Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Duggs, I know I’d personally like to see you grow some Panama out sometime. Wanna see what a master can do with those!
Hey 119, not sure about the "master'" part but , my plan is to grow this Thai Chi again with another different sativa, so maybe a future grow will be Panama and Thai Chi. I say Thai Chi cuz , i know Neiko , and i know if he says it's fantastic smoke...that's exactly what it is! Right now he's prolly puffin on we speak. Anyhow , cheers bud...:passitleft:
Hard to choose between those 2 but I'd probably go with Bubba Hash, I prefer indicas.
Ya, i'm prolly gonna pull the trigger in the next couple, few days for some.
My Durban was done in 8 weeks so I'd run the bubba's. And Duggs I was going through my seed stash and found a pack of zamal hash. I may have to pop one of those and maybe a bubba kush x Nepal jamaican.
Zamal Hash was nice . I believe it was fairly fast too...
Thanks for that - it seems an excellent option for me outside. Exactly what I’m after. If it’s quick to start that will help. I couldn’t get any this time so I got the regular Bubba Hash instead. When the Early Bubba Hash is in stock next I’ll have to try to scrounge some pennies to get me some... or take another winning photo! ;)

When you say 2:1 which is the CBD and which the THC?

I see that ratio written both ways and wonder if there is any industry standard about how the CBD-THC ratio is expressed - i.e., is it THC:CBD or CBD:THC? Seems like there should be a standard, but I’m not sure of there is. Anyone know either way? :hmmmm:
So Amy...evenin to ya . looks like you and me will do the BH at the same time.....:surf:
you and me will do the BH at the same time.....:surf:

That would be so fun! ... i’m not sure it will work out that way tho... timelines. If i grow it my next run, it will be outdoors (starting in about 6weeks and running until late March 2019). But I might decide it will be too much at risk of budrot late in the season and then i’d wait and run it indoors... which won’t be until April-May next year!

Takes a bit of working out ones growing schedules doesnt it!?
Thanks for that - it seems an excellent option for me outside. Exactly what I’m after. If it’s quick to start that will help. I couldn’t get any this time so I got the regular Bubba Hash instead. When the Early Bubba Hash is in stock next I’ll have to try to scrounge some pennies to get me some... or take another winning photo! ;)

When you say 2:1 which is the CBD and which the THC?

I see that ratio written both ways and wonder if there is any industry standard about how the CBD-THC ratio is expressed - i.e., is it THC:CBD or CBD:THC? Seems like there should be a standard, but I’m not sure of there is. Anyone know either way? :hmmmm:
Its 2:1 CBD: THC
I've seen it written both ways as well. There should be a standard.
Hey 119, not sure about the "master'" part but , my plan is to grow this Thai Chi again with another different sativa, so maybe a future grow will be Panama and Thai Chi. I say Thai Chi cuz , i know Neiko , and i know if he says it's fantastic smoke...that's exactly what it is! Right now he's prolly puffin on we speak. Anyhow , cheers bud...:passitleft:
Ya, i'm prolly gonna pull the trigger in the next couple, few days for some.

Zamal Hash was nice . I believe it was fairly fast too...

So Amy...evenin to ya . looks like you and me will do the BH at the same time.....:surf:

:passitleft:Mmmm thanks Duggs...
Neiko,...hope your day grooved bud! Was wondering if you have noticed any difference between the two strains with resin developement? My Thai Chi is further along than the A5 X Malawi with resin.
Not really. The thai chi was way ahead of the A5. The A5 did seem slow to develop but it's there now. Its mostly in the buds. It's kinda like carnival, the frost is thick on the buds but not so much reaching out on the leaves.
Hey gang it's update time. It's been a couple weeks so it's time. I'm taking Apricot Jelly 1 & 2 tomorrow along with my MALE Golden Tiger. I did the seed sexing thing and I went through every seed with a loupe and picked absolutely perfect volcanoes, I was so sure they were going to be female I flipped before sex showed because I couldn't let these get too big. Out of the 4 I sexed this way I ended up with 2 males and 2 females. One of the Deadly Sativas is a dude and I killed him last night.
Apricot Jelly 1Day 62

Apricot Jelly 2 Day 62

Ultra Dog Day 47

A5 Haze x Malawi Day 70

Neville's Haze x Malawi Day 62

Zamaldelica x Ethiopian Day 20

Northern Lights from Van Stank Day 7

Golden Tiger Dude Day 20

That's all folks!
Those Apricot Jellys are wonderful looking :yummy: number 1 is especially elegant.

That uncanny you have (had) a male GT and a northern lights going... that’s the m/f parentage of that cross I grew out last year. It’s an amazing smoke... any viable pollen? You could make some :) (obviously you don’t have room or time for such things or you wouldn’t have culled it - but it is a fun thought)

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