Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Thats the stuff PJ....:passitleft:

Gonna turn 60 in April...ffs's,! Van...where'd it all go.....i wanna another turn....:ganjamon:
I mean....could you even grow all the strains you want if you had 2 turns? Lol
I was talking with Ms Stank about that last night....wishing I could go back over and redo my younger days. Getting un young sucks brother!

Ya, what a thought eh... made a lot of stupid mistakes, have a bunch of regrets, would do things differently , for sure.
My challenge now is to try and pass on some lessons learned to my two sons before i leave. Oh, there goes the timer on the stove, cheers Van, and say hello to Ms Stank would ya.
Getting un young does suck. The more un young you get the faster time goes. I live my life by harvests and sports seasons. I remember feeling like time stood still when waiting on a milestone birthday like 16 to drive, 18 to graduate high school/join the Military, 21 to drink a beer legally. Now I'm getting AARP advertisements and I'm like WTF is this I'm not a senior and the wife says well you are 50. Damn where did the time all go?
Would not change a step, I am happy with who I am and changing experiences would alter that :passitleft:
It's not about who I am but the things I missed out doing in the younger years. Things I passed on doing thinking there would be plenty of time and chances. Well now I can't do so many of those things anymore for various reasons. Things that didn't seem as important when I was younger, that I would give almost anything to do now.
It's not about who I am but the things I missed out doing in the younger years. Things I passed on doing thinking there would be plenty of time and chances. Well now I can't do so many of those things anymore for various reasons. Things that didn't seem as important when I was younger, that I would give almost anything to do now.

Isn't that the truth
Its the older we get, see and do things Over & Over & Over we don't pay attention and time moves
faster because we missed it. Everyone is trying to SPEED UP to get more done and it makes it worse.
We need to SLOW DOWN and experience Life and pay attention, it will slow things down, make more
memory's, and time past will feel fuller
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