Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Looking great neiko! Dang... those WERE some tight male buds.... I was gunna ask for some pollen....

Well....he isn't exactly dead yet. I snapped his main head off but I couldn't get to the whole plant until the apricot jelly's are down. I'm not sure how to get you pollen as he hasn't started dropping it yet. He is definitely coming down either tonight or tomorrow morning.
Speaking of the apricot Jelly, #1 is down and man is there some serious resin. I literally pulled the large fans and left almost all the rest. There's resin on close fans that usually get pulled but in this case I left those leaves too. My gloves were so sticky I had to change them to keep the leaves from sticking to my fingers. I have to run out so Apricot #2 lives until morning.
Hey gang it's update time. It's been a couple weeks so it's time. I'm taking Apricot Jelly 1 & 2 tomorrow along with my MALE Golden Tiger. I did the seed sexing thing and I went through every seed with a loupe and picked absolutely perfect volcanoes, I was so sure they were going to be female I flipped before sex showed because I couldn't let these get too big. Out of the 4 I sexed this way I ended up with 2 males and 2 females. One of the Deadly Sativas is a dude and I killed him last night.
Apricot Jelly 1Day 62

Apricot Jelly 2 Day 62

Ultra Dog Day 47

A5 Haze x Malawi Day 70

Neville's Haze x Malawi Day 62

Zamaldelica x Ethiopian Day 20

Northern Lights from Van Stank Day 7

Golden Tiger Dude Day 20

That's all folks!

:adore::adore::adore: you give High Brix lessons? Best plants I've seen in a while. No surprise you grew them, but damn! Gorgeous.
Thanks for the nice complements guys. I really do love doing this. Here's some random harvest pics of the Apricot Jelly's. I have no idea what Apricots smell like but these plants smell exactly the same and I couldn't tell ya what the smell is but it is unlike anything else I've grown.

Wow they do look great,
"GOOD GOOBILY GOOP!" as Grady would say (THINK Sanford and son)

Those are some absolutely gorgeous plants, Neiko! :welldone::bravo::adore:

Seeing the male from IHG stock is making me itchy to start my breeding program cuz' that's about a perfect male to use for breeding!

Great work, Brother! :high-five:
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