Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

I start pure Sativas at 11/13 from sprout, still end up with 5’-7’ plants.

Excellent - contemplating a late-ish outdoor planting of a Maui wowie to avoid it getting too big.

Is there a standard age a plant will be mature enough to start flowering?

So when you go, indoors, 11/13 from seed, do different strains usually start flowering around the same time? Or does it vary quite a lot?
Time for the weekly update. I harvested the Bubba Hash yesterday. I couldn't be more pleased with that girl. The A5 x NKM was ready for her 1st drink today so she looks a little droopy.
Bubba Hash 58 Days

GDPupil Day 40

Thai Chi Day 40

Jamaican Day 28

A5 x Malawi Day 16

Neville's Haze x Malawi Day 8

I'll get pics next week of Apricot Jelly 1&2 they aren't doing much yet.
That GDPupil is a beauty, but you got to love that Bubba Hash.
Excellent - contemplating a late-ish outdoor planting of a Maui wowie to avoid it getting too big.

Is there a standard age a plant will be mature enough to start flowering?

So when you go, indoors, 11/13 from seed, do different strains usually start flowering around the same time? Or does it vary quite a lot?
Sorry Amy I'm not much help here. I've never done 11/13 from seed. Dr. Ziggy would be my go to for those questions but unfortunately he's been missing lately. Doc could probably answer that too.
:thumb: I’m hoping 6 weeks max until flowering starts so that should be good, thanks PW. Here flowering starts usually around mid Jan our autumn can get cool and wet early on, so my window is a little short and I wouldn’t want to push things back by planting too late!

I've ran several plants basically from seed under 11/13. I put them in after a couple of weeks at 16/8 to give them the extras light while they are growing roots. The age seems to be between 4-7 weeks, but it really depends on the strain. Long flowering sativas tend to take a while after they go through their hormonal change, before they start to flower. Some will do this in 7 days, some may take 4 weeks. How pure of sativa is the Maui Waui?
It’s hard to know with the Maui Wowie. Info on parental line is sketchy - best I can say is that it’s a heavily sativa dominant hybrid. Leafly lists it as 7-9 weeks for flower, but that’s leafly... but if it’s true, I’ll be ok :)
There are variations of it, I'm sure, like there is of a lot of old crosses. It has some Afghani in it, which is what's bringing down the flower time immensely. It probably should be sexually mature in probably 4-5 weeks.

Are you starting it under 11/13 inside, then moving it outdoors? The light period switch going outside in the middle of summer is going to shock it and make it reveg if it's too early.
It has some Afghani in it, which is what's bringing down the flower time immensely. It probably should be sexually mature in probably 4-5 weeks.
Ahhh - thank you! That makes sense. I was seeing short flowering times everywhere and getting a bit confused, and then mistrusted the info (because of the many possible variations as you say). So this is awesome news. I have a garden spot in the enclosure that is super tall and crying out for a sativa but I can’t do a long flowering one cause of the season here (I’m just a little too far south). Maui wowie could be the one :)
Are you starting it under 11/13 inside, then moving it outdoors? The light period switch going outside in the middle of summer is going to shock it and make it reveg if it's too early.

I’ve decided I’m never going to do that. I don’t need huge plants. I planted really late last season and got plants that were quite big enough to handle on harvest day!

I’ve read a lot about it and just decided it wasn’t for me. I’ll keep the indoor outdoor separate and keep the plants unconfused. The only time I might move one is at the back end of the outdoor season, if I have something in a pot having trouble finishing ... I might move it into the tent then, just to finish. Apart from that, ne’er the twain shall meet ;)

Thanks for the info on the Afghani in the mix :thumb:
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