Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

I see what you're saying. Gotta have that sticker. But doesn't having your own testing lab allow a gray area? Sponsored research type situation?

.... As to the testing conversation, There is a variance allowed.. This however makes it difficult to move of the recreational chain without having fairly accurate result for the Sellers to put on their ads or bags or whatever.. As I am sure most people are aware, Medical growing has been doing this for years and has their numbers down... We take from 3 different parts of plants, and send all three to at least two testers for now... Then we take an average... I think the going allowance for %'s are around 4 on THC, and Lower than .5 on CBD's.... So as I mentioned it is kinda a pain, thus we are getting two of our employees, one being the boss/owner, test certified.. A piece of paper really, as the tests are easy to use... Thx for the input on this guys, it is really valued...

.... Now hope all are well, Neiko sup.. Miss seeing you guys everyday, but soon my schedule will be stable ish LOL and I will be able to soon start my Harvest/Smoke thread for outdoor grows at my house, my other grow, and a couple of community friends grows... Should be a very exciting October and November all, and I hope to see you guys there.... ( And all my Girls DUH...) Green days all
Great stuff here Neiko thanks for sharing your thread with us fine folks. Interesting i have been resistant to topping the 2 ace beans i have going and there has been a lil voice in the back of my head saying don't top them yet Kismet lol, Then another one. They are gonna get too big top them now. Gonna top a couple of weeks before flip. Bent the main over last week. They look beautiful and bushy
Great stuff here Neiko thanks for sharing your thread with us fine folks. Interesting i have been resistant to topping the 2 ace beans i have going and there has been a lil voice in the back of my head saying don't top them yet Kismet lol, Then another one. They are gonna get too big top them now. Gonna top a couple of weeks before flip. Bent the main over last week. They look beautiful and bushy
I've learned my lesson with ACE sativas and not topping. My Tikal flowered at 24"and ended up at 7'. They train very well and usually the colas end up like bats. Don't be afraid to get in there and take her head off.
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