Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Those Apricot Jellys are wonderful looking :yummy: number 1 is especially elegant.

That uncanny you have (had) a male GT and a northern lights going... that’s the m/f parentage of that cross I grew out last year. It’s an amazing smoke... any viable pollen? You could make some :) (obviously you don’t have room or time for such things or you wouldn’t have culled it - but it is a fun thought)

Thanks Amy, honestly I kinda neglected them some. I let 2 go dry a couple times and I haven't been spraying like I should. Sometimes I just get lazy, they still look promising though. I have no plans on breeding anything on purpose. I get stuck looking at seeds, if I had to deal with crossing stuff I'd never get anything done. I'll leave that to the pros.
Outstanding Neiko. Hope mine get that frosty. What a great job my friend...:high-five::cheer::bravo:
Duggs You'll blow mine away I'm sure. You see how the resin is mainly on the buds? There is a ton of it on that A5.

Hey Neiko, Great pictures almost looks like you are using a different camera. The 6th picture looks like a pic of the month.
:goodjob: Have a good weekend. :passitleft:
Hi there Eggs, thanks, no same phone I just get lucky once in a while.
Yes he is for a male.

I have to admit to having a bit of a thing for the males in full bloom! :love::yummy:
Never seen it in person tho’ and have had no trouble composting a couple at first discovery over the years :rofl: I would love to grow one out one day. Dynamo1 grew a spectacular Purple Mayhem male - it was his pic of the month a while back (may maybe).

It was actually a photo of a male flowering wild in the Nepalese hills that first brought me to these forums - in a Conradino journal :thumb:
Males are very cool to look at. I've seen ACE post some gorgeous males on Instagram. If I had room I would pheno hunt males and maybe try to breed something. In order for me to breed though I would pheno hunt then test them and try and match terpene profiles to increase the ones I like. Like I said though I don't have the time or the space.
Breeding is a crazy rabbit hole to get sucked into. I really dig those Apricot Jelly's. #1 in particular. The male did look like he had some promise. Denser flowers on him than a lot of sativa females but!
He was a stud alright, I've been looking at him in the back for about a week now and couldn't tell until I took those pics.
Sifting through males really takes time and testing and expertise. It's really challenging and hard to do without the space and total commitment... but you can always isolate him and harvest pollen for fun :)
Looking beautiful Neiko they all look super happy.
Sifting through males really takes time and testing and expertise. It's really challenging and hard to do without the space and total commitment... but you can always isolate him and harvest pollen for fun :)
With Conradino on this one. Put my male Zamdelica outside so i have a bit of pollen laying around. Going to pollinate a branch of my fem golden tiger. Can't resist the prospect of some free beans laying around :)
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