Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Hi all, I’m thinking the only time I’m interested in those super high THC reports is for topical oil. I don’t think the terpenes have much to do with how those work - do you know anything much about that neiko? I know my topical does smell beautiful having retained some of the terp aromas but I wonder if the terps are directing the effect of the cannbinoids the way they do when you vape or smoke. You can make topical oil from AVB (already vaped bud), so that would have lost its terps I’m guessing.

That high THC with nearly no terps thing strikes me that it would be a high without any shape or character... and it’s interesting that it might seem to last a shorter time. From what you guys are saying, and from some of what I’m reading about terpenes and flavonoids, it sounds like the THC amount is actually secondary to the kind of buzz you get. My CBD CC has like 4-5% THC and twice that in CBD and if I haven’t toked for a few days, it can get me nicely high for a while. :)
This "character of the high" thing is something I've been harping about for awhile. Like many people who've been enjoying the herb for decades, I haven't been public about it - one gets used to it being secret. So all these years, I've only had a few people that I can smoke with. And for 20 of those years, I was stuck with whatever I could get.

But when I have a choice, I definitely know what I'm looking for, and it's not your average weed. Maybe it's because I grew it for awhile and know what it can be. The point is that I know what I want. When I talk to someone else about it now, I expect them to be the same, but I usually don't get much of an answer. They usually only have a vague idea of what they're smoking, and they don't seem to think about the way the high goes. I instinctively track the rush, the clearing, is it fuzzy or bright, any creeping, the body of the high, my senses, the stamina and strength, duration, how it rehits, how it ends, how I feel later ... :hmmmm: Instinctively. So I know I'm different. I just wish I knew why I care and others don't.

Heheh, so if y'all ever want to know what I think of a strain, I can sure tell ya. :p

Terps can't be ignored - they have a lot to do with the high, but I think there's more to the lesser cannabinoids than we know, too - the same sort of entourage effect. Amy is interested in CBG for instance, and so am I. Many of my favorite strains have elevated CBG.

Strength? Dunno. I sure appreciate it. But I've seen many knockout indicas with high THC that I'd never touch - wouldn't enjoy the high at all. I really don't want to fool with a great strain at 10% THC, but I'll sure smoke it before I'll hit a 25% strain with a meh high. Same with taste. I'll take a great high without much taste before a great flavor with a high I don't care for.

Gray, you always manage to say things that make a lot of sense. You gave the perfect explaination. I believe there are still a lot of things they can't test for yet. I know you're not a fan of the cobs but they are a perfect example of cannabinoids and terps coming together to make something completely different than the normally cured flower. When I had the cob tested on paper the flower tested higher but the cob seems to be more potent and the character of the high is different. So something is happening to the chemical makeup that they don't have the ability to test for. I think that's why ACE is so popular, they have a lot of interesting strains with different cannabinoid and terpene profiles.
Yeah I tend not to believe breeders numbers for THC at this point any more. Different labs will give you different results, some have been accused of doctoring numbers.

..Good morning Neiko, and all... I was just catching up before work, now that my boss has lightened up a little we have wi fi in the bunkhouse... LOL... Hey Just a real quick post on Yeti's point if you guys don't mind.. At my grow job we deal with cannabis testers which test for both THC and CBD quantity... We have found that of all 8 that we use, usually not one is really close to another.. This is kinda frustrating because we have to test and report reliably and honestly on packages... Kinda like alcohol content... This is extremely frustrating for me as I am the one to deal with the State inspectors/testers who deem themselves the only real authority on the contents and amounts... Pffft those same authorities cant even balance the state budget LOLOL.... In my experience I have found that the California and Toronto sites give the closest to correct and honest/non-biased assessments. At least based on the testing numbers the State has given me on same materials... ONE must keep in mind that for the most part most seed companies have personal science officers on site and therefore numbers get a bit skewed when passed from one hand to the other... Anyone who is in upper management, like myself, and others who are legal for the first time will feel this pain... We now have invested in our own testing facility, and will be certified within the month... Always the best way to go if you are in the business of cannabis... Not so important to home growers..... Just my pocket change/experience..... Green days to all....
..Good morning Neiko, and all... I was just catching up before work, now that my boss has lightened up a little we have wi fi in the bunkhouse... LOL... Hey Just a real quick post on Yeti's point if you guys don't mind.. At my grow job we deal with cannabis testers which test for both THC and CBD quantity... We have found that of all 8 that we use, usually not one is really close to another.. This is kinda frustrating because we have to test and report reliably and honestly on packages... Kinda like alcohol content... This is extremely frustrating for me as I am the one to deal with the State inspectors/testers who deem themselves the only real authority on the contents and amounts... Pffft those same authorities cant even balance the state budget LOLOL.... In my experience I have found that the California and Toronto sites give the closest to correct and honest/non-biased assessments. At least based on the testing numbers the State has given me on same materials... ONE must keep in mind that for the most part most seed companies have personal science officers on site and therefore numbers get a bit skewed when passed from one hand to the other... Anyone who is in upper management, like myself, and others who are legal for the first time will feel this pain... We now have invested in our own testing facility, and will be certified within the month... Always the best way to go if you are in the business of cannabis... Not so important to home growers..... Just my pocket change/experience..... Green days to all....

Interesting info Hacks. Could get maddening haha. In our state you can't do any of those three things with any affiliation between them. If you grow you can't process, test, transport or distribute etc.. Allegedly to stop vertical monopolies and increase competition
..Good morning Neiko, and all... I was just catching up before work, now that my boss has lightened up a little we have wi fi in the bunkhouse... LOL... Hey Just a real quick post on Yeti's point if you guys don't mind.. At my grow job we deal with cannabis testers which test for both THC and CBD quantity... We have found that of all 8 that we use, usually not one is really close to another.. This is kinda frustrating because we have to test and report reliably and honestly on packages... Kinda like alcohol content... This is extremely frustrating for me as I am the one to deal with the State inspectors/testers who deem themselves the only real authority on the contents and amounts... Pffft those same authorities cant even balance the state budget LOLOL.... In my experience I have found that the California and Toronto sites give the closest to correct and honest/non-biased assessments. At least based on the testing numbers the State has given me on same materials... ONE must keep in mind that for the most part most seed companies have personal science officers on site and therefore numbers get a bit skewed when passed from one hand to the other... Anyone who is in upper management, like myself, and others who are legal for the first time will feel this pain... We now have invested in our own testing facility, and will be certified within the month... Always the best way to go if you are in the business of cannabis... Not so important to home growers..... Just my pocket change/experience..... Green days to all....
Hey there Hacks, thanks for stopping by. I'm aware of the variation between labs. I have nothing at stake on my tests, they are just for me. They have no incentive to inflate my tests and if you look through them you'll see I have results all over the map. My lab informed me when I started testing that the same plant can have as much as 10% variation depending on where the bud came from on the plant. They suggested I take the sample from about 1/3 the way down the plant. I just stay consistent on where I take the bud from and how long it stays on the drying rack. When I make oil with a tested strain the yield is usually really close to the test result.
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