Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

It does sound proper Gazoo :)


Just don’t get knocked down by a chronic disabling condition to do it folks. Slow down and find ways to experience the simple joys in living, now! I’m benefiting in some ways from the forced slow down I’ve had the last 2 years - in exactly the ways gaz described. It’s hellish sometimes (the illness itself) but I listen to birds everyday now and it’s jpyou and something I didn’t do nearly enough before I got sick - was too caught up with getting out there doing things ... undoing is good too :battingeyelashes:

It's been a couple weeks since I posted any pics. Here's where I'm at now.
Apricot Jelly 1 Day 59

Apricot Jelly 2 Day 59

Ultra Dog Day 35

Golden Tiger 3rd Version Day 8

Thai/Zamal Zamaldelica x Ethiopian Day 8

A5 x Malawi Day 58

Neville's Haze x Malawi Day 52

Have a great week ahead gang.
I work with guys in their 20s, and I asked'em "WTF, aren't you allowed to grope girls in high school anymore?" And they said no. They even seemed puzzled by the question. :hmmmm:

Ack, no wonder their sperm count is so low.

I work with guys in their 20s, and I asked'em "WTF, aren't you allowed to grope girls in high school anymore?" And they said no. They even seemed puzzled by the quedtion. :hmmmm:

Ack, no wonder their sperm count is so low.


I’ll call a big BS on that one Gray! :battingeyelashes: :passitleft:

More likely a low sperm count (it it really is low) is low b/c of all the phytoestrogens in food and environment form things like plastics and other contaminants. Same reason we have hermaphroditic fish in the oceans.
Check it out. I bet your Aussie boys are just fine. It's the Americans that are low.


I got home on my laptop and checked it out. Nope, your boys are just as low as ours. They say it's from lifestyle? "Australian scientists say lifestyle could be to blame." :hmmmm:
Men have bigger (or more) estrogen receptors than women. Don’t laugh! It’s true. So I’m guessing that xenestrogens and the hormones that get put in many food products and animal feeds, if they contain estrogen, are going to have a bigger impact on men... Lower and lower sperm counts have been being tracked as in decline in the western world for about 20 years... I can see how diet might have an impact... but lifestyle? :hmmmm: Maybe they’re hinting at your groping argument too Gray :)
Thanks for all the comments gang.
I can't believe my sorry ass Lions actually dominated the Patriots. Here's where all the excuses come about all the players the Pats were missing and how lucky the Lions were. I don't care I finally saw a complete performance :cheer:.

I wasn't going to keep the Nevilles because of how wild it is but after I just said screw it and topped it 3 weeks into flower it has behaved nicely. She's going to be a long flowering one though. The A5 looks to be in the home stretch, I'm thinking 2-3 more weeks on that one. The Apricot Jelly's probably got 2 weeks left. I had to flip the new saitivas without knowing the sex, I did the volcano seed sexing thing so I'm betting it works. The Deadly Sativas are not showing yet either.
Oh ... I did drop In earlier to say - lovely garden as usual neiko! Got distracted sorry :)

Can you tell now, by looking, that you topped the Nev Haze x Malawi? And did it keep stretching for a bit afterwards?

I miss seeing pics of the Bubba Hash! You’ll have to run another one! I have a single seed coming for one so that’s exciting. They list up to nine weeks flowering - how long did yours go for?

Happy days to you!

Oh ... I did drop In earlier to say - lovely garden as usual neiko! Got distracted sorry :)

Can you tell now, by looking, that you topped the Nev Haze x Malawi? And did it keep stretching for a bit afterwards?

I miss seeing pics of the Bubba Hash! You’ll have to run another one! I have a single seed coming for one so that’s exciting. They list up to nine weeks flowering - how long did yours go for?

Happy days to you!

I can tell where I topped it for sure and yes she kept stretching probably another 10" or so but she's stopped now.

I'll be running Bubba again for sure but not for a bit. My clone is too big to keep in veg and I'm not ready to flip that one yet so she is in the cloner for a future run. I usually take her at 9 weeks. I think Gray let it go 10 weeks.
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