Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

N-dog... Every IHG gear I ran was top shelp. Most of mine had large inter-node spacing but the yields were fine. +6 zips dried trimmed is good for me (60 day weed).

They are trying to breed that inter-node spacing out now I think, but I like it.

Reason I like it, I don't have to worry about mold and real easy to trim.

#5 trippy... kinda like Chemdawg?

That's the good'ins.
Damn Neiko so much good in this journal every time I read it. I really have no room to pop anything but I keep getting the itch to. I keep going between Sour Bubble, Apricot Jelly, Sour Johnson and Zamal Hash. I really need to get rid of some of the strains I have going on now though lol. This plant count thing is such a major hindrance at times.
N-dog... Every IHG gear I ran was top shelp. Most of mine had large inter-node spacing but the yields were fine. +6 zips dried trimmed is good for me (60 day weed).

They are trying to breed that inter-node spacing out now I think, but I like it.

Reason I like it, I don't have to worry about mold and real easy to trim.

#5 trippy... kinda like Chemdawg?

That's the good'ins.
I've loved every In House strain I've done and yes I usually get plants that stretch more than others with longer internode spacing. I don't mind it either.
I've never had Chemdog but it's on my to grow list. The A5 is a potent strain. I live in a different reality when I smoke that. I plan on keeping this one for a bit.
Damn Neiko so much good in this journal every time I read it. I really have no room to pop anything but I keep getting the itch to. I keep going between Sour Bubble, Apricot Jelly, Sour Johnson and Zamal Hash. I really need to get rid of some of the strains I have going on now though lol. This plant count thing is such a major hindrance at times.
Hi Yeti, thanks for stopping by. I really like the apricot jelly so you can't go wrong with that one. I have a week old zamal hash up now so you can watch that one too. As for plant counts I bump up against my limit at times too. I can have 36 and am always close with all the clones I want to keep plus start new strains.
I haven't been as diligent as I should be about opening them weekly. I open them pretty much when I think about it which is about every other week. I let them sit out for about an hour until they're dry to the touch then reseal. When I dry them for good I take them into the grow room which is held outside the tents at 68 degrees and 55-60% RH. I let them sit out until they feel like the are mostly dry throughout, that could take a couple days. Once they feel dry I put them in the corresponding flower jar with a humidity pack and just cut off chunks to smoke.

I did take #2 the next day. The bud shots on the rack was both phenos. I've only sampled the green one so far and it's a winner. I really like this stuff. It's potent and it doesn't KO me. I'll be keeping the green pheno, it had slightly more resin and was a stockier plant and it smells the same as #1.
The A5 is already pretty tasty and trippy after 4 days on the drying rack. I will be taking the whole plant this weekend as long as one of the Jelly's are dry enough to come off the rack. Those 2 plants completely filled my drying rack which rarely happens. They both yielded very well. Overall I'm completely satisfied with the Apricot Jelly.

That sounds real nice hommes. I've been out of stock since August for Christ sake. Finally about to have my own smoke back. Was a rough, but interesting, journey. One of the results was a purple pheno, dunno whether that means shit, looking forward to smell/smoke it.


Actually, as I'm doing some garage token, how TF do you grow those small pebbley nugs? Are those all from hydro dispensary weed? Not once in soil have I had the small hard pebbles, only large sugary buds. Don't get me wrong, my stash isn't like ginormous, it just consistently looks different comared to my local dispensary weed.
Happy Sunday gang. Here's a quick update before I go chop the A5 x Malawi. I am so far behind I'm having a hard time getting moving. I have 3 harvested pots still sitting in the tent and it's about to be 4. I have a batch of 3rd run and now 2nd run soil I've been neglecting to amend and mix. I have enough cooked soil for about 3 more plants and there are 5 plants ready to flower so decisions decisions.
A5 x Malawi Day 77

Neville's Haze x Malawi Day 70

Ultra Dog Day 56

Zamaldelica x Ethiopian Day 29

Northern Lights #5 Day 29

Hey @bobrown14, Yeti is considering popping the AJ as are a bunch of us after seeing Neikos's grow and report. He also does not have a journal but may be considering one....?
Hey Yeti - you have Apricot Jelly running?? Journal link?

I got some as freebees and thinking about dunking them in some water.

Ween is right, I am considering popping it. I have been trying to hold off on popping anything and have gone back and forth on what to pop if my will power fails lol. I am thinking about startng a journal. I have a few loose ends I need to tie up and then I will feel better about starting one.

I've loved every In House strain I've done and yes I usually get plants that stretch more than others with longer internode spacing. I don't mind it either.
I've never had Chemdog but it's on my to grow list. The A5 is a potent strain. I live in a different reality when I smoke that. I plan on keeping this one for a bit.

Hi Yeti, thanks for stopping by. I really like the apricot jelly so you can't go wrong with that one. I have a week old zamal hash up now so you can watch that one too. As for plant counts I bump up against my limit at times too. I can have 36 and am always close with all the clones I want to keep plus start new strains.

Yeah it gets hard to juggle everything. The Zamal Hash is interesting. I have only ran Violetta from Ace and would like to do something else from them. I got a pheno i was not fond of which was a shame. I had high hopes for it. I see lots of people crush their gear and I did not lol. I need redemption.
Nice sativa buds! :drool:

There's something about feeling that heft in your hand - they look so light on the plant, but you strip all those little leaves away and see that fat mass of calyxes ... yum!

Great work! :bravo:
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