @ 115 days now and still all clear. Not even hardly any yellow leaves either. Getting impatient. tap tap tap ..... I can tell they are done when my loppers are standing by the door.

Anyone that runs long running Sativa know they will throw nanners. Thats how they keep going. It' in the genes of all cannabis and dicot plants to self seed. Give them some stress. They don't always do it but once after 90ish days in flower, a sneeze stresses them.

I'm in the nanners are not male bits.. most times they are sterile anyway. Last ditch effort for plants to reproduce. Completely different than a hermaphrodite which is 1/2 male and 1/2 female. Those plants see about 20 days in flower.

Yeah good thing I already placed my Cyber Monday order.

Went with:

Exotic Genetix - Hoe Down
Ethos Genetics - Mandarin Zkittlez
Ethos Genetics - Mandarin Cookies R2 Feminized

I'm big into IHG so thanks for the heads up. Those are decent prices. Too bad I already spent my lunch money.

Anyone have any experience with Ethos Genetics?? I just kinda went on a whim here.

Cannatard ran a couple Ethos strains. They looked really good. I have a gifted clone of their Terpwin Station which is a GG cross, GG4 x Mandarin Sunset. It is on deck to go into flower.
NEiko your flowers look spectacular.

Landrace Sativa: Got one @ 115 days now and still all clear. Not even hardly any yellow leaves either. Getting impatient. tap tap tap ..... I can tell they are done when my loppers are standing by the door.

Anyone that runs long running Sativa know they will throw nanners. Thats how they keep going. It' in the genes of all cannabis and dicot plants to self seed. Give them some stress. They don't always do it but once after 90ish days in flower, a sneeze stresses them.

I'm in the nanners are not male bits.. most times they are sterile anyway. Last ditch effort for plants to reproduce. Completely different than a hermaphrodite which is 1/2 male and 1/2 female. Those plants see about 20 days in flower.

Yeah good thing I already placed my Cyber Monday order.

Went with:

Exotic Genetix - Hoe Down
Ethos Genetics - Mandarin Zkittlez
Ethos Genetics - Mandarin Cookies R2 Feminized

I'm big into IHG so thanks for the heads up. Those are decent prices. Too bad I already spent my lunch money.

Anyone have any experience with Ethos Genetics?? I just kinda went on a whim here.
I have had a good amount of plants throw bananas that produced viable pollen. The one I mentioned that I cut 3 weeks early was at about 7 weeks in flower. I may have hit 54 days post flip when it got to be too much. Funny enough the longer flowering sativas I have run have given me less issues with bananas than a lot of hybrids or indica doms. Go figure.

From what I have read there are 4 classes of hermaphrodite, with bananas being one. You are right, usually it is a last ditch effort to self pollinate. The biggest problem is having other plants in the same flowering area that are younger. At least for me.

As Neiko said Cannatard has run some of their gear and then Overlord just closed out a journal that had Mandarin Cookies featured in it. I think Kitchenhawk grew out cuts from OL too. Their breeding practice seems pretty sound to me and they seem to put out solid gear.
Neiko, have you ever ran Blueberry before? I've got a Seedsman release of it that grows exactly like your cut of Cannatonic. Symmetrical, dense, and with flimsy limbs that constantly keep trying to regrow the branches that I trim off.

I'm wondering if Cannatonic has Blueberry in it with the similarities in the plants. I'm planning on growing it the same way I have to grow the Cannatonic. Lots of pruning and a really long veg time.

The smell is divine, but I think I'm going to go through some of my Stankberry seeds to see if I can find a similar terpenne profile with a better structure.
I have grown blueberry and I have one on veg now. My blueberry (Dutch passion) looks nothing like the cannatonic. I've been trying to find a blueberry keeper for years. I'm going to try a stankberry here soon too. My current blueberry is growing very well and as fast as others that germinated at the same time. I wouldn't say they are similar at all.
I have grown blueberry and I have one on veg now. My blueberry (Dutch passion) looks nothing like the cannatonic. I've been trying to find a blueberry keeper for years. I'm going to try a stankberry here soon too. My current blueberry is growing very well and as fast as others that germinated at the same time. I wouldn't say they are similar at all.
Cool. It's a fairly wimpy plant. I was afraid that the line was just that way in general. This gives me hopes in finding a great smelling plant that has the vigor I'm wanting to breed with.

I've got a Kushberry ATF going right now that is nice and vigorous. I think it's Stankberry crossed with a Kush of some kind. Hopefully @Van Stank will chime in and give some insight.
The Stankberry is just ATF male x Blueberry female.

The Kushberry Thunderfuck is the same ATF male x Blue Kush (From Dinafem that is Blueberry x OG Kush)
Thank you! I was thinking it was something like that. Now that I've ran a Blueberry from Seedsman and found a great scent in a wimpy plant, I'm going to have to try and find a similar smelling one in the Stankberries to pollinate.
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