Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Thanks everyone for the nice compliments. I have high hopes for all of those ladies except for the Jamaican, I already know what I get from her although she looks as good as she ever has. The Apricot Jelly 2 is stretching like crazy now, I hope she doesn't get any bigger. I didn't expect that with this strain. I guess I better go digging and see what all is in that strain. They were Dugg's freebies from In House and In House told me on IG that he doesn't do sativas because he doesn't like them. He did ask me if he were to get into them where he should start, you can guess what I said right? I told him anything with Malawi or anything from ACE. He thanked me and said he would check them out. As far as I know he hasn't done anything with that info.
Oh yeah? What strains?

I have the following to choose from

Panama fem
Bangi Haze standard
Orient Express fem
Zamaldelica x kali China fem
Erdpurt fem. (will save for outside next year
Kali China fem
Violeta standard
Malawi fem (very interested in this power house)
Thanks everyone for the nice compliments. I have high hopes for all of those ladies except for the Jamaican, I already know what I get from her although she looks as good as she ever has. The Apricot Jelly 2 is stretching like crazy now, I hope she doesn't get any bigger. I didn't expect that with this strain. I guess I better go digging and see what all is in that strain. They were Dugg's freebies from In House and In House told me on IG that he doesn't do sativas because he doesn't like them. He did ask me if he were to get into them where he should start, you can guess what I said right? I told him anything with Malawi or anything from ACE. He thanked me and said he would check them out. As far as I know he hasn't done anything with that info.

So you got 2 of 2 females on the Apricot Jellys? Really looking forward to them flowering! I just saw a post yesterday from in house saying he is working on some new crosses but nothing specific.

He has to have quite a bit of real estate to be pumping them out the way he does. It ios too bad he does not work lines to get them as stable as he could. While most of his strains put out fire no matter what, there is a lot of variation in phenos. While I love my Slurricane pheno I haveit is nothing like the pictures they first put out to hype the strain up. Mine is one of the frostiest girls I have ever ran, but it pales in comparison to their pheno. Twox has 2 keeper phenos out of his pack and they are on opposite ends of the spectrum and he had lots of in between. While it is nice to have different plants than everyone else it would just be nice to have a chance of getting something very similar if you happen to lose your keeper due to whatever unforeseen events. I will say that 2 of the 3 frostiest strains I have grown have been from In House. The third is my FPOGxWC that is from seedjunky
He has to have quite a bit of real estate to be pumping them out the way he does. It ios too bad he does not work lines to get them as stable as he could. While most of his strains put out fire no matter what, there is a lot of variation in phenos. While I love my Slurricane pheno I haveit is nothing like the pictures they first put out to hype the strain up. Mine is one of the frostiest girls I have ever ran, but it pales in comparison to their pheno. Twox has 2 keeper phenos out of his pack and they are on opposite ends of the spectrum and he had lots of in between. While it is nice to have different plants than everyone else it would just be nice to have a chance of getting something very similar if you happen to lose your keeper due to whatever unforeseen events. I will say that 2 of the 3 frostiest strains I have grown have been from In House. The third is my FPOGxWC that is from seedjunky
Another reason the old 'landrace' strains are so desirable.....little to no variation in plants.....they call that homogeneous.Whenever i grow out two ..or more of a strain...and they are all homogeneous, i know I'm growing very 'solid' genetics.
Another reason the old 'landrace' strains are so desirable.....little to no variation in plants.....they call that homogeneous.Whenever i grow out two ..or more of a strain...and they are all homogeneous, i know I'm growing very 'solid' genetics.

And, another term for "homogeneous" is that the genetics "stablized" so the true landrace strains are also desireable for use in breeding.
Wow, after looking at them gorgeous ladies I am going to go pull all mine and start over.... LOL

Got a new box of crayons, you know what it said on the side of the green one..... Neikodog's thumb.
Ya Krip....stabilized...just like us...very stable individuals...LOL...i'l shut up now....:passitleft:

We're only unstable because we haven't been subjected to the several generations of in-breeding needed to minimize genetic drift; which, I understand, only happens these days in select areas of the deep south! :rofl:
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